31 | TGIF

IT WASN'T. APPARENTLY, I underestimated the situation.

Jo didn't appreciate either the gesture or the avalanche of unanswered text messages that followed. Eventually, I blocked her number and the last time she tried to call me at the office, it was obvious she was done with meditation and that one or two of her chakras must have gone out of alignment.

Telling Millie to go fuck herself, when she refused to put her through?

She obviously doesn't know my commando-secretary.

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, even bitchy little tarts like you, but you're abusing the privilege!" Millie spat before hanging up on her.

But that was two days ago. There's been radio silence since then.

It's Friday again and I've just returned from my fourth construction site visit of the day. Letting out a long exhale, I throw my hardhat on the table and fall into my swivel chair.

With eyes closed and hands cupped behind my head, I spin back and forth for a few moments, feeling the tiredness seeping through my bones.

Though eager to call it a day, I make a quick mental check of the people I still need to talk to. Jake about the Warrender Park conservation project drawings. Patel about the Fulham feasibility report. Has Scott already emailed those visit reports? Millie, any news from the surveyors?

I glance around the office, through the glass walls.

Everyone is wearing that face. The welcome-back-bitch-we've-been-looking-forward-to-meeting-you-since-Monday face.

I lean back and close my eyes again. Olivia is arriving in a few hours and I still need to think of a plan B for this weekend.

Maybe we could go out and watch a film. What was that musical she wanted to see? What a shitty weather... otherwise, we could spread a blanket in Hampstead Heath and have a picnic. Oh, maybe I could take her to Columbia Road market on Sunday. She loves all things vintage and we could have lunch at the Royal Oak. Yeah, that would be nice...

Damn it, plan A is so much simpler! We don't get out of bed at all. I make love to her until we collapsed in exhaustion.

Several images of her writhing body invade my mind. I'm cradling her in my arms and she's quivering under my touch, biting her lip and arching her back off the bed. Her fingers are tangled in my hair, her mouth urging me on, screaming my name. We're on a free ride to heaven and it's epic, and I'm near insane too and–

And, shit, my body is stirring to life!

I'd better go get a coffee.

"All good, Millie?" I ask after I've refilled my mug. "So, did you know the world was supposed to have ended last Wednesday?"

"Uh-huh." She doesn't move her eyes off the monitor.

"Just heard about it on the radio. Some American pastor predicted a nasty end for all of us in the flames of God's wrath!" I chuckle. "It boggles my mind how many people still believe in these stupid doomsday prophecies."


"If we'd known that, we'd have indulged ourselves a better last meal, right?"

Last Wednesday, we both went home particularly late. We had set ourselves to finish an important proposal on a very tight deadline, so we were here from the crack of dawn until almost midnight. A lousy sandwich and a coke were all we had for dinner.


It's like getting blood out of a stone.

"However, all appears to be normal. Nice, isn't it?"


"Okay, off to see Jake now. As always, it's been a huge pleasure chatting with you."

She raises her head and mutters, "Damn it, if the world's still spinning, I guess I still have to pay my taxes, don't I?"

Oh. A miracle. The woman has a sense of humour.

"I'm certain if God had such plans, He'd organise a proper end of the world. He'd schedule it for a Sunday, not in the middle of the sodding week." A tiny flicker of a grin curls up on her lips. "Why wouldn't He allow His children to let loose on one last Saturday night? Besides, it'd suck terribly to make us work two or three extra days for nothing."

Oh. And she can giggle too.

She finally looks at me over her glasses. "Hey? You're doing everything right, don't worry. Your father will be proud of you," she says, tenderly, right before the smile vanishes off her face and her eyes narrow at me. "Did you know it takes less than twenty-nine seconds for a woman to decide if she wants a man or not?"

I frown, confused.

"I'll take it from here, go home now. Do something about that hair. And have a shave before your girlfriend sees you and changes her mind about you. You look like a caveman!"

