Chapter 4:"GET OUT"

TW:mentions of Shadow weavers treatment of Catra,Swearing,Cursing,slight Sexual innuendo

The two Girls stood at the very end of the Room so they couldn't be see unless someone entered it fully and as luck would have it that was so far not the case. The discussion largely revolved around what happened after they went into different directions on the Day in Theymor but Catra was still being very Guarded against her old Friend not letting too much information slip. Adora wanted to talk so she let her talk....that was the Plan for Catra at least though she was not sure why she let it happen.

Adoras POV:

Talking to Catra again after 2 weeks felt surreal after everything that has happened. I would never have guessed that her absence would make me feel this dependent on her and I would never admit it....but it was True. I missed her. Just this little awkward talk was enough to make me happier than I had been in Days.

"You NEED to try the Food there one day .....get ready for this...NOT block shaped. It's all kinds of Forms, Smells and Colors" I try to explain the wonder that Bright Moon's Kitchen has become for me when i see a small smirk on Catras face. "What? you don't believe me?"

"Oh i do i do it's just....that stuff exists here in the Fright Zone also, dummy" Catra explained

It felt like I had spiders in my stomach when she called me that. "what? where? I have never seen that here" I was shocked to say the least.

"Its Contraband here but you can get your hands on it easily if you know how. You never wanted to because it is "AgAiNsT tHe RuLeS '' Catra mocked in a really bad imitation of my Voice.

Suddenly Catra's Ears shoot up and she shushes me while walking toward the Door, opening it just before someone else could. She must have heard someone coming and reacted so they would not see I was in here.

"What do you want?" she asked in her known nonchalant , bored way trying to appear tired.

"Wow ok sorry didn't mean to disturb ya "Force cpt." Lonnie's voice was clearly mocking her". I heard someone talking and wanted to know who was in here.....who is with you?"

"Noone i was ...ömm talking to helps with Battle strategies" Catra lied

"aha and here i thought you were touching yourself again to the smell of Dora's Pillow". I could barely hold in the laugh, I would have let rip if I wasn't hiding.

A now red Faced and Shocked Catra just looked at Lonnie with an unreadable expression and shouts "WHAT? THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" getting her Claws out and about to rip Lonnie appart i could only hear the brown skinned Girl Laughing while she ran down the Hallway. Catra closed the door before she could follow her need to kill Lonnie.

Awkward was not beginning to describe how it felt once Catra came back to my hiding spot.

"THIS.NEVER.HAPPENED" she threatened me.

I was conflicted to give in to my need to tease her or let it go like she clearly wanted me to. In the end considering my situation I left it, scared she would just throw me out. Light hearted banter like this was normal within our small group and, for some reason the others had picked on us for being "to much like an old Married couple" a lot. Much like we teased them back that Kyle had a hardly hidden crush on Rogelio it was just normal Teenager stuff to talk about this kind of thing.

"got ya. what never happened? i ...i don't know what you mean" i said smiling wiping a few Tears away from silently laughing too hard. "I missed this".

"What? getting Teased? do your new Friends....." she started with a smirk but left it there probably not wanting to get angry again. A rare sight of Catra actually stopping her own anger only letting her Ears bend lower muttering "whatever".

"No ...they don't know me as i have told you" i smiled at her

"so what now? you wanted to talk well we go away so i can try to sleep" Catras face fell a bit.

"Catra i...." i started but she interrupted

"DON'T! Adora, I'm not in the mood to have you tell me again that I am wrong and that I should come with you or join whatever Teaparty shit you have going on with the Princesses. Just leave me alone and GET OUT" Anger slowly growing again, Catra started to go towards our old Bed.

I grabbed her Wrist "Wait" and she stopped.

"Look, I know you don't want to leave....but i dont get why. What can you gain from staying here? Shadow Weaver will never give you the recognition you deserve and neither will Hordak. I am not saying that the Rebellion will be able to give it to you either and neither can i. Only you can Catra. Because when have you ever listened to anyone but yourself? At least tell yourself that you have the right to make a choice and don't just go with what the Horde force fed us"

"WHAT DO YOU CARE?" for the First time since ive come here she was no longer quiet "do you even know what fucking happened when you left? WHAT SHADOW WEAVER DID TO ME BECAUSE I'VE FAILED TO GET YOU BACK? NO YOU DON'T BECAUSE IN THE END IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU"

"BULLSHIT" I am now shouting no longer able to control my own emotions "I have always cared about you Catra always tried to protect you and look out for you but after a few years all i heard was the same old SHIT from you. "I can take care of myself" became like a Mantra for you, rejecting help like a reflex making it impossible to help you no matter what i tried. And don't pretend like my leaving had anything to do with this. You've done this since you were 12"

Still holding on to her Wrist, Catra turned around looking like i've not seen her in years...with Tears in her Eyes and an expression that was between hurt and angry.

"Tell me what happened with Shadow Weaver...please" I asked quietly, holding her with a little less force.

Catra lets her shoulders drop and looks away. In all the Years i've known her she hated being weak but only because she learned the hard way how others treated her when she gave them an opening. I never changed the way I treated her so on rare occasions she still allowed me to see her weaker side without it hurting her own Pride too much.

"Take a guess. Threw me against the Wall, Broke a few ribs, used her Magic again on me making me feel like my Skin is on Fire, screamed like a Harpie of how useless I am, that Hordak made a mistake making me Force Cpt." She became a lot more quiet suddenly "that...that you left because of me......"

My Eyes widening i say "What? You know that's not even close to being true ...right?" I was shocked she would believe that.

Catra was about to say something when suddenly the room became a lot more dark and another voice came through the Darkness.

"Welcome Home Adora"

A voice i wanted to never hear again came from the other Corner in the Room

"Shadow Weaver" i said, Fear clearly gripping my Voice

Before I even knew what happened the big Woman stood before us in the threatening Way i've come to expect of her. She still had her Long flowing black Dress and her Mask on with the Red Gem firmly embedded in it. Guess 2 weeks are a bit of a stretch to think she would show any changes.

"How happy I am that you have returned to us. Catra told me you defected.....what do you say to that my Child"

My Mind racing, I intend to listen to my first instinct and just run into the Hole....but I can't get away like that, not from her...and i would NEVER leave Catra...again. She didn't even tell the Horde I was She-ra apparently...that has to mean something right?

"She was right about that. I joined the Rebellion, Shadow Weaver and you won't change that"

Catra was frozen in Fear but got over her initial shock rather quickly, being used to the sensation that the angry Woman in front of her was able to summon inside of herself.

"I am NEVER going back to the Horde...count on that"

Shadow weaver had that damn Mask on her basically 24/7 but had never any issue making us know when she was displeased with an answer we gave.

"So now you wanted to get your PET back, is that why you are here Adora? Don't make me laugh Child. She is as useless as she was the Day you begged me to let the dirty little stray stay with you "SW snided.

"Yeah that's what you've been telling us our whole life isn't it? I am perfect I HAVE to be perfect while Catra is the useless Garbage i was fond of because i didn't know any better. Do you really expect me to believe anything you ever told us? After the years of Lies and deceit i only know one thing for sure: CATRA IS A BETTER PERSON THAN YOU COULD EVER BE!"

Catra, now free of my hand slowly starts walking towards Shadow Weaver "just drop it Adora. We all know she is right...she always has been" standing beside the Taller Woman she smirked and looked me in the Eyes. "We all know she only wants what's best for us" Catra gave me a quick wink and i immediately understood. Catra was planning something and wanted me to act along....she knew i couldn't act tho right?

"Catra no, don't listen to her" I was still unsure of what Catra wanted me to do.

"Come back to me Adora and RULE the Fright Zone. I'll even forgive Catra for failing to alert anyone you were here" SW said, stepping (floating) towards me trying to sound as unthreatening as she could.

She was about to touch my Cheek when suddenly Catra had her Claws out and, without another Word jumped up , Hit Shadow Weaver right above the part of her Mask that held her Red Gem. That was all it took to make the Woman break down to hear Knees and scream in Pain. The Gem shattered and her Mask broken. We started to hear footsteps outside of the Room and the Door being opened. Catra grabbed me by the Arm and just yelled "we need to get out NOW"

Losing not a second more, she pushed herself into the Hole and I follow, listening to angry bitter screams from Shadow Weaver behind us "YOU WILL REGRET THIS! BOTH OF YOU!"

Outside of the Hole I immediately grab Catras Hand and start running into the Woods.

My only thought being "What the fuck just happened?"


That's part 4 done and now I have no idea how many there are going to be. That is the basic Idea that led to me writing this (though it is more or less just me getting my Headcanon out there so I can sleep better). Hope you enjoyed
