
Ali grinned, the tempoyak udang tasted like pure gold. He folded up his scooter and clicked his tongue.

Comot, his cat leaped from his backpack and onto his head. "Comot! I told you not to sneak up on me like that!" he pouted, Comot had turned invisible there, hiding in the leather.

He rushed into the classroom and sat down, just as Puan Munah, the teacher, came into the classroom. Her judging glare made Ali tremble.

Viktor, Ali's bestie smiled at the elderly teacher, "Good morning Mrs. Munah!" he greeted.

Ali gave him a shushing sign to keep him from telling Mrs. Munah that he was late. Viktor nodded and kept his mouth shut like the friend he was, unlike Alicia.

"Mrs. Munah, Ali was late again," Alicia dobbed on him, like always.

Mrs.Munah tutted and shook her head, "Aye aye aye, this day he will have to repeat this grade again. Just like Boy!" she whipped out her stick and slammed Boy's table.

Boy's large eyes and ugly forehead made him look extremely ugly as they focused on the stick in the centre of his desk.

"No matter! This time we will have a new kid, I can see that he has potential here, unlike you, Ali. He came early to school, found his way to the principal's office, and waited patiently for me to pick him up," Mrs. Munah waved her hand at someone out the door.

A boy, with an orange dino cap, came out, it was facing the back, and he had a calm and cheerful expression.

His messy brown hair had one white streak, and his eyes were hazel brown. "Hi, I am Boboiboy, nice to meet you all," he said brightly.

Author:  If you guys were wondering which one he was, he is from Boboiboy Galaxy.

Ali waved his hand at him, and when Boboiboy noticed Ali, his mood lightened even more. Puan Munah fixed her black glasses, "Boboiboy, you will sit next to Ali, I hope you can teach him a thing or two about coming to school early and keeping up with his studies," Puan declared to the class.

Alicia snickered, while Ali shot her a glare and smiled at Boboiboy brightly. The two fist-bumped while Alicia muttered under her breath.

"Boys, I can't believe that I actually thought that Boboiboy could teach him something, much like Mrs. Munah said," Alicia shook her head knowingly.


"Test time!" Mrs. Munah smirked. She leapt up into the air with her stubby feet and threw the sheets around.

Ali and Boy moaned in unison. Boboiboy, Viktor, and Alicia grinned and leaned over the test papers. The other classmates did the same.

"Go!" Munah pointed the wooden stick to the class.

Boboiboy let Solar's personality take over, but he didn't fully change into him. In within three minutes, he had already completed the whole seven-page booklet.

Alicia finished seven minutes after him, so by the time Ali had handed it in,  Mrs. Munah had checked both of their booklets, including the whole class's ones.

-----------------------------------------/After Recess/---------------------------------------------------------------------

"Time to announce the scores!" Puan Munah looked more surprised than she usually was, "In the first place...our new student, Boboiboy!" His name in golden letters is displayed on the screen.

Alicia spluttered, while Ali stared in shock, "He beat Alicia?!" Whispers ran through the crowd, just like at M.A.T.A when they had announced Boboiboy as the legendary Agent Elemental.

Boboiboy clenched his fists he couldn't stand the whispers, red electricity crackled around his fingers, but he managed to hold it in. He sighed in relief.

"In second place...Alicia!" Mrs. Munah declared. Everyone clapped politely, except Ali who rolled his eyes and high-fived Boboiboy afterward.

"In third place..." Mrs. Munah continued. "I bet it's going to be me!" Some random kid gloated.

"Is Viktor!" Mrs. Munah bowed, presenting a medal to all three. "That's new, she never presents medals," Alicia remarked, glancing at her own silver one.


"Well, time to go home. Out! Out, everyone!" Puan Munah, shooed them off. Boboiboy did that weird salute that he had done at the training arena again and rushed out with all the other kids.

Ali's phone beeped, and the M.A.T.A symbol appeared on it. Since Boboiboy was given a phone by M.A.T.A., he also heard the notification and followed Ali and Alicia with a confused expression.

They led him to the M.A.T.A secret entrance. "Let's go, Ali," Alicia said, turning to Boboiboy, "Welcome to your first mission she bowed.

Agent Karya was there, "I am one of the mentors, Agent Karya. On the way down, you will get your own suit, now follow me," he smiled at Boboiboy, Alicia went in first, then Ali, and then the elemental hero.
