Chapter 6

I'll try something new here, when I tell you to, listen to the music while reading. Maybe gives better vibes. I also listened to that while writing that part :)

All of the students tensed. The protection borders weren't there so the Death Eaters easily ran towards them. Their target was pretty obvious: Harry Potter. Bellatrix wanted to avenge her deceased master.

They redied their wands. Harry was about to send a spell flying when the professor cried out.

"Stand back!" She yelled.

Every single one of the student's dolls, including Jade, formed a protective barrier in front of them. Suddenly, their wands were replaced by swords, shields, spears, even a gun. 

"Music would be perfect for this moment..." A student said in awe.

Harry strained his ears, he could hear a soft, yet intense sound.

Play the song now.

The professor surged forward. The mysterious book from earlier appeared in her arms, yet she didn't open it. At least a thousand dolls appeared, gathering all around her to make her own army. An army of thousand against an army of hundred.

The Death Eaters, unknowing of her power, didn't hesitate to meet them. The dolls charged forward, each armed with a spear, wand or a lance. All of them had a shield. 

A single doll can easily take on a full grown wizard, yet now the Death Eaters are outnumbered. When they wouldn't back down, they felt an earthquake. A giant doll apeared, armed with two swords glinting in the sunlight. It charged forward, masacrating every Death Eater it meets. All around it, were the Death Eater's dead bodies.

The professor's dolls slaughtered every Death Eater in sight. Professor Margatroid standing in center of the chaos, her eyes glowing. She herself was personally controlling six dolls around her, as more and more Death Eaters changed course towards her.

Soon, the only ten Death Eaters left, including Bellatrix, were surrounded in a circle. The dolls closest to them changed weapons to a wand and let loose a volley of disarming spells while some other got some sort of magic rope and tied their hands, feet, and gagged them.

Harry realized that those ten Death Eaters were the ones sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss, all the other were sentenced to death. Turns out the professor did the job for them. Some dolls transported them to the side, when Bellatrix spat out the gag and let out a high piched whistle.

Trolls started marching towards them. The giant doll that killed most of the Death Eaters charged towards the army in the horrizon. It slashed and stabbed mercilessly. The trolls fell down one by one, killed by a doll. 

Next, werewolves appeared. The professor summoned a human sized doll, dressed in black. This one too, had two blades. On it's back, was a bow and a quiver. It started shooting down the werewolves one by one with silver arrows. When they got close enough, the doll switched to it's two katanas, slashing them gracefully.

Another one joined the first one, bringing them down. Twin dancers, striking them down two by two. The werewolves didn't stand a chance. Their dead bodies were strewn all over the grass.

Bellatrix gaped at the professor. She was about to say something when Professor Margatroid's army pointed their spear at her, barely touching her neck. One sudden moment and she would be dead.

The teachers ran out of the castle to see the sight of the battlefield. Bodies everywhere.

"W-What happened here?" Professor McGonagall stammered.

Professor Margatroid just gestured Bellatrix.

"How are you not dead?!" Professor McGonagall demanded, "I saw Molly kill you!"

"As if that would kill me," She sneered.

A doll held a razor sharp sword in front of her neck.

"Bring her to the minister," Professor MacGonagall demanded.

A doll gagged Bellatrix with some extra Super Glue. A few more dolls started carrying them.

During that exchange, Harry didn't notice the dolls retreating until he glanced at the dead bodies. He shook his head the clear the nausea. But he couldn't wrap with mind around what happened. Professor Margatroid defeated a whole army singlehandedly. He noted to himself to never anger the professor.

She was like a mix of Professor McGonagall and Professor Lupin. She had Lupin's kindness, yet she was a firm as the headmistress, in other words, the total opposite of Umbridge. At first, she looked like the kind of girl like Umbridge, but she looked nothing like that pink frog (Calling her toad would be offending to the servants of Peach). 

She seemed to be more of an enigma. Umbridge couldn't even take one a giant and a few centaurs, but this professor, was something. He didn't mean he had feelings for her, he's in love with Ginny. Professor Margatroid was the type of witch he respected. She meant everything she said, she doesn't get mad easily. And so far, any points. Whenever points get taken, there's usually a quiet chatter about it.

He heard nothing bad of her in the corridors, only good. Hopefully, she'll stay for more than a year, Harry thought contently.

Hi everyone! I decided to update a bit more recently as you can see. Seeing you guys reading and voting really motivates me, so I started to write more quickly. Thank you so much guys! <3
