chapter 5


  Sumo's pov :

  I was broken beyond imagination. ..did I made mistake by thinking him to be my everything. .? It seemed that he didn't even remember my existence in his life. ..

  I gripped the side rail of the balcony. eyes stopped to shed tears as I was hurted deeply. ..

     I looked the wall clock. was almost ten. .sona must be returning. ..i washed my face ...what should I tell her..?

    I remembered his words to join the work by tomorrow. ..

Why should I go ..?it was only because of him. ..the name 'malhothra' made  me to go for the interview. ..i didn't mean  to work  really. ..

Now, he didn't even remember me. ..its  better to stay away than getting hurt  by staying in front of him

I finalised my decision. ..

'Ting. ..ting. ..'

The door bell. ..sona got in with apparent glee. ..

" Hey. ..Suman. was your interview. .?"

" yeah. ..fine. ..tomorrow I have to join. .."

" Oh my god. ..superb. ..Congrats babe. ..what you've planned. .?"

" mmm. ...let me do it. .."

" that's good then. ..feeling too tired yaar. .."

She went to refresh her...

I didn't know why I had changed my decision in a wink. ..even though my brain asked me to not to go, my heart that beats for him told me to go. ..

I decided to go with my mind. ..let me check how far he could pretend asif he didn't know me at all. ..


    My first day in 'malhothra associates '   has begun. ..

  I was told about the duties I should do. ..the  schedules were flexible according to my convenience since I was chose to work part time. ..

It was eleven in the morning. eyes swayed towards his cabin once in two minutes. ..they were not in my control anymore. thoughts yearned to hear from him that he was just kidding the day before. ..

My whole inner soul jumped in that thought. it would be if he said so. ..what would I do in that case. .?

  I pinched my wrist to get back me to the work. ..

His secretary was guiding me in every single thing. ..

  " suman. ..These are the files we should  recheck and make sure he sign it before lunch. ..He might be busy after that. ..His brother is coming  from  London. .."

I said  yes to her instructions. ..

    While I was checking with the files,  I heard my heart thumped rhythmic that went along with his shoe knock. ..

Yes, he's coming. ..He was too charm in his black suit. ..His wrist watch in his left hand added an extra note to his handsome...

He was close to my seat. ..I stood up hurriedly and wished him. expectation of his smile. ..

But, he crossed me without even noticing me. ..He was speaking through his phone. ..

" I will come to pick up you. ..chote. ..if I am busy in case, I will send the car. .."



" okay. ...I will try my  maximum  best to come personally to pick up you. ..happy now. .."



He closed his cabin's door behind ...

  I sat down disappointed. ...

Another one humiliation. ...

'Suman. ..even now you've a chance. ..just walk out. ..'

My mind pushed me to run away from there. ..

   'Perhaps, he didn't  notice me as he was busy with the call. ..'

I convinced me. ...

I drawn into work as I needed it to divert me. ..

     At break, his secretary  told me surprisingly that I was the one who's a fresher to work in his company. ..

" suman. was a surprise. ..the malhothras have  varied concerns and they chose to have a qualified and  experienced persons as their employees. ..when he saw your resume, he wasn't interested to  have even a look over it. .He simply considered you only because of your college. .i don't know what connection he had with your  college's name. .."

  Her wonder made me to think quietly. ..He must be remembering me, for some reasons he avoids me. ..a gush of happiness ran through my veins. ..I sighed in hope. ..

   While I was thinking she had a call. ..

  " suman. ..Sir had a guest it seems. ..He told me to pick up his brother. make sure to get his sign. ..don't forget. ..let me go now. ..bye. .."

     I was relieved after the conversation with her...

I returned to my work. ..after rechecking everything I headed towards his cabin to get his signature.'s almost time to leave. evening we have a business  party ...i have to get ready for that too. ..

   I haven't knocked his door in an absence of mind...i pushed the door that slid without noise. .i was about to get in and  stood rooted at what I've seen in front of me. ...

     He was in a  deep passionate kiss with a girl. ..His eyes were closed asif he was contented to something. ..the girl was tugged into him with his arms around her. ..

It was a shock moment for me,  I slipped out without making any mark. ..

   I felt my feet are trembling to make even a single step. ..without bathering anything, I rushed to the parking lot ...I stood frozen in repeated thoughts of him kissing a girl. ..I felt to cry loudly. ..

Again, I was broken. ..this time I think it's quite impossible to repair my heart. ...

Hello friends,

The next chapter is here. have a happy read and vote. ..

Pen down your views too. ..


Arulpirai. ..




