our marriage was held in a beautiful church in the middle of the forest and everything went amazing, I was planing, to tell the truth to shu before the marriage. time went and I got ready and shu came to my room saying "my girl are you ready?!" I smiled and said, "yes I am!!, how do I look?!" 

he was stunned but replied "amazing as ever!!" I smiled as he asked, "my dear what is the important thing that you want to say before the marriage?!" I looked at his eyes but thought twice, I then took a deep breath and said "shu actually I am ..........................gha?!"

the building shook violently make me fall backward but luckily shu caught me before falling!

we both went to the main hall to see who it was and was shocked to see YONA and shu's mom there!

yona was smiling evilly and shu's mom was angry!

shu's mom said "shu now your marriage will be with yona the next vampire heir and not with y/n" shu growled and activated his power, he began to fight his mom and at one point she used her powerful attacked and tied shu with a magical rope which deactivates his power.

yona began to walk towards me with an evil smile as shu's mom commanded to kill me! shu shouted at me to run but I smiled at him and said: "I am not going without you dummy!" 

she smirked and said, "what will you do in front of a vampire you little creature" she used her power and attacked me, shu screamed to stop. I stood there smiling, I blinked my eyes twice which canceled the attack completely making it disappeared!

I had a small noticeable smirk, shu's mother shouted "yona don't show mercy on her! use your real power!"  she was speechless cause her most powerful attack got canceled so easily. 

only the vampire queen can use the element of power and that is the reason why they respect the queen equal to the god.

all of sudden my father came there which made every one of us surprise, I never wished to see him again and here he is standing in front of me. I backed off and started to walk towards shu as shu's mom began to act!

"My lord looks at the human girl she is insulting the vampires and she seduced my son" I looked at her with my eyes glowing as she shivered in fear, she then said, "my lord please teach her the manners!" 

and there came yona began to act "father teach her the manners, please!" I smirked as shu as looked at the confusion, *CLASH* a slap feel on yona's face as she looked at the demon lord with fear.

I walked towards yona and slapped her again with a smirk on my face, she shouted at my father this time "father look she is humiliating me!" I giggled and said, "my-my who we have to hear!"

she shivered and said, "what are you doing bitch!?" I slapped her again as I chuckled and said "where are the manners you little madam!" she activated her vampire power and attacked me, I again deflected it easily with a blink in my eyes!

I then raised my hands high as the ice started to come, I chuckled at her expression and said "that was a good action miss yona, you have acted in front of the vampire queen like a queen! but now may I know the punishment for that?!"

I realized shu from that rope and went to him, I hugged him and whispered. "I'm sorry for not saying it but this is what I was about to say to you that time!" he hugged me tightly and said, "it's ok as long as you are with me!" I smiled at him and turned towards shu's mom and yona!

then I looked at my father's eye with hatred, he spoke slowly "so what's your choice, my child!" I ignored it and spoke to yona who was lying on the ground around the grip of my power!

I turned to my queen form with my red eyes and sharp teeth pointing out!

both of them looked at me terrified, I bend down and spoke to yona "the reason for the cancelation of your power was my eye's blink which was much powerful than your real power!"

she looked terrified and said, "please let me go, I won't even mess with you again I promise, my lord queen please let me go!" 

"no, never again?!" she nodded fastly. then I turned toward's shu's mom who was standing there with fear and shock, I walked towards her and said: "I never expected to see you get blind by the money of a stupid human and the simple magical ring in her hand!" she fell on her knees saying "please my lord I beg for mercy I never expected her to be a human!!"

I looked at shu who was now a bit worried about his mother, I took a deep breath and said: "shu even though I am angry I have no right to punish her because she is your mother and if I hurt her your emotions will be hurt and I will never dare to do things that will hurt you!!"


my eyes widen when she said that, I smiled softly at her and walked towards my mother and spoke "mom you have always done things that brought money to you and always ignored me, you never paid attention to me as a son nor spent time with me, you always run for money and ignored everyone that includes father, but today it ends your post will be back down and the black money that you have will be given to the government!!"

my mom began to cry hard and said "please don't do that, punishment is far better than that please don't take that money!!" my eye widened, she still didn't get what I meant!! "you greedy women!!" I transformed to demonic form making her scared

but y/n hugged me tightly and said it's ok "shu calm down leave her alone like this, she will learn her lesson when the time comes and it will be ok."

I kissed her softly on her lips as she smiled at me softly the vampire king slowly began to speak "my dear y/n I would like to apologize for kicking you out of the family but the reason was, I wanted you to fall in love with shu, so the things would go simple but I never expected this from the demon queen though!!"

y/n 's eyes widened she had her hands held in her chest, she was broken with anger "my lord i aprrecete you work but because of your decision your own daughter has gone through many depression for past years, she has been living a world of misery and been self harming and now the truth that you have told had broken her heart to pieces!!"

his eyes widen in shock when i said the truth and showed him the scares on y/n body, all of sudden y/n's mother came to the place. y/n began to tear up when she saw her. y/n's mom ran to her and hugged b-both of us?! 

"for me both of you are my child, shu's mother is my best friend and i know about her compleltly and i know how much you have suffered shu and i can promise that ends today!!" i hugged her back and said "thank you...... mom!!"


hello readers how about you guys try another story about shu and goddess reader?!

this is the cover of the book and the name is "goddess of beyblade world (shu x reader)" next part will be the last one and i hope it will be published soon

