Next Step

Joker walked down a hallway, beside him stood his snake companion.

"Um, by the way, what about the other lords?"

Joker did bother turning his head.

"They are closer than you think"

The snake demon was confused, he looked around to see if anyone was there but there wasn't.

"Um, where?"

He said shrugging. But Joker just smiled. They both entered a room and the snake demon's eyes widen.

In a large room, a long table with multiple seats filled the center room. But not all the seats were occupied. Only 3. A pimp looking demon, a young looking demon and Rosie sat.


He said to the snake demon which he did without hesitation.

"Welcome my friends"

Rosie sat smiling while the flashy demon was rubbing his nails and the young demon was playing on her phone taking pictures.


Rosie bumped ths shoulder of the flashy demon which he gru Ted at and turned, once noticing the person in front of them he seemingly tensed up.

"What the fuck?"

His words caused the young one to look up, once doing so she could help but stare.

"A pleasure to meet you"

He bowed.

"Um, yeah"

The flashy demon said a bit hesitant.

"You must be Valentino"

Valentino stood up right and knoded.


He said noding.

"And you must be velvette"

The young demon smile dropped a bit.

"Now, I know this is very sudden, thanks to Rosie here I was able to convince you to come"

Rosie smiled proudly.

"What's the deal anyways, whyd you call us?"

Valentino said curious.

"Well, a deal of course"

Joker said walking around the table.

"Look pal, I got money to make and hookers to run"

Joker walked closer

"Oh I'm sure"

He walked behind the three demons.

"Then allow me to get to the point, work for me"

He said bluntly.

"Hahahahah! I knew you where crazy but I didn't think you where fucking insane! Hahahahah!"

Valentino turned to look at Joker and noticed his smile still there.

"You not kidding arn you?"

Joker knoded.

"Well, I'm out"

Valentino got up but before he could walk away a voice stopped him.

"Ide hear him out if I where you"

Rosie spoke up not turning her head.

"Yeah and why should i?"

He said in an annoying voice.

"Because if he's able to convince me then he can convince you"

Valentino turned to Joker and back at his seat, with an annoyed growl he sat crossing his arms.

"Thank you, now like I was saying"

"Why should we listen to you?"

Joker was interrupted but this time but velvette.

Joker looked over to her confused.

"I mean, you fucking killed vox! What makes you think we can trust you!?"

Her tone was a bit harsh but fair.
Joker didn't answer right away, instead walked towards the girl, he leaned forward which caused velvette
To lean back putting her phone to cover part of her face.

"Because his death was necessary, yours isn't"

Joker moved away which caused velvette to relax .

"Now, like I was saying"

"Um, friend"

Joker shoulders dropped and so did his expression.


Sir Pentious leaned back.

"Um, I have a question"

"Can it wait?"

Joker said a bit annoyed.

"Um, yeah yeah."

Joker breathed in and turned back and so did his smile.

"Like I was saying, you all have a choice, leave or stay, and trust me when I say, you won't regret staying"

It was silent. Nothing but silence filled the room, but it was then that Valentino decided to talk.

"Well honey it was great really"

He got up and walked passed joker.

"Next time if you waste my time again I'll kill you"

He walked out and closed the door.
Joker turned to velvette who watched Valentino walk out. Rosie looked disgusted at Valentino.

"And what of you"

Joker said waiting for an answer.

"Um, well"

She wasn't usually like this, but a feeling that thing gave her was something she couldn't ignore.


She looked down.


Joker walked and stepped infront of velvette and extended her hand.

"Then, let us get along"

Velvette looked at his hand then back at him, she hesitated but reached out to shake it.

Joker smiled


It's been 2 days since the meeting.

"So, um, how's the plan coming alone"

The snake demon said.

"Perfeclty, velvette is doing what she's told"

"And that is?"

Joker turned to him.

"You see, if you control the media ahahah! You control everything!"

Joker raised his hands at the cameras and tvs and equipment.

"Once you have control over the media, you say what's truth or false. You control there minds. There ideals. Control them manipulate them"

The snake demon's eyes widen in realization.

"That's why you went for vox first"

The demon said giving a devious smile.

"Exactly, the demons here arnt what ide call the brightest. Considering what I've heard Valentino velvette and vox had a family like  relationship. So its not a stretch to say one if them might come to get revenge"

Joker said walking down a hallway.

"Right, and I'm not sssure I understand, but why make a deal with luciferssss brat?"

He stopped, his smile widen. He turned to the snake demon and God closer.


Joker grabbed a apple from the table next to him.

"You follow the Leprechaun"


"You find the gold"

Joker crushed the apple infront of the demons face.

The demons eyes widen in realization.

"Y-you plan to kill lucifer!?"

Joker just smiled.

"F-fuck, I didn't think you'd go that far"

Joker turned around and walked away.


The snake demon said.

3 hours later.

"Good afternoon, I'm Katie killjoy"

"And I'm tom trench"

The 2 introduced themselves.

"Big news today as the new over lord has made an announcement that he said will change our future"

Katie said.

"Indeed, his announcement of new and advance technology is said to "Advance our life and future""

Katie was reading something in the paper before speaking.

"That isn't all, the new overlord is said to advance the company and replaced its old name with a new one, the company now called "hellbat enterprises" will create new and advanced technology with cars phones and even home appliances"

Watching the TV Valentino scoffed, he turned to velvette.

"And you made the deal with thus fuck"

He said annoyed.

"What! He was convincing"

She gave him a toothy smile.

"He killed vox, what makes you think he won't kill you next"

Velvette playfully tapped her chin.

"Hmmm, maybe because he needs me, and if someone needs something they'll do anything to have it"

She gave a cocky smile.

"Plus, he said I'll be on the tipity top!"

She pointing at the ceiling.

"Pft, you believe that shit!"

Velvette shrugged

"Like I said very convincing"

Valentino grunted.

"Arnt you even slightly mad at him for killing vox?"

Velvette dropped her smile.

"What do you think moron!"

Velvette turned back to her phone covering her face.


"I'll show him"

He said clenching his fist.

End of chapter
