Axel woke up, took his morning coffee and headed to the library. He met Eril on the way there,

"Hey Axel, are you heading to the library also?" asked the curious Indonesian fellow,

"Why yes indeed Eril, I'm going to the library to help Alexander control his powers since... you know, he can go out of control sometimes,"

"Well, I'm heading there to learn new spells!"

When they arrived at the library they quickly took their books and went to class.





They soon met Alexander, Aleski and Marcus in class. They had a new professor, Lionel Xiãviar (Secretary-general of the European Union).

"Good morning class, as you might have guessed I'm the new professor you all can call me Sir Lionel or Mr. Xiãviar."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Xiãviar"

All the class greeted him with pleasure, turning out he was a very good teacher, a complex thinker and a very calm person when someone asked a difficult question. Axel really loved his new teacher better than the other one (Caleb Andras, Secretary-general of the UN who is now the principal of the academy). But the others didn't seem to really enjoy his teaching,

"Hey Axel, why do you really like this new teacher? He looks like a completely strict person," asked Marcus.

Of course Axel didn't pay much attention to his nonsense. The bell rang and everyone went on to their second classes, while Axel and Alexander skipped that period and went on to the cafeteria.

"Hey Alex, why does your hair glow at times?" asked Axel.

"Oh? I didn't know that it was glowing.. But dont mind that, just forget about it," answered Alexander with a worried and confused voice.

After they grabbed their snacks they quickly went to their separate classes.
