Chapter 3: Today's observations

"The containment is stable. Send in D-361." I say to fellow observers "take the reptile to the testing chamber, chamber 100."
" transporting now. The SCP is on its way to the testing chamber." Isla says
"Kain, how are the scps probability of breach?" I ask him
"Low, but not impossible." He replies
"D-361, try to convince the creature that you mean no harm."
"Okay. I-I mean you no harm. I want to help you with your containment conditions. Just hear me out."
Pathetic human. I will hear your words out of desire to have a good laugh. Make me laugh for a few, before I rip you apart and eat you. Hahahaha
"What did the creature say?" I ask
"We can give you better conditions. Just don't kill us. We won't try to kill you if you don't try to kill us. We can give you more room than a small tank. As long as you stop breaching containment. Or if you don't stop don't kill anyone." Teh d-class answers
Hmmm... yes more room would be nice... and you not trying to kill me would be nice also... but not killing anyone! Hmmm.... Maybe it's more trouble than it's worth breaching and killing. I'll abide by your rules.
"Thank you..."
Oh you think your allowed to live? No. Your the sacrifice to seal teh deal. Tell teh observers what I've said then you will die!
"He will not breach if we stop trying to kill him and give him more space. I will die to seal the deal." D-361 says
"Tell the creature we will run tests to see why it's able to mutate so much." I tell him
I hear everything your saying. To you y/n, yes I know your name, I will let you test because I don't know how I just can. Now die, D CLASS!
I watched as the scp tore the d class to shreds but it wasn't something I wasn't used to, I had to be considering I worked on 682. We celebrated at victory because d class are usually killed before 682 hears them out.
This will be my new containment.I will be fed d class 3 times a day every day but you have enough considering you use prisoners from all over the world, right?
"So, how'd it go?" Jack asked me
"It worked!" I said "but I'm wore out, so I'm gonna go to bed once we get there... it's been a long day."
"Let me help you with that." Jack said as he picked me up bridal style "I'm sure you wanted a knight in shining armor to sweep you off your feet, and I'm no shining armor but I'm close enough, right?"
He looks at me, with that smile on his face. The one to make even the girl with the coldest of hearts melt. I stare deep into his eyes. Behind them I see a loving, caring person.
"Well?" He asks
"Sorry I zoned out for a second..." I say.
"It seems we have a little friend following us..." he says, looking at Josie.
"Oh. Not that surprising though." I reply referring to Josie
———timeskip (cuz I'm lazy)———
We arrived back at our room, wore out so we decided to go to bed. We told eachother we would never speak about what happened to ANYONE.
"Night Jack, night Josie." I say
"Night Y/n." Jack says
"Meow." Josie meows at us.
