Why me???



I jolted up with Riptide in my hand only to realise that it was Annabeth so I capped riptide and laid down again.

"Shh I'm sleeping"I mumbled sheepishly

that's when I felt a sharp sting on my cheek and I properly woke up.

"Hey wise girl" I muttered

"Hey, kelp head Chiron want to see us in the big house pronto" on that note she left.

As I was getting dressed all I could think about was the fact that I could be facing another quest i just wanted some rest from them.

First Kronos then Geia now what it couldn't be wizards they don't exist.

《○magical time skip○》

As I enter the big house I realised that the rest of the 7 Nico, Thalia and Will were there. I sat next to Thalia and Annabeth of course.
"I hope this isn't another quest" I whispered
"I hope it's not to seaweed brain" she leaned in for a kiss.

Then I was zapped with lighting I turned around and death glared thalia and pulled out riptide as she pulled out her spear wich hit Nico's face causing him to pull out his sword.

conveniently that's when the gods decided to turn up.


I Poffed into the big house along to look upon Perseus Pinning down Thalia with a large ball of water near her face and her about to summon lightning and Nico summoning the dead all 3 had weapons in their hands.

they didn't seem to notice us until I forced the water from Percy's hands and the dead was forced back underground.
"CHILDREN" Zeus ballowed

A/N Hey guys this is my first story so I would enjoy if you guys would leave CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I hope to have longer chapters in the future
*all characters belong to uncle Rick and J.K
