Chapter 7

Laurens POV

Christina came walking down the stairs. "And?" I asked her. "I let her sleep again. She didn't looked very well." she answered worried. I looked down to my feet. We decided to start dinner, but it didn't felt right. I know we justed to have dinner with these thitheen people, but that one empty seat didn't look right. "I'm not hungry." I said and walked to my room. I saw the rest looking worried at me before I reached the stairs. I climbed on my bed looked at Casey untill I fell asleep.

Amy's POV

<That night>

I suddely heard a sream causing me to wake up. I looked at Christina and Katherine who were also awakened. Lisa came running in. "It's Casey." She said. We looked at each other and followed Lisa to her room. I suddenly heard someone cry. When we walked in we saw it was Casey. She was crying hysterical in Laurens arms who was trying to calm her down. I immidiatly rushed over to her and hugged her tight. "He. Shh it's alright. Easy we're here for you." I whispered in her ear. She slowly calmed down. "Try to sleep a little bit. We're all here nothing will happen." Christina said to Casey when she calmed down. Casey looked scared at as. "We promise." said Katherine. That seemed to reassure her, because she immidiatly fell asleep. We all slowly walked out except Dani and Lisa. "What happend?" I asked Lauren. "I don't know. Casey suddenly started screaming in her sleep. It sounded like she was scared so I woke her up. She started to cry hysterical." answered Lauren. "I think we all should go to bed and talk about it tomorrow." suggested Christina. We all agreed and went to our rooms.

<The next day>

I walked into the kitchen and saw that Lauren and Katherine were making some breakfast. "Hey Ames. How are you?" Katherine asked me. "Goodmorning to you too. How is Casey today?" I asked Lauren. "I don't know. She doesn't speak anymore and refuses to leave our room." she answered. Now I was getting woried. "Why? Has something happened?". "No. Not that I know of.". I just nodded. I looked at Katherine. She looked down at her breakfast. "I'm going to bring Casey some breakfast." she suddenly said and walked away with her breakfast. Lauren and I were exchanging worried lookes.

Casey's POV

I was just staring at the ceiling when I heard someone enter my room. I sat up and saw Katherine walking in. "Hey girl. How are you?" she asked me. I put my thumb up and laid down again. She put her breakfast on my bureau, climbed on my bed and lay down next to me. "Is there something wrong?". I didn't know how to react. They are my family now. I need to trust them. I took my notebook and started to write like crazy. I wrote everything about my nightmares about them passing away one by one. About them hating me and trowing me out of their family and more nightmares like that. After she read it she looked at me with big eyes. I started to cry. "Ooh Casey. We would never leave you. We all love you very much." she kept repeating until I fell asleep.

Somebody slowly woke me up. I looked at the person who shook my shoulders. It was little Joey. "Dinner is ready. Please come." he begged. I smiled and nodded. He smiled and ran downstairs. I slowly got up and saw that Katherine was sleeping next to me. I sofly shook her shoulders and she woke up. she looked questionly at me. "Dinner is ready." I wrote in my notebook and showed it to her. She looked and nodded. We walked downstairs and saw the rest of the family smiling at us. "Finally. I thought you would never leave your room." Alex said with a sigh. I laughed and saw Lisa slap the back of his head. I sat down and we started dinner. After dinner I went outside to the terrace and just looked at the sea. I was just in time to see the beautiful sunset. There were a few pink clouds and the water sparkled. There flew a few birds above the sun and saw some dolphins jump out of the water. I just watched as the sun went down.

Christina's POV

I saw all the girls standing in frond of a window. "Where are you looking at?" I asked them. They didn't even heard me so I started to look out of the window. Casey was standing on our terrace and was watching the sunset. This sunset was the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen. It looked beautiful. Her brown hair waving in the wind and tears on her cheek. Wait a second. Tears? "Why is Casey crying? Dani asked. "I wish I knew." Lauren said.

<A month later>

I was really getting worried about Casey just like the rest of the girls. She nearly looked at us. She'd never left the house even once. She was always sitting alone in frond of a window looking outside. I was starring at Casey when she suddenly turned around and our eyes locked. I couldn't see any emotion in her eyes. I turned around and left the room searching for Katherine. I found her in the kitchen making cupcakes. "Guess what just happend." I asked her. "I don't know. What?" she answered. I told her what happend. "It was so scary.". "I also have something to tell you." she said to me and showed me a note. I looked questioningly at her. "Remember that I went upstairs to bring her breakfast one month ago?". I nodded. "That's when she gave me that note.". I slowly nodded and started to read the note. I was even more shocked by this story. "Why didn't you show me this earlier?". "Because Casey didn't wanted me to.". "We need to show it to the others.". She nodded. We gathered the rest and sat down in my room. We showed them the note and I told them what just happend. Lauren was really shocked. She was so close with Casey, but the last weeks Casey pushed us all away including Lauren. I suddenly heard someones phone going off. It was Lisa's phone. She looked at her screem and said: "I've got to go." and left the room. We just talked a bit about how we can help Casey.
