Chapter 5 - Secret


2 Days Later

Sunoo was trying to get use at his new place there are maid everywhere, there is also a butler and many guards. Sunghoon also visited him yesterday. But he felt alone since in this big mansion he knew no one even through he became friends with the maids and some people.

His phone was vibrating for almost 2 days since he skip school, He and Jay will go in Busan to visit his parets abd brother.

He was sitting on the couch, watching movies when he saw Jay. He stand up and welcome Jay that's what he knew, he should always welcome his Daddy.

"Your ready?" Jay ask, Sunoo nodded. They were going in Busan to meet Sunoo's family.


"We're is Sunoo?" Jack ask, he didn't see Sunoo his own boyfriend ever since he came back from states. Jake and Jungwon look at each other.

"Once again, We didn't know" Jungwon answer while Jake added. "We don't know what is happening to him".

" i visited his apartment, yesterdat but their is no one there, i also talk to the owner and she said, Sunoo moved out" Jack said frustrating worried at his boyfriend.

"What?, Sunoo never contacted any of us even answer our messages and calls" Jake said.

"Does he have a Secret?" Jungwon suddenly said knowing Sunoo well, he knew Sunoo was hiding something to help his family.



Arriving at Kim Mansion, Mr and Mrs Kim welcome Jay with respect, Niki also he was excited to meet Jay (Cause Jay was his idol singer), Jay was a also making music so.

Sunoo smile as he watch his family interaction with Jay, "bro, i didn't know, Jay was your Bf?".

Sunoo turn at Niki, " well, it was a secret" He answer and Niki smile. Niki was always supportive but they didn't know about Jack cause Jack was the opporisite bf they wish for Sunoo.

"It was really nice, that u visit us,Mr.Park" Mr Kim said bowing, Jay smile. "It was nothing, anything for Sun," He answer. Sunoo look at him and smile.

Sunoo watch his family interuction with Jay they we're like a family, Sunoo sign and secretly smile.
