Chapter 3

Beta'd by JanieaWolf on AO3

When Harry wakes up the next morning he jumps in the shower and gets dressed in some casual clothes. He hears Teddy starting to whine, so he grabs a diaper and a new outfit for him. After changing Teddy and warming up a bottle, he sits in a chair in the kitchen and watches fondly as his tiny godson gulps down the formula.

After Teddy is done Harry burps him and says, "Alright Teddy Bear, let's go see if we can't find a bank to store our money, see if they can trade the gold for us or if we have to do it ourselves and then find a new home." Teddy babbles back and Harry smiles and kisses his forehead.

He grabs all of his stuff and shrinks it before stepping out of the room and down the stairs. After stopping by the front desk and getting directions to a bank that they would recommend, they start heading towards that area.

Eventually Harry sees the sign for the bank the man at the front desk had suggested and heads in to stop at one of the lines. Teddy fusses for a bit but settles down when Harry starts bouncing him in his arms and making funny faces at him. Teddy giggles and starts grabbing Harry's nose and resting his hand on his cheek.

They finally get to the front of the line and Harry asks what he needs to do to open an account there. The woman hands him a stack of paperwork and tells him to fill it out and return it when he's done.

Harry nods and heads back to the hotel room. When they get there, Harry sets up Teddy's playpen and some toys to keep him busy before looking through the paperwork. He does some quick permanent transfiguration to change his official records to something more realistic for this world along with Teddy's papers.

He made sure he had everything required by looking it up on the provided laptop in the rooms. He also does some more research on quirks, finding out that some people with particularly useful quirks became heroes. Like, actual superheroes. However, on the flipside, some became villains.

Harry reflects on this before deciding he would help where he could but would not become a hero if he could help it. With his magic, he would get too much scrutiny on what his quirk was and how it could do so many different things. He would probably go with energy manipulation and would say that Teddy was his son and inherited his energy manipulation, but it focuses more on Metamorphmagus like his mother who died in childbirth. He would, of course, tell Teddy stories of his birth parents, but to everyone else, Teddy would be his biologically, which is true, as he had performed a blood adoption a week before they had left the old world.

After filling out all the paperwork and finishing with all the forged documents he and Teddy would need, he again picks up Teddy, packs everything and goes back to the bank which goes half the time it took the first time since he knows where it is. He gets back into line and waits to get to the front and hands the finished papers to the new woman. She looks through it all and determines it is all good. She tells Harry to sit down in the waiting room and someone would be by to take him to meet with a manager.

He amuses himself by playing with Teddy and planning everything he still needs to do. About 20 minutes later, a man calls out his name and he follows to a medium-sized office. "Ah, Potter-sama, how are you today?" The manager is a rather portly man, with a full head of black hair and a genial smile. "I'm doing well Yamamoto-san. I had a few questions though, before we started?" He nods and gestures for Harry to continue.

"Do you have a service where you can sell gold on my behalf? I got my family inheritance recently, but most of it is in gold, so I have no idea where I could go to exchange it." Yamamoto-san looks slightly startled and says, "I'm sure we could do that for you, though it may take a while." Harry nods in agreement and continues with, "I also have quite a bit of foreign currency. I will, of course, need this exchanged." Harry could see the manager was getting excited as he clearly was dealing with a well-off customer.

"It will get exchanged as soon as possible." Yamamoto-san says, almost seeming as if he'd be bouncing if he wasn't in front of a client. "Very good. How soon can I start putting money into my account?"

"Right now. We made a new account while you were waiting. Now all I need to see is some identification to see you are who you say you are." Harry nods and pulls out his new birth certificate. It was pretty much the same, but it stated homebirth instead of a hospital (1).

"I would also like to set up a trust fund for my son here. What paperwork will I need to do this?" Yamamoto-san uses a buzzer on his desk and his assistant comes in and goes back out in search of the necessary documents. "How old is he?" The manager asks, to which Harry responds with, "About a month and a half old." (2)

This is when Teddy decides to start turning his hair the favored pink. The manager gasps and exclaims, "He must be very powerful if he's already showing signs of a quirk!" Harry chuckles and replies, "Yes, he got his hair changing from his mother, who didn't start showing her quirk 'til she was three." He nods and the assistant comes back in, handing the paperwork to Harry, who looks through it then puts it in the baby bag.

They eventually finish all the things needed, and Harry walks back to the Hotel ready to pass out for a good few hours but knows he will be up at various times of the night feeding Teddy. Thankfully he is a quiet baby, only fussy when he is dirty, hungry, or uncomfortable.

They get into the room and Harry feeds teddy before changing him into his pjs and putting him into his newly resized crib. He goes down quietly, and Harry falls into bed after getting changed himself.

(1) I don't know what they put down on the birth certificate for homebirth, as all the websites say that the midwife would help with paperwork.

(2) Edward Remus "Teddy" Lupin was born April 30, 1998. The final battle took place two days later, on May 2, 1998. Let's say Andromeda had Teddy for two weeks after, giving Harry just enough time to recover from his injuries. Then it takes five weeks to get everything together before they leave. Going with the theory that it's around the year 2400 in MHA when it starts, let's say they left June 22, 1998, and arrived June 22, 2403. Making everyone in the main relationship for this 17-18.
