Oni blood

Sanan wanted to know the truth; could Chizuru's blood be a cure ?

I owed it to the man, but damn, it frightened me to even consider the question. I shushed the screaming part of my mind by invoking the idea that Chizuru might just have to give a few droplets of her blood, and be done with it. Still ... it chilled me to the bone. This was a dangerous slope...

Taking a deep breath, I fixed my eyes upon the ground and invoked the analytical part of my brain. Something in Chizuru's blood had acted as countereffect to bloodlust.

"If we consider what Kazama said, putting aside his arrogance, the Rasetsu are partial versions of Oni, caught between human and demon."

Sanan nodded, like a professor asking for a student to go on.

"I think that Rasetsu are missing something to become full demons, and that Chizuru's blood provided a balance, somehow. But instead of turning you into a demon, it actually allowed your human self to return and take control. It reversed the process, instead of countering it."


"But it is temporary, right, since you're still a Rasetsu."

There was disappointment in Sanan's voice when he confirmed it, and my heart ached for him. My mind flew, at once, to the earlier conversation. Was life laying a choice before me, Sanan against Chizuru? No, this couldn't be it. Quelling the dread, I reverted to the biology student I'd once been.

"You think that if you could isolate that thing in her blood, considering it can be extracted though science, you might revert the effect of Ochimizu?"

"No. But it might keep us in control."

There were too many 'if' in this. I knew, for sure, that the Valar used their magic, and that the strength of legendary beings also resided in that inner power. Would a Maiar's blood grant us, mortal, higher powers?

What if Sanan's recovery only came from Chizuru's magic? But the scientist before me was looking for answers, and mysticism wasn't about to cut it. He had called upon my knowledge of science, so a scientific response I would give.

"The Ochimitzu is contained in a ridiculous vial, right? If Chizuru's blood had the same kind of power, it would have reverted the change, wouldn't it?"

"You mean to say that the effects are not proportional to quantity."

"Yes. Unlike most medicine that tends to have a dose effect."

Medicine other than homeopathy, that is. Chemicals. Still ... what if we could synthethise something out of Chizuru's blood? It would, at least, calm bloodlust. What were our chances to find that compound, if it even existed, and synthethise it with antique means? I'd take a team, a modern lab, and probably months in my time.

Sanan nodded, his face blank as he thought. A pregnant pause stretched, and I wondered if he had caught my drift. It was a dangerous slope; yes, Chizuru's blood could be a solution. But in this world, I didn't think we could find any way to synthethise anything without draining her. This was just what I told him.

"If such a compound even exist, provided it's not a synergy effect, I don't see how we could isolate and reproduce it. We'd have better chances at trying plants with similar components."

His lips thinned, his brain already working full time behind the carefully blank mask.

"Do you know what blood is made of?"

That was a good question actually. And thanks to my few years studying biology, I knew a bit about that. But the Rasetsu defied all logic; I had no doubt they very essence was magical, and not chemical.

"I know only a few components. Iron, copper, sugar... I haven't done in more depth than that unfortunately. I'd be glad to give you a hand in your research. But I have to admit that I'm at loss without my – aherm – usual methods and technology."

"I thank you for the offer", Sanan retorted with an edge in his voice. Then, he softened. "I might call for your help if needed. Yukimura's blood might not be the answer I was looking for after all."

Somehow, he didn't seem to convinced. I prayed to all the Gods that he would never touch a hair of Chizuru's head, for Kondō, Okita and Hijikata would have his instead. Seppuku. The image of Sanan, kneeling in a white juban with Okita standing behing as his kaishakunin caused me to shiver; it felt all too real. Perhaps I could nail my point, and discard the idea altogether from his mind? Except that his idea made sense.

"In my opinion, it's like taking medicine for a headache. Once the effects are over, you'll need some more. Going that way would be ... very dangerous."

Chizuru would be drained in a matter of days, no matter her resistance, if the entire Rasetsu faction knew her blood could provide bloodlust relief. My hands were shaking and I attempted to hide them under my knees. Unfortunately, Sanan was a skilled politician ... and I, a very poor liar. He noticed my unease at once.

"Do not worry, Frances-san, I see the futility of such research. And Hijikata-kun would never allow it."

The Shōji slid open harshly and I jumped. Damn those warriors with silent feet!

"I sure wouldn't."

I didn't have to lift my head to know who stood, glowering, in the opening. Little wonder he was called the Demon Commander if he kept popping up like this.

A soft breeze rushed in the room and I found myself breathing easier. That last conversation had been chilling, and I wondered how Sanan kept his sanity while working here in the dark. Strangely, the presence of the Oni Vice Commander caused my tension to retreat. Despite his tendency to explode, I trusted his intentions towards Chizuru; he'd guard her with his life.

"I know. The subject is therefore closed."

Sanan and Hijikata exchanged a long, loaded look before the commander's eyes landed upon out makeshift model.

Please don't ask, please don't ask.

"What's this?"

Damn. I squirmed in my seat, finding that my legs had gone numb.

"A model for your temper, Hijikata-kun", Sanan responded with a mischievous smile.

I shook my head in dismay; they really were fighting like brothers, down to the pettiness. Despite my embarrassment, I felt privileged to witness this little spat; they had shed their commander's persona to squabble like siblings, and I found it cute ... except that I was about to be dragged in between.

I kept my head down, wary of the storm that brewed in the commander's aura. Hijikata knelt, eyebrows knitted in a puzzled frown, as he watched our earlier work.

"I don't get it."

"I'll show you", Sanan responded, his silky voice lilting in amusement. "See, this is just a model of how much damage you can inflict upon someone, given the level of provocation. Frances-san, here, has rendered your character very well."

I addressed Sanan a desperate look that he ignored entirely.

"Quick to anger", he murmured, his finger tracing the shooting part of the logarithmic curve, "and bound by honour."

Hijikata stood so suddenly that the paper flew away. I caught the piece mid-air, rolling it to keep it away from the volatile man that stood by the door.

"Quick to anger?", his voice rose, barely a notch from yelling.

And somehow, it matched our model so well that Sanan and I caught each other's gaze. I couldn't hold my giggles, and neither did the spectacled man. Hijikata huffed, grumbling about mathematical models. He left in a rush, papers rustlings in his wake as we tried to reign our amusement. Overall, none of us ever understood why he'd come in the first place.

When I took my leave this evening, I was still reeling from the emotions I'd gone through in the past hours. Just as I was about to wish Sanan a good night, I suddenly realised he might be able to provide an answer to my puzzle.

"Sanan-san. I meant to ask you... Okita-san is still coughing, and it's summer. Is it a common occurrence?"

Deep sadness flashed in his grey eyes before the man dipped his head to hide it.

"I suggest you let it go, unless you believe in miracles."

He knew! He knew what ailed Okita, and I didn't understand why they all kept it a secret. Was he about to turn into a demon? To take the Ochimizu? To ...? Sanan-san closed the shōji in my face, and I heard his silky voice from the other side.

"You cannot help him, no more than Yukimura's blood can help us."

To hear him so defeated wrenched my heart. I returned to my room, eyes lifted to the starless sky.
