
Hi, I know I said this story was finished, but I thought that it needed an epilogue, so here it is.

Twenty years later. Jess's POV

"Ror, their someone at the door for you," I call to my oldest daughter. I had three kids; Ror, my 

oldest (fifteen), Jessica, the middle child (thirteen), and my son Luke, ten, who somehow turned 

out to be sporty and, in my opinion, at least not especially bright.   

Rory and I had gotten married just after she graduated from college to the horror of Lorelai. 

At the moment, Luke was at football practice, run by Dean Forester of all people. His youngest 

son came over quite frequently, which annoyed me to all ends. And Jessica was at an after

 school writing group; she was very popular there as I was a semi-famous novelist. And Ror was 

in her room, a place she spent an increasing amount of time in. Ror came running down the

 white pine stairs flashing me a small smile as her light brown hair swung out behind her. 

"Hi, Brady." She said in a sly charming way that sent my paternal senses on fire. I knew to keep 

out of her relationships, but this was different (If you don't know, Brady is Dean's oldest son in a 

year in the life). I was about to protest their filtering, but Luke walked in covered in sweat and 


 "Hey, dad. Can I go to Oliver's( Dean's son.) house?" He asked

" Yes, but please rake a shower first," I responded. By the time I turned to my oldest child, she was

 halfway out the door. 

"Bye, Dad, I'll be back in a few hours." She said.

"Okay, but stop by Luke's, please," I said.

I grabbed my phone and called Luke. 

"Hello, Luke's dinner." 

"Luke, Ror just left with Brady, and I'm kind of freaking out." I panted.


SON!" I could almost hear Miss Patty look out the window.

"Could you stop freaking me out?"

"Wait, they are coming into the dinner." He hung up.

Luke's POV

I got married to Lorelai around the same time that Jess and Rory got married. I was so glad to 

have my three grandchildren. Luke and I were pretty close since he likes sports too.

"Hi, Ror," I said warmly.

"Hey, Grandpa! Can Brady and I get milkshakes?" Did I mention that I hate Dean and, by 

extension, his children?

"Sure, sweety."

I walked into the kitchen where Ceaser was. 

"You know that I can hear right." He said, getting the ice cream out of the freezer. 

"I know, but I wanted to make sure you spat in Brady's." 

"Will do, boss." I then left the kitchen and told Ror that I would be back soon. I left the kitchen 

and walked out behind the dinner, meeting Jess along the way.

We both leaned back against the brick back of the dinner. We were probably thinking the same thing, but he said it first.

"I hate that she's growing up." He muttered.

"It not all bad. You can talk to her like an adult now, can't you ?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's really nice."

We stayed perfectly silent after that. I guess we were both think about our childhoods. I know Jess was because I could see him tense up at the thought of his early years. After we had gotten through the initial memories of pain and fear, I think that we both realized that all of those horrific things led us here. 

The end.

Authors note;

So this is where our story comes to an end. I hope everyone is pleased because I am. I'm so glad that so many people like this story; it's been a fun one to write. By the way, I have another Gilmore girls fanfiction on my profile if you are interested. If you have any questions, I'll be glad to answer them! Thank you for going on this journey with me.

