Holy Blue Sea XI - Her new weapon

"Where are you taking me brother?"

"You will see It soon".

A frustrated groan escaped her lips "Did you remember that I have a little baby to take care, right?" she continued sarcastically "The little dragon that calls you uncle, you know him right?"

"Smart brat" the men replayed back.

Seriously Mo Yuan, with our brother and my aunt playing as teenagers in love ever since he woke up, my poor A Li is like an orphan" she blurted out annoyed.

Mo Yuan looked at her annoyed "You know why they do that" and then rebutted "And they don't neglect him that much either" to which she responded with a mocking snort "Of course I know why they act as love birds, but they exaggerated sometimes".

"You believe that you understand, but in fact you weren't born when the story begins" his last statement gains him a suspicion stare "Forget it, you are too young to know everything behind, the thing that I could said is, there is more in this story than most of the people know" he explained cryptically.

"I am not a baby, why, never explain me anything" She frustrated huffed.

"You are barely 10000 years old, for us immortals you are baby, dear".

"I know that I am too young to understand a lot of things, but I still can recall the sadness that surrounded the lair, before my brother wakes up" she lamented.

Noticing that his words hurt her, he stopped, to kneel in front of her "I'm sorry" he told her "I didn't mean to hurt you, I know that despite how young you are, you have seen and suffered more than many, only..." he suspired heavily "sometimes I forget how much you have lived, and I only see the little fox in front of me" the little girl's eyes filled with contained tears "I know, that I don't understand many things, I'm still young, but...."

"But your soul is older than many, and you can understand the anguish and pain better than many" he ended by her.

"At times A Li feels alone, I try my best to help, but I am not his parents, and they......"

"They should be more empathetic and understand that although their pain as a couple is immense, it should not be bigger than their love for their child" he comforted her "I wasn't aware of the situation, and sad to be said, but I should be. I am sorry Xiao Jiu, we are the adults here, and yet we neglect to notice what was happening again" he concedes ashamed, not only for his little nephew, but for her little sister, for now they should be already learn to mind the little clues on their way "I will speak with both" he promised

Happy with the result she asked, "So where are we going?"

Still a bit perplexed of being received a call for attention from a little girl, he was slow to respond, but then he felt a pull on his hand to which make him react "Ohh... we going to Kulum mountain".

"Are we going to practice?" she asked curious.

We are not going to practice, but we are going to do something particularly important for your future" he said mysteriously.

When they arrived at the temple, they both moved towards the inner courtyard, away from the training grounds. "Aren't we going to see my students?" the girl asked mischievously, to which the man gave her an exasperated look "They are not your students, they are my students".

The little fox only denied happy with the head, which annoyed more to the man "Nop..." she said stretching the sound of the P "They are mine, you can ask them, they call me 师傅"

The man rolled his eyes with annoyance, they always had the same argument, and it was all the fault of that brats, all to please their little princess, and if they could upset their teacher, even better "You are too little to be their teacher".

"I don't care" she shrugged "They call me master, so I am they master" she decreed.

Bothered he tickled her forehead "Brat".

Without her noticing it, as she was having fun fighting with her brother, they arrived at a blue stone cave "Where are we?" she asked.

"Inside this cave, we are going to forge your first sword."

His sister's expression of emotion and bewilderment amused him "Let's go" he called her, but when he saw that she hadn't moved he joked "Ohh, I see you're not interested, in that case, we better go" to then turn around and start walking , but a groan of annoyance stopped him "Don't you dare move Mo Yuan, you promised me a sword, and now I want a sword" said the little dictator, whose posture was belligerent, with her arms crossed, and her small foot tapping rhythmically on the floor with discomfort.

Mo Yuan couldn't contain his laughter when he saw her with that dictatorial attitude "Remind me one day to introduce you to Dong Hua Dijun" he commented, still laughing.

Huh?" she replied baffled.

"He's just as bossy as you, the difference is that he's hundreds of thousands of years older than you" then he looked her up and down "and he's at least two meters taller than you, and let's not forget the killer aura, but otherwise you are the same" irritated by his jokes, she narrowed her eyes at him "are we going or not?"

"好啊 don't be mad, let go inside".

When they entered to the cave, Feng Jiu found that in the centre of it was a pool of golden water, from which steam was coming out "What is that?" she asked.

"That is our forge, the golden water is the material from which the sun that gave light to the universe was forged, when my heavenly father began to reign, he moved and encapsulated the golden river inside this cave, to prevent it will be used for evil, only some ancient gods knows that the river still exists, so you must keep this in secret" he warned her

She nodded in agreement "I understand, but if this place is so sacred, why do you bring me her?"

"Because, your sword need to be strong, even stronger than you, by now you should already understand how difficult the situation is between you grandfather, father and uncles" he gaze at her to see her reaction, and indeed she was aware of it "for that reason is a priority that you become stronger as soon as possible, for the wellbeing, and protection of the people of Qing Qiu" only then she realized the meaning behind his words "I am not the heiress of my grandfather" she pointed out "True, you are not, but we both know, that if you father expect to have that position, your aunt and uncles would go to war" as she keeps quite, he said "The sons of your aunt, can't take the position as well, they belong to the dragon clan, and are going to rule the heavenly realm, Bai Zhen will not have sons, and your third uncle is still mourning to you dead aunt, I honestly doubt he will try to find another wife, and don't make speak about your second uncle, he mostly stay on the south guarding the border against the demon realm, something break inside of him many thousand year ago"

"So, all the responsibility laid in my hands" she hissed.

Noticing her tone, he asked "Are you mad due the responsibility over your shoulders?"

Resentful with the situation she snaped "How do you expect me to take charge of an entire realm, when I'm not capable of taking charge of my own life" she exploded angrily "You expect me to face my father when, for as long as I can remember I've done everything in my hand to hide from him, even trying to become invisible, and not even once worked" with a broken voice, she confessed "he terrifies me, and the worst thing is that he knows it and takes advantage of that"

Full of rage and pain, seeing her so broken, he closed his eyes for a moment trying to contain his emotions, this was not the time to let himself be carried away by rage, taking a deep breath, he bent down and gently took her by the forearms "Look at me Feng Jiu" he demanded "No matter how scared you are, no matter how much doubts you have, I am here, your brothers are here, and we are not going to let you fall down. You are strong my girl, despite everything you have go through, he didn't manage to destroy who you are, and that is why he keeps attacking. You may believe that you are weak for fearing him, but remember this, fear keeps us alive, it keeps us alert, only fools do not fear, so don't be ashamed of being afraid" he reassured her.

She nodded, even if she doesn't look happy with the news, she preferred to keep her thoughts for her "So, how does this forge work?" she asked.

Aware that she wanted to change the subject, he replied "The forge works as a catalyst that allows you to fuse your power with the metal with which you are forging your weapon, plus this forge gives it an extra layer of strength, to put it simply. , by using the golden water of this river, you can amplify the power of the object immersed in it".

An awed expression covered her face. "Wow, I never imagen that make weapons was such a complex method, but I don't have much power, my cultivation level is low as well, and the metal, what kind of metal should I use?" she listed, as all the buts arise in her mind.

Satisfied for her sharp mind he explained "Well, at the present not all the weapons are made as we plan. The process for most of the master gunsmiths is quite similar as the one used in the mortal realm, only the ancient gods and goodness still use this method, but with a different catalyst" seeing that she want ask more about what else can be used as a catalyst, he raised a hand as to keep her quiet "Not now Xiao Jiu" a sulking face was the answer, he smiled permissive because of her little tantrum "As for the cultivation, you are too young to have to forge a weapon, but the current situation does not allows us to delay, for that reason Ye Hua and I will give you the cultivation needed" the last part of his speech caught her attention "How so?" she asked.

Guessing what was coming, Mo Yuan had already taken out two dragon scales from the sleeve of his tunic, one golden, one black, which he showed to the little girl by opening his hand in front of her "The scales of a dragon are powerful, but the scales of the only twins dragons, and sons of the heavenly father, are invaluable" he told her "but if we made the sword only using our scales, the weapon will never obey you, so you must sacrifice something also invaluable from you"

For an instant she dazed, as she was processing all the data, inadvertently her nine tails showed at her back and began to move nervously, feeling the restlessness of its owner, still unknowingly of her movements took the tip of the nearest tail and caressed absently "Do I have to cut it?" she mumbled, afraid of the answer, the idea of become the first 8 tails foxed wasn't attractive for her, and the pain was a big No - No factor in her book.

As if he could read her mind, he comforted her "Once your cultivation grow, you could regenerated your tail, the pain is inevitable, but you are a warrior, and must face It" In an instinctive reaction, the tail she was caressing wrapped around her arm, as if to indicate that it was not willing to leave her owner "Don't worry, you are still very young, and you need all your tails, but in the future you will need to do it" he reassured her knowing how reluctant she was.

"But you said....." she started to argue, but the raised hand of her brother make her silence again "The weapon that we would make today will be temporary, at some point you should pass through this process and make your final weapon, I hope that that will happen in thousands of years, but I can't be sure about it, our weapon will be a stronger one, only another greater power could breaker" he explained.

Not so sure to understand all this weaponing process she asked, "If I am not going to use my tail, what else do I have?"

Aside from your tails, are you sure you don't possess something of similar power?

"Similar power" she murmured, oblivious of her surroundings the thumb that lifted her upper lip slightly made her jump in surprise "My fang" she babbles while raising her hand to her mouth to touch the now elongated fang with the index finger.

"Apart from the tails, the fangs of a nine tails foxes are the second powerful in terms of cultivation, and in your case, you will not need an extra power to make it grow again, because yours are still...." But he couldn't end because of her answer "my baby fangs, I shouldn't lose it for a few months".

"You are right sister" he approved.

"How long have you been planning this?" she enquired.

"Ye Hua and I discussed this matter a couple of months ago, and we both agreed that this was the best moment to do it, not only for your fangs, also because at the moment you will be training under our guardianship, so we can train you in right way to use your new sword, without the meddling of thirds parties" he expounded.

"By third parties, you mean my father" she affirmed, seeing that he wants to say more, she raised a hand to stopped him "Leaved brother, when it comes to my father, any apology is futile, we both know that he is my worst enemy".

Memory from Mo Yuan thousands of years ago

The sun has raised to find the lovers laying at bed, entangled as the last night, the now read-haired women seem lost in her thought, as his lover peacefully sleep without caring the half-sprawled body over him, a protective arm wrapping her by the waist, while she embraces his hips between her legs. The soft petting in his chest drowsy him deeper, which she notice, and make her feel more secure to confess" I always wonder if I was destined to have a messed love relationship as my parents" she mumbled "I still recall the day when my father brought to Cang Yi, at the begging it didn't matter, he was just another kid as me, and I thought that we could become friends" she continued "but as the time pass I perceived how wrong I was"

"I believed that the repetition of the past was inevitable, that the misfortune of the parents will always affects their children, and I feared that if I followed that path, one day, it would be my son who would be suffering the same as me" she grunted remembering how dark was that time in her life "Later I found how useless was to surrender to a reality that wasn't my choice, and I learned that if I don't fought for myself no one will do it, that new way of thinking gained me a lot of beatings, but as my brothers said I'm too stubborn for my own good" she sobbed not completely for the sadness, but also for the happiness that she now has.

A gentle stroke in her hair, make her shivers "You are awake" was a statement that sound more like an accusation "Having you naked, and relaxed on my bed, do you expect me to keep sleeping? He teased her, her intended gaze makes him said "I felt that you need to say something, but you weren't comfortable with the idea of my listening awake, so I let you express yourself in the way that you needed".

She melted, only him can read her with such precision "You are worthed" his puzzled stare makes her laugh "Having you was worth all the pain I went through for the last thousands of years; you were beyond of any hope that I could foresee" she beamed as she kissed him in the curve where his neck flowed to his shoulder.

Speechless, he contemplated her for a long moment, feeling shy because of his stare, she tucked her head under his chin, but he didn't let her hide from him. He took her chin and rise her head to kiss her slow and deep, demanding all from her, ravishing her mouth. His hand closed gently around her throat, as to move her head in the angle he wants. Her hands clenched on his shoulders as the passion aroused, as his cock hardened inside of her.

She slept with him inside of her all the night, the little soreness between her thighs tells her that he never left her body, but the desire of having him thrusting harder in her wet floods, have her moaning in despair "Do you need me my love" he said in a husky voice, just parting from her lips the necessary to speak. Her dazed mind couldn't understand his words, but her body doesn't have the same problem. Her hips started to sway, making her clit rock over his pelvis. His cock slid out a bit, only the firm grip of his hand in her hips, keeps him just inside of her.

He bites her lips hard, earning him a aggravate glare "You wasn't listening" he excused himself.

"You ask stupid questions" she challenged him. Her answer was his cock thrusting hard, driving his cock deep. She hissed in surprise to then sucking and biting his pulse as punishment. He drops his hands, fondling and squeezing her butt, as nuzzled her, and press a kiss to her throat "You like it, I know it, your inner walls still hold me tight" he snarled.

"Move" she demanded as her pussy contracted a little more, almost strangle his cock. Unlashed he began to move, each plunge of his dick was sharp, and firm that have her whimpering in need "More" she begged with a laboured pant. She lowers her hips to meet each punch with her own.

He swore, his thrusts faster and faster, as he gripped her breast while sucking on her pulse "I need you, come for me" to then tug at her hair "I can't have enough of you" he bites her again, almost painfully. She was so needy; the eager was increasing at a point to hurt.

He moved and laid her in the bed with him over her. The new position rubber her clit harder, the pleasure building inside of her, higher and higher, until her orgasm slammed into her, stealing her breath, as a long cried leave her lips.

Opening her eyes, her body relaxed and satiated, she looked at Dong Hua who has a very satisfied look which make her smile, but then notice that he was still hard "Do you want to do it again?" she accused him. His unapologetic smile tells her that he didn't feel shy "I will never have enough of you" A new kiss started, this time less wild, more touching, as a slow seduction "Let me have you" he urged her "you have me" she answer not discerning the meaning behind "No in the way that I want" he said, but not explaining further.

Holding his head between her hands, she stares at him attentively "What you need?" she asked but instead of getting an answer, she found herself flipped onto her stomach. Pushing over the long strands of hair off her face, she turned to see him now straddling her tights "Wha..." but when her gaze meets his, the hunger in his eyes make her mute. His hands shaped her bottom, to them palmed softly, more like a teasing petting. His fingers slide between her butt, backing down until reach her swollen folds "This is what I need" as he slid right back into the hilt. Her hands grasped the sheets as a moan left her lips. "You, give in to me" he said, as he pulls in and out of her tight sheath.

He leaned on her, his weight pressing her to the bed, trapped under him, only receiving what he wants to give her. She wet more, the slippery sound that each thrust make, aroused her. His hands rand under her body clutching her breast as he pushed over her with a hot desire that had her crying out "Dong Hua" as the tiny muscles of her sheath started to squeeze around his cock.

Fingertip skimmed inside her mouth "Sucked it" pushing his finger in her mouth at the same tempo as his shoved in her. A row groan wrenched out him as her tongue swirl and sucked harder his finger, she closed her eyes, lost in the rhythm impose, in the heat and weight of the body over her. Suddenly she felt cold, the tempo of his thrust stopped and the emptiness of her mouth "Dong Hu...." A hassle cries.

His back hand grazing down her back makes her shiver "Tell me if it hurts" he said dominant, as she felt the tip of his finger circle the ring of her ass "I...don'...." She trembled a little "Shhh.....my little fox, I will go as far as you let me" he reassured her as his tip push a little into her slit "I will have all of you, you, until you feel so possessed that you will never doubt to who you belongs" his finger now half bury. Still a little jitter, her muscles were tense, then a hand nuzzling her clit make her moan and backed her hips to intensify the sensation, her muscle now limp that she didn't notice when his finger nudged to the edge "You see, it fits" his hoarse voice bring her back. The strange sensation of being overstretched, a little pain overpowers by a dark pleasure.

She lost her train thoughts when he reared back slightly from her pussy and ass, to then thrust hard back. A scream half joy, half discomfort left her lips "Are you hurt?" he asked trying not to move to let adjust to the new intrusion. He didn't mean to push harder but the urge inside him to dominated have him in the edge.

"What are you waiting for?" she urged him, as strange the sensation was, her body was warming up. He growled "You asked for" as he began to move. God, she dug her claws into the sheets. Her inner walls thickening as his throbbing cock, and finger rasped inside her.

His pumped become tough, as her wail grow in intensity, the furious need battering him as the grip on her hip harassed, there will be marks, he is sure of that, the idea of see his marks in her body fuel his passion. She arched and pushed back to meet every thrust; the stiff grip of her pussy delighted his senses "Ended, I want you to soak my cock with your cream" he scraped out as his clangs dig a bit in her skin.

She moaned; her pussy quivered around him. He moved his hand from her hip to pitch her clit once, twice, and she came in a shattered tremor, a silent bawl split her lips. "Good girl" he roared as his release crushed him. His hips keep stabled in as his cock pour hot streams of come into her body.

For a moment Dong Hua fell asleep over Feng Jiu, but knowing that this position wasn't comfortable for her, find enough strong to pull himself out of her folds, what makes her murmur in displeasure. Feeling happy than never a little smile appeared in his face, as he takes from the floor the discarded sheet and covered them both, then fell into a deep sleep.

The sensation of warmness brought her from her sleep "How do we ended in the bath?" the last thing she can recall was the feeling of lethargy that hugged her until she fell asleep.

"Are you sore" he asked avoiding her question.

"Sore?" she murmured "No, why?"

"I wasn't soft with you" he explained caressing absently her hair "You were rough, but I didn't mind, you only bring me pleasure my love" she reassured him, as she felt her muscles relax in the hot water. The stressful knot inside him loosed. When the process of mating started, the desires of his dragon, and himself overwhelming his senses, the need to conquer, and dominated filled his mind, without control he was only guided by his instincts.

Feeling how stiff he was, she tried to lead the conversation to another direction "What do we have planned for today?" she can't clearly remind the training schedule.

"Weapon creation" he said visualizing in his mind the complete schedule, where Feng Jiu was some clueless, Dong Hua unnoticed thigs rarely, his mind was like a trap, once something was read or mastered by him, will never be dismiss from his mind.

His words stilled my body, the previous warmness from the water left my body "what's wrong my love" he asked tense at feeling how still I become, for a moment I thought to lie him, not wanting to worry him, but deep down I knew that I can't fool him.

"Scared" I confessed ashamed, to show a weakness such is this in front of him. I realize that the feeling was silly, because he is my other half, nothing that I can feel, see, or think will be childish or ludicrous for him, but at times I can't let go the old fears that accompany me for thousands of years "The last time that I created a weapon, the pain was intense, even when, what I sacrifice were just my baby fangs, this time will be different. What if...." But my voice break, for a second a lump in my throat blocks my words "What if, I can't bear the pain to cut my tail" as it happened in the past, my nine tails aroused behind me, whipping the surface of the water "if I am not strong enough to regenerate my tail" I said, feeling a pain in my chest at the thought.

When his hand seized my nape, the turmoil inside of me calmed, even my tails subdued in front of his serenity "You are stronger that you believe my love" he said vehemently "since you were little, you have been trained by the strongest and oldest gods and goodness in the heavens. They prepared you to reign, to conquer" he ensured her.

His words deepened the pain in my chest, as my breaths become shorter and anxious "So, why do I feel, that I am a farce. Everybody wants me to turn into the great queen of Qing Qiu, by defeating my grandfather, and father, but..." Looked into his eyes with tears falling from my eyes "there are my blood, as twisted and dirty as it is, they are still my blood. I still can't make peace with the fact that must I kill them" I gurgled tormented.

His normally calm face mirrored my anxiousness, the grip in my nape grows into sharpness, as his other hand drag me against his body, until there was no space between ours. His gaze captured mine, as his forehead rested against mine "I can do it for you" he asked me, his voice free of judgement. His stare full of concerned "Just ask me" he offered, and in that moment, I realize that if I want, I can take that path, a path where I don't need to face all the pain and suffering that await me, that he happily and quietly will take all burden from my shoulders and bear it alone, all to ensure my tranquillity. It is my choice, as all the things, since the begging in our relationship, he has never made the decision for me, but if a cowed from my responsibility what kind of queen I will turn out.

A confidence eased the knot in my chest. My hands lifted to take his face between "I can't be a coward, and be your Dihou, my love" his eyes opened in bewilderment, which make me beam happily, as my thumbs coddle his cheeks "Your Dihou can't be weak, your mate can't be weak, I can't be weak....."seeing that he wants to heckle me, I kissed him softly, briefly, just enough to still the battle from him "I know that you would take all my worries and fears from me, just to see me at peace, but we are mates, we are the complement of the other, you are my strength, and I am yours. Therefore, I cannot let you carry everything, while I hide behind you, it would not be fair for you. If I let you bear all alone, I would not love you as you deserve to be loved, I cannot sacrifice you just because of my fears, because without you......" Whispered broken by just imagining it "without you I am nothing".

We contemplated each other for a long moment, sharing breathings, finding comfort in the other "Never doubt that I will be by your side" he promised "I am your strength, as you are mine, together no one can defeat us" his words whipped out the fear inside me "together" I affirmed, my chest full of faith and confidence that everything will be fine.

After that our bath passed calmly, we both preferred not to delay, since we knew that the task that awaited us was going to be long and arduous. Our lunch was light, I had learned in a not very pleasant way that sometimes, the extreme use of internal cultivation, and a full stomach did not get along well, as Dong Hua delighted reminding me of the first time we met in a fight, and how I lost masterfully to him before vomiting at his feet " I thundered, that happened when I just recovered my human form, I was weak and still in shock as to have to face to Cang Yi after thousands of years. When my teacher take me under her training, he become a bitter, and distant memory that I pushed to the back of my memory, but when I just ended my training, and returned to my home had barely passed a week, when my father make me run away from Qing Qiu and seek for refuge with my brother and later with my aunt, the last thing that I expected was to find my cornered by him at the Miaohua mirror. Even though I managed to fight back at the beginning, there came a time when an inexplicable fear dominated me and made me vulnerable. Until today when I recalled the events of that day, I am not clear about what made me lose control, perhaps the grotesque and mocking grimace that appeared on his face when in the middle of the fight he managed to rip my clothes, leaving part of my legs bare, and his words that puzzle me, but fill me with fear "I missed those legs, the skin of your thighs is still as soft as I remember?" he teased.

It was impossible, I never let him get that close to me, I would remember. It was only a moment of bewilderment that it took for him to have me on my back on the ground, with him on top of me between my legs, his weight trapping me under him.

I can still remember the malice in his eyes, at having me trapped under him "Uhmmm" he muttered pleased, as he buries his nose in the valley of my breasts "you have a smell that drives me crazy" he whispered, as the fear paralyzed me. Unable to move, to scream, terror choked me. When his hands began to go up my knees "You're shaking Feng Jiu" he teased "Memories are as pleasant for you as they are for me" he said rubbing his nose over my nipple, while his hands started to descend inside of my thighs until almost to reach my core. The leash inside me broke.

The fury, and the hate overthrew terror. Inside me, a ball of energy began to form that was fed by all the impotence, and the repulsion that I felt, until it became so big that my body could not contain it anymore, and it exploded like a bolt of energy that hit Cang Yi right in the chest and sent him flying through the air until he collided with the waterfall, after that the darkness, and the oblivion took away till Dong Hua found me in my fox form. A part of me wanted to tell him all that happen that day, but something stops me, maybe the certainty that if Dong Hua knew it, he would kill him, although that doesn't really worry me, but I'm terrified that he might see me in a different way, that he believed.....it's silly, I know, it's just my fears and insecurities that block me, although he knows something about what happened, there are many things he doesn't know, a part of me wants to understand why Cang Yi spoke to me that way, another part just wants to forget it. The only thing I'm sure of is that the time will come when I can't ignore it anymore, and I'm going to have to face it.

Noticing the stare of Dong Hua over me, I pushed away that memories to focus on what awaits me "Are you alright?" he asked, I know that he feels my uneasiness.

"Yes, I was just remembering the process that my brother teaches, when we created my first weapon" I said

He nodded not fully convince by my explanation "This time the process will be a little different" he pointed out.

"What you mean?"

His face tensed "Your first weapon, was made principally by the cultivation and power of Ye Hua and Mo Yuan, and the fang that you used was mostly to imprint your essence into the weapon, otherwise the sword will never obey you" he clarified "but this time, your new weapon will be only made by your own power, so the process will be different, and also I would like to add another level of protection"

Protection, I thought "What kind of protection?"

He paused his speech as he was trying to find the best way to expose his idea "Since we start..." he heisted "when we become mates, our essences, power and blood will mix, to grow into one, but as the process is still incomplete, we still didn't fuse so if you want to use my magic or power, you should need, or my conscious admission, or a part of me, otherwise you will block, I will find a similar barrier, if I try to access yours"

I nodded in accord "I already figured out that, but I didn't see How does this relate to the other?" I asked confused "you want to add an extra level of protection to my sword, that is ok with me , but what does it have to do with the access to our other powers, my new weapon will never be that strong as your Cang He sword, and I certainly think that with my actual level of cultivation, I can't control Cang He sword, even if our mate process was already ended".

"What I am planning is really old sorcery, the knowledge is almost lost, apart from me and Zhe Yan, not other alive god knows" he revealed "I am planning to drag out half of my heart and fuse with your tail" he dropped that bomb on me, with all the calmness as he was talking about the weather, it takes me an instant to snaped angrily "Absolutely no"

We were having this conversation in our way to the heart of the island, until that moment was a relaxing walk but know my level of stress were rising, as I started to move madly furious with him for propose such an insane idea "Do you have any extra hearts that I'm not aware of?" Grunted acerbically "The last time that I checked, you have only one, ¡ONE!" Thundered as I said vehemently pointing a finger at him.

He seemed unaffected by my temperament, only staring at me, as if he were waiting for me to calm down and leave my tantrum behind, and see how logical his idea was, that only infuriated me more. Did he forget what I told him, that I could live without anyone, except him? The rage was building inside of me, just awaiting the moment to explode, but hold on a second, this is how I want that all my future disputes whit him will be resolve? with my furiously mad, as he didn't flinch even little by my reaction. Wouldn't this throw our relationship off balance? Where he is being the mature one, and I the childish one, to whom he treats paternally.

Is that how I want him to see me?

Are people going to respect me as Dihou when I don't know how to restrain my temper and solve things without exploding? All that question crosses my mind in an instant, and I have to admit that make me feel inappropriate, inappropriate to be his mate, to be his Dihou, to be the next queen of Qing Qiu. Scared to lose him, I am terrified to find myself living a live without him, however he is feeling the same for me, yet he still tries to restraint his overprotectiveness over me, I should be able to do the same, breathing deeply I asked "Why?".

The tension was visible in my posture, even when I asked in a soft voice, he notice that I was trying to rein myself "Although Cang He, is a weapon extremely strong" he started "if your new weapon has a part of my heart, my sword will recognize yours as its partner, and will instantly obey your command, will fight to protect you, though you were unable to do it yourself, and if any one try to break your weapon again, mine will protect it. Apart from all of this, once you have half of my heart, you will also have a instant access to a tiny part of my power, it could be seemed silly but...."

"A fraction of your power equals more than half of the power of any common high god" I ended for him.

"Yes, my love" he confirmed "A fraction is all you will need to protect yourself. Would like to think that I will be by your side always, but the true is other, and I can't be that naïve, and don't plan in advance, so could you conceded this to me? He begged.

All inside my scream ¡WRONG! But, deep down, I knew that I can't persuade him against it so...." Not happy Dong Hua" I hissed "I can comprehend your feelings but does not mean that I like it what are you planning to do".

He looks at me, and I can see the relief in his eyes "I only hope that when a take similar decisions, you will realize that I am doing for the same reasons as you" in that moment all the relief in his eyes disappeared, and were replaced by mistrust and apprehension, not letting him asks anything, I took his hand and pulled him towards the mountain.

Unlike the cave inside of Kulum mountain, here it was a valley hide in between the peaks of the island, the valley was completely covered, no matter from which angle you try to find it, in the middle of the valley was a lake of silver water, where the golden lake in Kulum boiled at thousands of degrees Celsius, here the silver lake burned you because of the cold it emitted, despite the grass were green as it was spring, the flowers were like a frozen crystal, a colourful crystal, but frozen "How are we going to do it?" I asked unsure about the process.

Dong Hua approached to the shore of the lake, to then take off his clothes, leaving only his pants, and his bare torso, once this was done, he sat cross-legged and looked at me out of the corner of his eye "What are you waiting for?" Looked at him stunned "What?" he only keeps staring me.

"Stone face" I murmured irritated which earned me a not subtle grin from him, still fuming, I did take out my cloths and assume the same position as him "Now what?" I ordered.

Still with a beaming smile he said "I need that you start to meditate, to concentrate your power, and concealed into sphere of energy. Once you have the sphere you need to shape into a blade and direct that blade to your tail, only by making in this way, by cutting with your own cultivation, you will be able to regenerate a new one using your power" he detailed the process "Are you going to use the same way to cut your heart?" I whispered, imagining how painful it would all be for both of us "kind of my heart is going to heal, but will remain half" no more word was needed "And after that I asked, "You need to put it together in the forge stone".

"Forge stone?" Repeated, clueless of how a missed a that thing, but when these thoughts were crossing my mind, in the middle of the lake, a dark stone erupted from the water making big waves in the surface of the before calm lake "Oh! That forge stone" I said silly, he stares me curious but mentioned nothing "how does it works?" Inquired, wanting to change the subject.

"In the forge you will put all the items, including the stone that you will use. Did you choose it?" he requested.

When my first weapon was made, the stone used was gold, the primary stone of my brothers, but this time I prefer to use something equally strong but that resemblance me more, from my pocket I take out two stones, which double its sizes once in my hand "A ruby, and an black diamond" I showed him

"Two?" he looked confused "Why?"

"I still didn't decide which one I will use, so I bring it both" I explained "I suppose that I will choose before I start to forge".

Looked doubtful but does not ask further "When all the items will be in place, from the forge will come out two vials that you need to connect to your veins in your wrists, that vials pump the frozen water of the lake into your blood. When there is plenty of water in your veins, a hammer and chisel will form in your hands, as well as anvil, and as before......" but I interrupted him "I will have to hit and carve my weapon" the process this time is more severe, and sharp, the last time my hands burned because I have to hold it the scales, the gold and my fang into the golden river, until the river formed the sword, I can even use the little of my cultivation to create a some sort of gloves to protect me from the fire, but the time the process is completed different.

"It will hurt" he warned me "your main strong resides in the fire, but here the main power is ice, is going to burn thousands of times harder, but if you succeed, your sword will be as well thousands of times stronger".

"Know, let's do it".

Both of us started to regulate or breaths, until each inhalation and exhalation formed a slow, harmonic rhythm. A golden aura began to emanate from our bodies until it covered us, the deeper our concentration was, the colour of the aura that surrounded us changed until it took on the tone of our spirits. The sphere started to take form, bit by bit of my power begun to enter, my tails appear behind me, while the skin of Dong Hua commenced to shine as silver scales covered him, his hands now with the shape his dragon's paws. As our breaths were synchronized, we both reach the peak point at the same time, a strong yell, follow by a roar was heard in all the valley, once I opened my eyes, I could notice the bloody tail still stirring in hand, disturbed look into his way, but the vision was thousands of times worse.

His right hand had dug through his chest, until it reached his heart, a river of silver blood was falling from his chest until it formed a puddle on his leg, with his chest open his claws began to pierce his heart in half until it cut It in half. Try to stop him, but I was weak, and an energy field keeps everything out, the vision of him taking out the half of his still beating heart It will haunt me in my nightmares forever.

We stare each other, my face full of tears, as my chest has blood stains from my tail, unaware of my actions, I had brought my bloody tail to my chest, and crushed against it, causing the blood that was still inside it to come out like a fountain and bathe everything. He with his stoic face, heart in hand, literally saying, bathed in silver blood "You look charming as never my love" he teased me, making me giggle, this fucking moment, is like a bloody nightmare and he still manage to make me smile "You look like a fucking ghost honey" I retorted, and both of us bursts in laughs.

Now I am standing in front of the forge, half naked, crummy with my own blood, and part of the blood of him, and know that the worst is still coming. Without him noticing a former an energy field around the forge, as I started the same process as before, only this time the object was not my tails, this time, the part of me that I will lose will be half of my heart. He realized that something was not right when instead of taking the vials into my veins, a red aura covers my body, I can say the moment when he discerned what my intention was. He jumped from the shore of the lake where he was looking at me directly to the rock where I was standing, but when he arrived it was too late, my claws had already pierced my chest and cut part of my heart, he tried to break my barrier, but being connected to my spirit, he hurt me without knowing it, when I vomited blood after his attack, I saw that he fathom that he could not enter without seriously injuring me "I sorry" I vocalized through my pain.

The barrier fell as I collapse on the floor, holding half my heart. His arms holding me are the first thing I feel upon regaining consciousness, his face was the second thing I came, and he is not happy, I see anger and betrayal in his eyes, but I warned him, right? "What the hell were you thinking?" he fumed "you could have killed yourself" he rasped with a now brooked voice, his grip stronger now, dominant, as if afraid something might snatch me from his grasp "Now you understand how I feel before" I whispered, gripping a lock of his hair between my hands "So it was for revenge" he asked with a crushed voice.

I denied with my head hide in his chest "I can't never hurt you in that way for revenge my love" I declared "but just as much you need to protect my, I need the same" I confessed, seeing that he wanted to interrupt me, I put a finger on his lips to silence him "I know I'm not as powerful as you, but I also know that for some reason the universe gave me unique powers that few people know about, and I also know that if there is someone who is almost impossible to defeat, it is you, but it does not stop scaring me that a day will come, and all your power can't be enough and I lost you" I breathed, my lips caressing the skin of his collar with each word "If giving you a little of what makes me unique means that you will be more protected, I will do it without blinking, even if it means your anger" both become silence, after my last statement, we are both stubborn, hard to apologise, or admit a mistake "I am not happy" he pronounced "I will never be happy seeing you hurt, but I can sort of grasp how do you feel" he conceded "Although, I will appreciated a warning in the future" he joked, less mad, his shoulders more relaxed.

"If I told you in advance, you would try to stop me" half teasing him, half saying the true, I know him, I understand how he thinks.

He snorted with annoyance "I would...." He started, but then shake his head, as if he were thinking better "I will try not to do it" he offered, and coming from a man as overprotective as him, it was really quite a commitment.

I tried to get up, but my members feel wobbly, I am further than drained, still I have to find the enough energy to finish my task ahead, still trembling I stand up, Dong Hua help me to stabilities as he bear some of my weight "You are not strong enough" he stated, and I can't complain, because he was right, although I can't stop, not now "I know, but I still have to endured until the end" no more words was say, we both understand how difficult the situation was, and how shorter the time was becoming.

He stand behind me, near the end of the rock, the vials emerged from the rock again, now that I see it more closely I notice that the vial has the consistency of a silver silk thread, the end of the thread does not have a needle, but it is as sharp as a normal needle, not wating to think twice I insert the vials into the veins of my writs. The chilled from the water stormed into my body in seconds, I could see how as the water go around my, the veins of my arms become silver. The colder my body absorbs, the drastic the changes were, my hair before fiery red now reflected the colour of Dong Hua, my skin before smooth as porcelain, now has layers of frost, when I touched it felt like the surface of a frozen lake, smooth but icy.

As the agony grow, froze tears started to fall from my face. Searched for a surface were to hold me when cold invaded my brain, a tormented roared leave my lips. When I thought I couldn't take it anymore, a strange but welcome calm invaded me "it is ready" he whispered from behind me, his hands embracing my hips, his head resting against my hair "Now you have to carve your weapon".

"Carved it" I said breathless, he didn't answer me, instead he takes my hands and put it over a hammer and chisel, which were not here before. On the anvil my tail, and the half of his hearth and mine where also waiting, the only things that reminds uncertain was the stone, in the pocket of my trousers were the ruby, and the black diamond "Which one are you going to choose?" he asked.

At that moment the idea that I had pushed to the back of my mind, took strength, and gave me the answer about what I must do "I am going to use both" I feel the stillness of his body "Trust me" I said, with that I took off his hands from my body, and push him back to end of the rock. Without hesitation I put the stones in the anvil together with the other items, and rise the hammer, as I concentrated all my remainder power into it as I closed my eyes to visualize what I want. The first hit was listened in all the valley, the second was as hard as the first, by the last my ears were bleeding, from the power of the blows of the hammer on the anvil, when I opened my eyes, I could see two some sort of swords, still to crude and rough but beautiful, one red as the blood, the other dark and black as a night without moon, but something is not right, what is not right I asked myself? When the knowledge arose inside me "It has to be three" I declared.

"Three?" he asked as he approached next to me, curious about my reaction "I supposed that you will do only one, you don't have power enough to make three" he replied "I know" I acknowledged, not happy with that true, but...."I don't have that power, but you have" I laughed delighted now that I have the answer, not letting him to stop to think, I guided him in front of the anvil, put the hammer in his right hand "Hit" I demanded, he not so sure about it, but wailing to let me have my way do it. The before two swords become three, the only difference was that this new one was as dark as the night but cover by a reddish glow "there you are" I giggled pleased with myself.

"How...you..." he mumbled bemused "These are our swords" I started "you should need to finish to carved it".

"Wait, what?" he asked, but a dark heaviness blur my mind, and the unconsciousness called me.

"Xiao Bai" I screamed, she was not lying in the floor of the rock, unconscious, when a moments before she was finishing her weapons. Can't understand what she was thinking, the only reason I am not freaking out, is because I can feel here steady breath, her half heart beating normally inside her chest "You are going to be dead of my, you know?" Joked, not as scared as before.

Now more serene I created a divan where I laid her "Rest here my love" I whispered to her, as I caressed here hair, to then covered with a blanket "I not sure what you expect me to create" I told her looking at her sideways, while standing in front of the anvil "But I hope that you like it".

***********************************************************************************************Two months later, I know, I am really a shamed but I keep writing. there are sixteen pages, I hope you enjoy, and don't want to kill me for the delay. Sorry I am really trying to do it better.
