The Choice (Part 2)

Percy knew exactly what he was going to chose. So as the fates asked what he wanted, he knew the exact thing he was going to say.

"I want to go to the reality where Luke and Thalia switched," he said.

The fates clapped their hands, and Percy was instantly transported to the reality, waking up exactly where he was when he left the reality earlier.

Thalia smiled at him, being the only one who knew about his choice. "I guess you followed your heart,"

Percy kissed her. "And it lead me to you,"

As the two walked to the rest of the group, they knew no reality could top this.

Yeah, it's short. But it's an ending, don't really know how to make a epilogue, but this is the closest thing I could do.

So yeah.....

It's done! Just wanted to say thank you for reading this!
