Hagrid the Chosen One

What if Hagrid actually turned Dudley into a pig?

Takes place in Philosopher/Sorcerer's Stone

A flash of light and a small pop and Dudley was turned into a pig. Harry started with a small chuckle but it slowly grew into a full out laugh. Harry laughed so hard it was concerning...

In fact Harry couldn't breathe anymore because he was laughing so hard. He laughed and laughed, while Vernon and Petunia just stared in fear and shock. But, sadly Harry laughed so hard that his lungs, malnourished and not used to this much laughter...

Harry died... RIP

The next day the wizarding world mourned over the last Potter's death. They turned to Hagrid with complaints, but Hagrid was ready, he was going to kill Voldemort with laughter. 

Dudley was sent to school the next day because Petunia and Vernon didn't want Dudley to be near even more magical people. 

Dudley went to school preparing for embarrassment. His buddy Piers Polkiss talked to him like everything was normal. He went to his classes and no one noticed a difference.

Dudley finally spoke up to his teacher "Miss can't you tell I'm a pig?" His teacher sternly looked at him and stated "Dudley, stop pointing out the obvious, you were always a pig" Dudley apparently looked so much like a pig, ate like a pig, and apparently talked like a pig, it barley changed anything

Now on with Hagrid's adventure. Hagrid tamed a dragon, and Norbert was nice as ever. As he progressed throughout the year as gamekeeper. Fluffy told him once while he was feeding him that Quirrel tried sneaking past him. Hagrid confronted Quirrel, he gave him one of his cakes and Quirrel's mouth was glued shut.

Quirrel not being able to teach anymore, Voldemort had no use for him. So Voldemort left Quirrel to rot. 

Hagrid continued on his adventure, taming the basilisk, I mean little ol Gina??? Wouldn't hurt a fly in Hagrid's opinion. The next year Hagrid saw Ron's rat malnourished with hair falling out and decided to adopt him, with Ron's permission obviously. After that Hagrid tamed the dragons and had a nice backyard barbecue, he even got their cousin's to join in. All fun and dandy. Madam Maxime still wasn't impressed with Hagrid. (Honestly, her loss)

So much for love life, but Hagrid had to continue. Then in the 5th year, Hagrid "accidentally" had Gina the basilisk petrify Umbridge and no one wanted her to un-petrify so they just left her petrified. Voldemort managed to steal the prophecy but no one really cared because Harry had, well passed on. Then 6th year Hagrid just stopped stalling and unleashed all of his animals on Voldemort. Hagrid also sent him one of his cakes as a farewell gift.

This is why, you NEVER trust prophecies.

Voldemort still survived but the power of Hagrid's cakes just kept his mouth shut so he could never communicate... Or could he?

Also, thanks a lot for reading. :) I mean like I wouldn't blame you to click on a book with a photoshopped duck horse, but thanks anyway. :) 
