Chapter 8


I kept my 'promise' (it wasn't really a promise, but ok) and came back with a new chapter before February! And without sacrificing my school life and daily life, so that's nice :3

I'm gonna try and deliever at least a new chapter every month. If I didn't have school, right now, I would probably be updating once every two weeks. In fact, I would've already finished this story, as well! Still, thanks for being patient. I'm also a bit of a slow writer. So that doesn't really help, either.

But enough about all of that, hope y'all enjoy this chapter!

(This chapter wasn't beta read, either)

Finally, after all these years and numerous humiliating defeats, I'm going to win!

"With this new invention, I'm finally going to beat Sonic!" Eggman exclaimed excitedly at the prospect of his future. The Eggman Empire would finally conquer the world!

Cubot suddenly spoke up, interrupting Eggman's thoughts.

"Sir! Sonic is infiltrating your base! He's going to destroy the base!"

"That's exactly what we want him to think, you idiot! With this new robot, I'm going to defeat Sonic once and for all!" He answered proudly. This battle was going to be just like a game. But this time he was going to win!

Eventually, that blue rat and his annoying friends arrived exactly where Eggman wanted them to. Eggman could see in Sonic's face that he thought this was going to be like any other battle... How wrong he was! None of them could even imagine what Eggman had created!

As Eggman was going to reveal his surprise, he heard Cubot... shouting? What was that idiot doing? Eggman couldn't comprehend what he was trying to say, nor did he want to. This was his chance to finally destroy Sonic and his pesty friends! Suddenly, as he was attempting to silence Cubot...

"...was destroyed!" Cubot shouted again, finally waking Eggman up. Eggman looked at the clock lying right beside his bed.

6:00 AM

Eggman found himself getting increasingly angry. What made Cubot wake him up, screaming, at this hour? He was having such a good dream, too!

"I wake up at 8:00 AM, you idiot!" Eggman said grumpily, he hated being awakened, especially at such an early hour.

"But sir, our new base was destroyed!" Cubot said apprehensively.

"What?!" Eggman was enraged, making Cubot slightly startled. "How did Sonic find our base?!"

"I-I don't know, Sir! I just got turned on by an alert about the base blowing up."

"Whatever!" Eggman exclaimed, putting his hand up dismissively, and then continued, "Let's just check the camera footage outside the base to see how badly it got damaged."

As Orbot joined Eggman and Cubot, Eggman, now, somewhat calmer, began wondering how Sonic found his new base. In fact, why did he attack it so early in the morning? It wasn't Sonic's style to do that. Eggman, as he started looking at the footage, found that it didn't matter much anyway. He had one thing up his sleeve, after all. He h- Was that Metal... with that blue rat? Eggman's face got filled with a tremendous amount of confusion.

How was Metal repaired? Why was he repaired? And why was Metal destroying his base with his enemy?!

Cubot and Orbot were both saying something. However, Eggman didn't care to listen. He reminded himself that he didn't need Metal, anymore. He created a better, improved, stronger, insentient version of him. And Eggman knew that this time he was going to win! Even with the destruction of his new base and the addition of Metal, they still didn't have what Eggman had now. This new robot was going to be the key to victory. Finally, he was going to make 'The Eggman Empire' a reality...

"Sonic was with Metal?" Rouge asked, shock present in both her tone and expression. Knuckles nodded.

"Why was Sonic with that excuse of a robot?" Omega said, with his sarcasm somehow apparent in his monotone voice box. Knuckles had almost forgotten that Omega was here, too. Shadow apparently liked to ride his bike during the morning, hence why he wasn't with them. Knuckles wondered how Shadow would react. Probably better than Knuckles did. But that didn't matter right now. Sonic was being an absolute idiot, and he needed Rouge's help to make Sonic come to his senses.

"And, obviously, Metal is just a robot controlled by Eggman. But Sonic somehow doesn't see that. So, I need your help."

"Maybe Metal isn't being controlled anymore. Tails could've changed his programming?" Rouge answered. Knuckles could sense that even Rouge wasn't very convinced by her reasoning.

"But then, why didn't Tails tell us and the team about it? He told everyone about other, less important things in the past."

"Yeah..." Rouge stopped, as she thought more about what Knuckles had just said, "You're right, something is fishy... I'm surprised at how calmly you are reacting to this, though... Maybe my 'lessons' are finally working?" Rouge finished with that incredibly flirtatious smile, she loved doing that to him these days. Rouge made- Knuckles shook his head slightly- he had to focus on Sonic right now. That was more important.

"That's not the point! I need your help because I don't know how to convince him Metal is a threat. Y'know how Sonic is sometimes. With the second chances and all."

Rouge laughed slightly. "Even though I would love to help you, I don't know Sonic like you do." Rouge answered sincerely, "But I know someone who can help..."


"You'll see..." And there goes Rouge again with her temporary secrecy.

"You still haven't said why I was supposed to be here in the first place!" Knuckles spoke rather impatiently. Rouge really had to start being direct with him!

"Be patient." Omega said, scaring Knuckles slightly.

"Exactly, Omega. After all, that's not the point, right Knux?" Rouge winked at Knuckles playfully.

This bat was going to be the end of him...

It was 8:30 AM. Amy had just woken up and was making breakfast. She still felt a bit hurt that Sonic (and Tails) had lied to her. But everything was resolved, so, she supposed, it wasn't worth dwelling on it, either. She couldn't get her mind off Sonic and Tails'... secrecy. It really isn't like them. Sure, Sonic isn't very open with his feelings. But that was because he barely even knows how to talk about them, not because he didn't trust her.

After all, what could be so complicated about whatever they were hiding?

Suddenly, her watch started vibrating. She stopped making her sandwich and looked at her watch. Rouge was calling her? That was odd. For what reason would Rouge be calling her?

Still, it was most likely important, so she decided to answer.

Tapping the answer button on her watch's screen, she saw Rouge and Knuckles.

"Hey, Hun. Did I wake you up?" Rouge asked.

"No, not all! I was in the middle of making breakfast. So... what's up?"

"Well, uhm..." Rouge said, looking like she didn't know how to express what she wanted to say. As Rouge struggled to find the right words, Amy's mind raced with possibilities. What could be so important that Rouge would call her so early in the morning?

"It's about... Sonic, Amy. We need your help." Knuckles said.

Amy's heart sank. Had something happened to Sonic? How could she help him? She really hoped it wasn't anything too severe.

"Is Sonic alright?"

"He is!" Rouge said, rather quickly. Amy immediately relaxed. Thankfully, nothing bad happened to Sonic.

"But then, what happened?"

"Well..." Knuckles started. Her mind wondered if what happened was related to the secret that Sonic has been hiding. She just hoped it wasn't anything too bad...

It was 12:00 AM. Sonic and Tails were still soundly asleep.

After Sonic and Metal demolished Eggman's base, Sonic told him that Tails had secretly been awake until 4:00 AM to work on a new project. Apparently, Tails had what Sonic called "1:00 AM inspiration"—whatever that meant— Metal didn't have enough battery left to ask. And the Blue Blur's adrenaline from destroying Eggman's base had worn off.

Sonic was eventually awoken by an unintentional noise made by Tails, and Sonic obviously put his younger brother to sleep.

Since he was now at full capacity, Metal decided to help clean the house. Both needed to sleep (especially Tails), and the house wasn't that messy or dirty to begin with, anyway.

As Metal started cleaning the floor, he couldn't help but think about Amy. He really had to make a decision. He knew that his organic counterpart and his brother said that he could take as much time as he needed. But he still felt compelled to decide within a few days, not a few weeks. At least he is less conflicted now than he was before during the night. He's leaning more towards revealing himself to Amy than keeping it a secret.

Still, Metal decided to focus on cleaning and put Amy on hold for the moment. He had to help clean the house, and it wasn't like he would be forced to reveal himself anytime soon, after all...

I know the ending is kinda lame. I just didn't know how to finish this chapter 😭
