Chapter 40

Ash had been excited for weeks. Today was International Women's Day and he had been planning a surprise for his girlfriend, Misty, in Pokemon Horizons. He had been busy coordinating with their friends, Brock and Serena, to make sure everything went smoothly.

Ash, a passionate Pokemon trainer, had been traveling with his best friends Brock and Serena for years. And while they had many adventures together, Misty was always his constant companion. She was strong, stubborn, and fiercely independent, qualities that Ash deeply admired in her.

As Ash and his friends arrived in Pokemon Horizons, they were greeted with colorful decorations and events happening all over the city. It was clear that the residents were celebrating this special day in a big way.

Brock led the group to a large park in the center of the city, where a stage had been set up. Ash spotted a familiar redhead on the stage, surrounded by a crowd of enthusiastic young girls.

Misty was conducting a class on Pokemon training for young girls, encouraging them to be strong and confident in their abilities. Despite her initial reluctance, Misty had become an inspiration to many young girls in the Pokemon world.

As the class ended, Misty stepped down from the stage and was immediately greeted by her friends.

'Happy International Women's Day, Misty!' Serena exclaimed, holding out a bouquet of flowers.

Misty's face lit up with surprise and joy as she accepted the flowers. 'Thank you so much, guys. This is amazing!' she said, beaming at Ash.

Ash couldn't help but feel proud of his girlfriend, seeing her make such a positive impact on young girls.

The group then headed to a nearby restaurant, where Ash had made reservations for a special lunch. As they sat down at their table, they were greeted by a server who handed each of them a menu.

'Wow, Ash. This place looks fancy,' Serena said, scanning the menu.

'I wanted to make today extra special for Misty,' Ash replied with a smile.

While they waited for their food, Brock pulled out a small box from his pocket and slid it to Ash.

'Happy International Women's Day, Ash. I know you have something planned for Misty, but I wanted to show my appreciation for all she has done for us,' Brock said, gesturing towards the box.

Ash opened the box to find a beautiful pendant with a red stone in the shape of a heart. He thanked Brock, knowing that Misty would love the thoughtful gift.

As they enjoyed their meal, Ash couldn't wait to surprise Misty with his own gift. He had planned a day of adventure for the two of them, starting with a trip to the Pokemon Safari Zone.

As they entered the Safari Zone, Misty couldn't hide her excitement. They spent the entire day catching new Pokemon and having fun. Finally, as the sun began to set, Ash took Misty to a secluded spot within the Safari Zone.

'This is our spot. The place where I first realized my feelings for you, Misty,' Ash said, looking deeply into her eyes.

Tears welled up in Misty's eyes as she remembered that day so many years ago. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Ash then took out a small velvet box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a stunning ring.

'Misty, will you do me the honor of being my partner in this journey of life? Will you marry me?' Ash asked, as he got down on one knee.

Misty was speechless, but her happiness was evident as she nodded her head vigorously. Ash slid the ring onto her finger and they sealed their love with a passionate kiss.

As they made their way back to their friends, they were greeted with cheers and applause. Brock and Serena hugged them both, congratulating them on their engagement.

The group then made their way to a grand festival being held in celebration of International Women's Day. There were performances, speeches, and a variety of food and games to enjoy.

As the night went on, Ash and Misty were overwhelmed by the love and support they received from their friends and the community. It was a day they would never forget.

Looking back on that day, many years later, Ash and Misty were still happily together, with a family of their own. They had faced many challenges and adventures together, but their love for each other had only grown stronger.

They often reminisced about the special International Women's Day celebration that brought them even closer. It was a reminder of the strong, independent woman that Misty was, and how much Ash cherished her.

And as they watched their daughter misty jr  carry on the legacy of her mother, Ash couldn't help but feel grateful for that fateful day in Pokemon Horizons where he surprised his girlfriend and asked her to be his forever.
End of chapter 40
