Chapter 2 - A change of heart

~~A few years later~~

Ahsoka was walking through the lower levels of Coruscant, back to the workshop she lived at now. The owner had offered her a bit of money and a room in the back whete she could stay in which, beeing in the situation she was in, she had gladly accepted.
It hadn't been easy for her ever since she left the Jedi a few months ago. She still sometimes had nightmares about what had happened and never stopped questioning the decision she made. A lot of people in the lower levels didn't take very kindly to a former Jedi living among them either, so she constantly had to make an effort to stay unrecognized.

Ahsoka finally reached the workshop, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She turned on the lights and started putting away the parts she got. After that she sat down at her desk in order to get started on repairing yet another droid. The shop owner would't be here till the afternoon, so Ahsoka turned on the holonet in order to pass the time. First there was the usual morning podcast and then there was the replay of yesterday's Senate speach. To Ahsoka's excitement the speach was Padmè's so she made sure to listen extra closely. She was not certain what the speach actually was about, but it felt good to hear a familiar, friendly voice. Ahsoka missed her friends and former master deeply to the point where it was just another thing that was slowly nagging away at her sanity.

Padmè's voice had a somewhat calming effect on her and kept her grounded while her thoughts were driving her crazy. "In these times, we often tend to loose sight of what is actually important to us...Our family...Our friends...
I pretty recently lost sight of a very important friend of mine. She id still very young, but has seen a lot during the past few years. Yet most importantly her heart has and will always be in the right place. And while many people had already given up on her, I made the choice to stand with her until the end. That's the choice everyone should have made. And the fact that they weren't there for her was the one and only thing that really disappointed her.
I wish she was still here, to help me with something I'm not sure anyone else can really help me with. And if there is any chance I'd get to see her again, I'd take it in a heart beat.
That's a chance I want every single one of you to take before it's too late. Open your heart and mind to others so that we can stand united as one, as the Republic."

There was no doubt in Ahsoka's mind that Padmè was talking about her. Her words ignited a hope that things may yet be right again she thought she'd lost. Looking around once to make sure she was actually alone Ahsoka turned the holonet off and set down on the floor. She was nervous as she tried to take slow breaths and get her mind to focus. It had been months since she last tried this and back then it had ended up anything but alright.
Instead of giving her the clarity she needed, the meditation had only made her doubt herself even more so she had decided to stop doing it. This time it would be different she told herself as she tried to reach out through the force. Slowly regaining control of her breathing, she searched for Padmè's presence. When she finally found it and  repeatetly attempted to dive a little deeper her mind actually began to clear up. It was as if she had stepped out of a shadow and found new determination.

Padmè however seemed to be troubled, as if she was carrying a great burden everywhere she went.
Ahsokd snapped out of her meditating state, back into reality. Her confidence and determination had been renewed and she, for the first time in months, felt ready to face the world again. 'Take the chance' she told herself. 'Do as Padmè told you to and be brave and take the chance' Ahsoka motivated herself some more. She took a deep breath as she made her way out of the workshop one last time. She jumped on her speeder and took off towards the upper levels, hoping to never have to return.
