Part 21 - Exposed

You had showered off the sticky Coke residue and tried your best to wash away your awkward feelings from the pier at the same time. You walked out of the bathroom with wet hair and a towel wrapped around you, hoping Simon would still be downstairs on his laptop editing.
"You sing in the shower, huh?" a voice from around the corner said and made you jump into the air
"Holy shit you scared me! I thought you said you were going to edit downstairs?... And I do not shut up" you responded to him, embarrassed that he'd probably been listening to you badly belt out some very cheesy tunes.
"You sound good - didn't expect some of the songs, but I appreciate your flow" he said, winking and teasing you as you threw a pillow at him
"Shut uppppp" you said, blushing and walking back into the bathroom to change
"Hey! No judgement, I sing in the shower too" he yelled through the door as he started singing the Justin Bieber song you'd last been playing
You just rolled your eyes and pulled your jeans, a loose shirt and a pair of sneakers on and walked back out, scrunching your wet hair in your hands in the hopes it would dry in some kind of reasonable way.
As you came out of the bathroom Simon sat up from the bed and said "That's what your wearing to dinner?" the look of surprise and insult on your face instantly visible
"What dinner?" you said, trying to not be hurt that he just talked down your go to outfit
"That came out wrong" he said as he put his hand behind his head and stroked the back of his hair,  "what I meant to say was - you look great, as usual, but I'm taking you out somewhere special for dinner" he finished, smiling and grabbing your hand lightly in his, still sitting on the bed
"Firstly" you responded, hand on your hip and leg out in front of you, "you didn't tell me anything about going out for a dinner, otherwise I would have worn something else", your inner sass rearing its head, "and secondly, how come you get to wear your standard trackies and Sidemen shirt business? And, are you saying you wouldn't be seen with me out for dinner in this?" you asked as you looked him up and down, teasing him with your questions
"Ah, I'm going to get changed and no - you look great, I'd go out with you in anything, but I'm just letting you know that I'll look fresh so you might want to make the effort or the waiter might try and take me home"
"Ahhh, obviously" you said laughing at him trying to dig his way out of this hole, "and she or he is going to have to fight me to get you" you said, pulling his head into your torso while his arms wrapped around your body
"Is that so?" he said, pulling you onto him and both of you backwards onto the bed
"Absolutely.... now go shower and change" you said, pushing him off the edge of the bed.

Time had passed, you had gone into full effort to do your hair and make up and you pulled on a plain maroon skater dress and some basic black heels, nothing over the top, but you felt restaurant dinner appropriate for certain. You were looking yourself over in the mirror when the door opened and he walked in.
He wasn't lying - he looked fresh, and so handsome; black dress shoes, black skinny jeans belted up underneath a pale blue shirt. You both stood in silent for a few seconds taking each other in.
"Whoa, now that's a dinner outfit" he said, looking you over and licking his lips
"Thank you" you said, a smile beaming across your face and causing you to look at the ground while you blushed
You walked across to him and kissed him - "You look amazing yourself, very handsome" you said as he smiled and pulled you in for a hug, where you stayed for a few moments
"Alright, let's go he said" taking a step back and breaking you apart "because if we have to stay here any longer we wont be leaving the hotel room again" he laughed and you winked at him

The uber pulled up outside a greek restaurant called "Kokkari Estiatorio", upon entry it smelled amazing, music was playing and you were sent to a little table in the back corner.
"A no seafood based restaurant, so you actually did some research" you said, laughing at him
"Looking out for you, don't want to accidentally have fish and throw up on you or something" he replied.
"Ahh, always looking out for others, so caring" you replied, both laughing continually until the waiter took your order.
By the time food arrived you were already deep in ridiculous conversations about anything and everything, yet mid way through the main meal you could hear Simon's phone vibrating in his pocket (which wasn't unusual) but you could also feel your phone vibrating continually in your bag.
"Sorry, this is like the 6th time it's gone off" you said, reaching for your bag, "I don't want to be rude, but usually a 6th time is an emergency" grabbing your phone, "Oh...or a serious boy drama in this case" you continued, when you say Y/BF/N on the screen
"It's all good" Simon said, grabbing his phone out as well

"What do you want Y/BF/N? I'm out with Simon and you're kind of destroying the mood"
"WHY HAVEN'T YOU BEEN ANSWERING?! I'VE CALLED YOU AND MESSAGED YOU SO MUCH" she said, basically shouting and freaking you out
"What's wrong? Are you okay?!" you suddenly snapped into serious mode
"Have you seen your Twitter or Tumblr or anything?!" she yelled in a panic
"No, I haven't looked at it in ages, why?" you said, worry suddenly creeping into your chest
"You and Simon have been outed, you've been discovered and pictures of you and your details are everywhere. The fangirls are going crazy about it!" she said, the distress in her voice reaching across the country, down the phone line and into your chest, and as your eyes glanced over to Simon you realised by the look on his face as he stared at his phone that she wasn't wrong...and it was as bad as you expected.
"They know everything about you" she said, as your blood suddenly ran cold and all of your greatest fears were coming to a front.

"I have to go" you said to her hanging up.
"I need to go to the bathroom" you said to Simon instantly, standing up in a rush and bumping the table
"Y/N wait" he said
"I'm fine...I just need a minute" you lied, rushing to the bathroom with your phone and locking yourself in.

The moment you opened your twitter your world started to fall apart....
