Just a crush💖

I was at school just doing my thing and it was 3rd period and each week we get some celebrity to come in and speak about whatever topic we are on . Well this week I actually recognized the person coming in it was BRENDON FUCKING URIE Oml I about died ugh he was so hot Oml but the weird thing was we were having a sex Ed class sooooooooooo I'm screwed 🙄

( next few minutes)

I was dazing off into space and I noticed my name being called omfg it was him he was calling my name omg omg omg omg  " Savannah ?"    Um-yeah I answered he " will u be my assistant please?" Uh - um sure? As I walked up there Brendon had a smile on his face it looked so soft and sweet and delicate but I was about 1 foot away from him and then THE FIRE ALARM!!!!!! Are u fucking kidding me rn
