Chapter Two

Paul and I ditched school. Ditching school before lunchtime was the best feeling ever. We ran for about a mile, then we slowed down.  We threw ourselves and our bags on the grass. We wheezed laughing. 

"Breathe, I gotta BREATHE," I exclaimed.

I still couldn't stop laughing, neither could Paul. Maybe you're wondering why we were laughing so hard. Well, even if you weren't wondering, I'm going to tell you anyways. When Paul and I ran outside, we realized it had been raining. Not just sprinkling, I mean pouring rain. At that point, we knew we shouldn't turn back, thus, we had no choice but to walk in the rain with no umbrellas. Paul held back.  

"C'mon Paulie! It'll be fun!" I enthusiastically yelled. 

I motioned him to follow me. He did. We started walking, then jogging, then running. The breeze felt amazing on my face. I couldn't help but smile, when I noticed Paul grinning from ear to ear. 

Man, he's so pretty 

I can only assume I got distracted, because I tripped and fell on my ass. 

"John!" Paul stopped running and started giggling, "Are you okay?!?!" 

I burst out laughing. So did Paul. Paul fell to his knee's from laughing so hard. Neither of us could stop. Their we where. Two high schoolers laughing our asses of, getting soaked in the pouring rain. I know the situation doesn't seem that funny, but if you were there and fully understood what happened, you'd laugh just as hard. It took us about fifteen minutes to calm down. Still grinning, Paul said, 

"Oh shit, ha! Now we're muddy and wet! My father's gonna kill me!"

"Ha, yeah Mimi's gonna-" an idea hit me, " Your father's not going to find out, neither is Mimi. I just remembered that Mimi is on a trip to go visit family or something and she won't be back until Monday night! We can go to my place, get cleaned up, then eat something!" 

I couldn't believe how perfectly everything was working out. It almost seemed impossible. Little did I know, it would get even better. 

By the time we got to my house, it was around 10:30 in the morning. Paul was still content, but I noticed him shivering a little bit. 

"Why don't you take a long, warm shower? You can just use my bathroom, the purple towel is clean for you to use, you can also use my shampoo and stuff. If you hand me your clothes when you're done, I'll wash them for you, and in the meantime, you can borrow some of my clothes." I told him.

Paul just nodded and shyly responded, "Okay, thank you so much. See, you're not as bad as you say you are." 

I blushed at his statement. I gave him some of my clothes to borrow, a white shirt and grey sweatpants. Then I threw his clothes in the wash. Paul McCartney is showering in my house. I internally squealed. I calmed myself and started making lunch. By the time I started making lunch, It was already 11:07 a.m. I decided to keep it simple and make some grilled cheese. Two for me, and two for Paul. I even got a glass of water for him. Everything seemed perfect. This might sound weird, but I was thinking about what it would be like in the future, if Paul and I got married. We would walk hand in hand laughing and making grilled cheese... I smiled just thinking about it. 

Snap out of it Lennon

When Paul got out of the shower I gave him the grilled cheese I made and went to take a five minute shower. Paul had already finished one of the two grilled cheese sandwiches I made him. Then I noticed Paul seemed to be in a gloomy mood. I also noticed he still seemed cold. I went into my room and grabbed a jacket for him. Not just a jacket, it was my favorite jacket. I refused to let anyone touch it, let alone wear it. This jacket was special because my mom gave it to me before she... um, anyways, the jacket was still two sizes to big for me, but, that was the best part. I loved its dark blue color and the metal buttons. On the back side it said, 

"Lennon the Legend"

That jacket always made me feel like a legend. 

"Here, Paul," I said as I handed my jacket to Paul. He blushed then stuttered,

"Oh, um, you don't have to do that... I know it's your favorite jacket and um-" 

"Paul, I don't have to do anything, but I do things anyway. Just please, I can tell you're cold," I interrupted. 

He hesitated, then put the jacket on. I sat next to him at the dinning room table and started eating my grilled cheese. I blushed; a lot. He looked so pretty, especially with his hair wet and my jacket on. We sat in silence. 

"John, I want you to know that I can't live without you. I really want you to live and be here on this Earth, even if you don't wanna be here," Paul said in a sad manner. 

"Thank you, Paul." I mumbled. He most-likely noticed that I didn't want to talk about that, so he changed the subject. 

"Earlier today, you were talking. You said something like, "I'm nothing but a," then you stopped. I was just wondering what you were gonna say, y'know," Paul said.

"Oh, uh," I wanted to tell him the truth. At that point, I just decided to tell him, "A queer wuss. That's what I was going to say." 

Paul looked shocked. He responded with, "W-what... you're queer? I had no idea..." 

"Please don't hate me," I pleaded. 

What he said next, was the most reassuring and shocking thing I've heard him say, 

"Hate you? Why would I hate you? I would be a hypocrite if I hated you for being queer, because, um, well, I'm queer as well,". 

"WHAT!" I exclaimed. 

I was beyond myself. I actually had a chance to be with him! My heart leaped. 

God Lennon, stop being so full of yourself. Get it together.

"Um, sorry, I just, I didn't expect you to be a queer," I stuttered. 

"Yeah, um, but can we keep this a secret? If anyone found out, I would be dead. Actually, we would be dead. Everyone would think that we're dating or something," Paul remarked.

I nodded and we both finished eating. The whole time we sat in silence. Both of us were trying to say something, to start a conversation, but it was awkward, at least for me. It was almost 1:00 by the time we finished eating. 

"Hey, um, Paul, do you want to spend the night tonight?" I shyly asked.

"Sure, but I have to ask my father," He replied, "Maybe we can walk over to my house and ask him in a few hours so he doesn't find out we ditched school,". 

I felt like the only thing I could do at that moment is internally freak-out. I really wished I could tell Paul my biggest secret. The one that I constantly think about. The one that consumes my life. But then again, Paul has never judged me, or been upset at me for anything, so why is this secret any different from the others? 

I just don't know what to do
