Jesus's Advice and More problems

Jesus reads over the file and giggles at the folder and picks up what seems like pictures and putting them back. Zeke watches this as it goes on for about 20 minutes then Jesus puts the file down and looks over too Zeke and begins too speak,

Jesus ( I have read over your file DIa gave me and boy is it amazing you are already 30,000 years on your world and at least 10 gods under your command. You have really gotten the hang of this thing Zeke. Now I see you seem to be going down the magic fighting route and other worldly adventure. Your races are more original and interesting and the medieval world theme is very cool.)

Zeke ( Thank you so much I just did the tutorial Dia left me and read through Interface and just had some idea's.)

Jesus ( Well I like the path that you are going but I can give you a few tips on how to run your gods and world a bit more.)

Jesus goes over details on what he should use monitor the world and how to use his jury race to better mange the Soul Domain and management levels. He goes on to having his gods each mange a portion of the world that helps make different cultures and customs easier too mange. Jesus goes on to explain how Zeke needs to have a better manage his gods seeing that they all do their own thing.

Zeke is then reprimanded by Jesus on how he needs to be more involved with his gods learn their likes and dislikes know what they want to read and eat. Jesus goes on to explain to Zeke that being the boss of a world doesn't mean to make gods and pass time but to have fun and see what it all will become. He then hands Zeke several folders that have more detailed guide lines on the areas of the Soul Domain, The living World, and Divine intervention. 

Zeke basically gets a small seminar on how to handle situations on the surface such ass more natural disasters or plagues that will wipe out a certain amount of population. Jesus says a couple of resets never hurt your progress at all he mentions the couple of times he did it. Once they were done talking about world management and employee work environment  Jesus then started to give Zeke a basket of orbs as a present for taking the tour and the commotion of Zeke's death.

They then start to make their way out of the office and make way back towards the elevator Jesus mentions quick tips and tricks on the interface and how it will update. He then mentions that Godbook will have variety of other gods who share the same rank as them. He mentions befriending two others that will gladly help him on questions he might have. He then reads over the paper Jesus gave him and the two names are Hunack and Lanwic saying that they are a bit weird but good gods. 

Before they get into the elevator Jesus mentions to Zeke about an up and coming event that's held every couple of months where gods and their sub gods participate in a fighting tournament or other contest mostly to blow off steam. He can bring 4 sub gods with him and they can do their own thing they can even win prizes that will benefit your world. Zeke is handed a flyer and then puts it away in his pocket they step into the elevator and the Zeke's interface starts to ding uncontrollably, he then reads them and he shows an angry face,

[ Livna has been given the unquie blood line of the saints by Goddes Eternina]

[ The Church has recognized Livna as the Gods Saint]

[ Gresug and Xen has established the Adventures guild ]

[ Goddess Kulema has had a child with monster Doa named Raiva] 

[ Sequoia has ascended to godhood]

[Demi goddess Raiva has uniqued ability uncontrollable emotions]

[ Zivel has had a child with a Gigalon woman named Kiviku]

[Demi Goddess Raiva has forcefully descend to the surface and is consumed by her ability and is rampaging and killing every and any soul in her path renamed to Beast of Death Raiva]

[God Zivel has given an oracle to Kiviku to slay Beast of Death Raiva by the collected consul of the gods]

[Demi god Kiviku has intercepted Beast of Death Raiva and their battle has commenced]

[ Demi god Kiviku has unlocked his ability Erupting Rage]

[ Beast of Death Raiva and Kiviku have battled to the death with Kiviku's Victory]

[ Demi god Kiviku is now on the verge of death but his delayed by many healers and doctors until the world is unpaused.]

[ Helgon has ascended to godhood]

[ A trial of the gods is now awaiting your presence on the soul of Raiva and punishment of said soul.]

After reading over the notifications Zeke grabs his face and try to calm himself down, he left them alone for several hours in the realms time and they now made two gods had two more Demi gods who one defended and rampaged then the two fought to the death and now a trial awaits for passing judgment. Zeke felt he would need to by a aspirin or the sorts. Jesus pats his shoulder and hands him an aspirin saying in time it will get better and then the headaches will be lessened a lot.

The Elevator dings and opens up to ekes realm once again and when he looks around he sees his two gods he left in charge now bowing and welcoming him back to their realm. He says god by to Jesus and the elevator doors close and then disappears and Zeke then makes his way over to his Throne and sits down and then looks towards the two bowing gods and demands questions.
