Chapter Three:"Two of a kind"

Zane licked the plate clean of its excess food and belched with satisfaction. Then staring at Han he knock him out. Han woke in a chair surrounded by all types of junk food.
"Get ready to eat" said Zane whose belly jiggled as he moved.
"Wh-" but before Han could speak more Zane had stuffed a pizza down his throat. Then another and another piece till it was gone. Then came ice cream. Which with every spoon full would spill on Han's shirt and pants.
"I  think you need to be fed more"said   Zane his belly still jiggling. Next came cake which was gone in a flash.
"BURRRRAPPP" Han belched. Then the two went to the sofa and both played with their soft and fat tummy.
"You are.....BURRRRAPPP...... right being fat does feel good" Han said with belch.
"I know" said Zane laughing as he move his hands on his tummy as it tickled. Then he farted.
"And that felt good" he said. Han just laughed and as he did his tummy jiggled.
"Man could really go for some McDonald's right now" said Han.
"Me too" replied Zane.
"Then it is settled to McDonald's" said Zane.
End of chapter and I will return to this but this the final chapter for right now. Hope you enjoyed. Leave a comment. And vote for my story please. Thanks.
