Chapter 5


Eren's POV:

I have had enough of this room now. Mikasa and my mother have been trying to make it better and a little brighter but its not really working. I try to leave to go out into the garden for a cigarette but my mum always stops me before I can even get to the elevator, I've reached the point were I just want to go home and sit in the back garden and smoke non-stop.

I'm happy though I get out if this place in two days time, which means I get my fags, my booze and my drugs. I don't need to wear any bandages anymore according to the doctor my wounds have heled enough to nit have to wear them anymore. Jean's back hasn't improved but his other injuries are healing well, all our friends at the party have visited us now and wished us both well. In all honesty I don't care anymore I just want to get out of this hell hole. My mother was wheeling me through the corridors towards the garden ; she finally complied to my endless begging of having a cigarette; when I saw a tall pale man walking through the corridor staring at me as he walked by. His light grey eyes glowing at mine reminding of that monster that attacked us I wanted to look away but my pull towards him wouldn't allow me, as he passed my I turned to look at him and he kept his eye contact.

I was intrigued by him simply because of his eyes and how strong he looked he made me feel safe and protected.....

But I don't know why...

My mother left me alone in the garden because she hated the smell of cigarettes she walked away to get a coffee. Once she had gone I pulled out my lighter and attempted to light it the gas was all gone, out of frustration I threw it across the garden with my good arm. Leaving the fag just so I could taste it I went to call for a nurse to help but was interrupted by the raven from earlier in the corridor.

"Here use mine" he handed me the lighter I took it and quickly lit my cigarette taking a long drag from it.

"Thanks" I spoke quietly suddenly being over come by shyness. he sat down on the bench next to me and nodded quickly I introduced myself," I'm Eren Jaeger."

"Levi Ackerman," he spoke tapping off his fag in the ash tray. I did the same smiling a little.

"what you doing here then? you don't look unwell" I spoke confused.

"Oh I'm here to get some blood taken and some medicine administered, basically when I was younger I lived with my crazy scientist uncle and he injected me with some stuff that fucked my whole body over for the rest of my life soooo...." he said without a single falter in his voice seemingly as if he couldn't care less about what had happened to him, "how about you? you look pretty banged up"

"its a bit of a long story..."

"oh tell away, I have all day." he smirked.

"um I went to a party in the middle of the forest for a bit of a full moon party with my friends and we were attacked my a fucking huge black wolf with these crazy steel stormy grey eyes kinda like yours. It ripped my friend Marcos head off, paralysed his boyfriend Jean and did this to me....." I said as I unbuttoned my pyjamas and showed him the huge wounds on my torso.

He suddenly became paler than he already was and his eyes widened he put out his cigarette and stood ,"umm i'm sorry I just realised the time I have to get going umm see you again bye." he rushed towards the building in a panicked pace.

I texted my mum telling her I had finished and that I wanted to lie down for a little while.

Levi's POV:

I had to go to Hanji's lab consecutively for the last four days simply because she had injected me with a new disease she had cultured thus far it had had no effects and today was five days before the full moon , basically it was as she liked to call it a werewolf's pre-full moon period.

I was when I was walking through the halls to get to her lab when I saw them the eyes those beautiful eyes that have been haunting my dreams every night since I attacked those teenagers. They belonged to a fit tan brunette tall boy.... no man. He and I stared at each other as we went down the corridors in opposite directions. I tried to pull my eyes away from him as he was wheeled away but the pull was too strong, in the end had to force myself to look away to stop me from imprinting on him and claiming him as mine.

After my thing with Hanji I decided to go out to the garden to have a cigarette. When I had walked out of the building I spotted him sitting in his wheel chair. Slowly I walked over, in anger he threw his lighter across the garden he went to call for the nurse when I offered.

" here use mine," I handed the lighter and watched him light the cigarette quickly taking one of the longest drags I have ever seen.

"Thanks" he said quietly seeming shy or nervous I sat down on the bench next to him taking a small drag from my own cigarette, "I'm Eren Jaeger."

"Levi Ackerman," I introduced flicking off some of the ashes, he did the same and smiled.

"what you doing her then? you don't look unwell."

"Oh I'm here to get some blood taken and some medicine administered, basically when I was younger I lived with my crazy scientist uncle and he injected me with some stuff that fucked my whole body over for the rest of my life soooo...." I said not really giving a damn about how bad it makes my life seem, "how about you? you look pretty banged up."

"its a bit of a long story..."

"oh tell away, I have all day." I smirked looking forward to this story he had to tell me.

"um I went to a party in the middle of the forest for a bit of a full moon party with my friends and we were attacked my a fucking huge black wolf with these crazy steel stormy grey eyes kinda like yours."

Oh shit this is...this is my fault

"It ripped my friend Marcos head off, paralysed his boyfriend Jean and did this to me....." he finished as he unbuttoned his shirt to reveal huge stitched scars on his torso.

Oh no I turned him, he is gonna be like me now shit.

I suddenly felt the need to get away and hide to keep others safe and stop this from ever happening ever again, "I'm sorry I just realised the time I need to get going umm see you again bye."

I got into my car and drove home running from the car to the house I sprinted into my bedroom slamming the door shut locking it and falling on the bed screaming in anger, sadness and fear.#

Hi guys its been a while.....

I'm sorry. I have been up and down mentally, physically and just all of the 'allys'

hopefully I will be able to keep up with my updating schedule hahahaha hopefully (that's funny)

