playΞΉng: [SaΖ™Ο…ra KΞΉΡ•Ρ•]

0:24 β”€β”€β”€βŠ™β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ 1:09


You hurried around your room, quickly trying to pack your belongings into your school bag. You said you were going to pack it last night, but here you are, running in your bright yellow dress panicking. As you pay for your procrastination, let me introduce you to yourself. You are (Y/N) (L/N), the daughter of the CEO who is currently running UbiGames. Please don't mistake it for UbiSoft, considering that UbiGames is ten times better.

You are 15, going into your first year of high school, and what better school to go to than Ouran Academy? The school known for carrying some of the richest children in Japan. Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time there. You were the youngest of four siblings, but you would be the one to carry on the business. Your parents always allowed you and your siblings the freedom of choosing what you want to do with your lives.

Your eldest brother owned his own tech company. He's always been in love with computers and laptops, so why not make a company surrounding around his passion?

Your second oldest brother created his own clothing line. It became really popular in America and Japan considering those are the main countries where it's advertised. Sometimes he even gives you some free clothes!

Your older sister became a famous hairstylist, very known for creating show stopping hair styles that help compliment celebrities and their outfits. She used to use you as her personal practice dummy when you were both younger. She's also the reason why you're so knowledgeable in trendy hairstyles.

And you, finally, were the one to take the seat as UbiGames' chairwoman when the time came. Your parents always saw you were a creative individual who loved video games. You grew up watching your second oldest brother play and moved onto watching people online play. Your father trusts that you will be the one to take UbiGames to it's peak.

But until then you were just a regular rich kid who is currently late for school.

You stumbled into your limousine, slightly stepping on your dress, and began chewing on the plain waffle you grabbed from the mansion's kitchen. One of your maids insisted that you sat down for a while and ate some actual food, but you were too late already. You let out a huff as you dunked into your seat and put on your seatbelt.

"I'm sure the school will understand your dilemma Ms. (L/N), please don't stress too much.", your limo driver tried to reassure you. "I appreciate the reassurance Mr.Izunoka, but I only have myself to blame and I need to take accountability for my own procrastination."

The driver , now known to be named Izunoka, silently nodded his head and drove away from the (L/N) manor.





You stepped out of your limo, have a quick goodbye to Mr.Izunoka, and dashed for the school entrance. You already had your schedule with you from orientation, now you just need to find your classroom. "Class 1-A..", you muttered to yourself as you were eventually greeted with a grand ladder of stairs. You pinched at the sides of your dress, held them up a bit, and sped up the stairs.

After eight minutes of navigating, you finally found your assigned classroom. You fixed your (H/C) hair and tightened the red ribbon around your neck. The moment you opened the door to the classroom you saw multiple eyes on you.

"Ah, Ms. (L/N). You're late.", the teacher stated with a stern look on his face.

"My apologies.",Β  was all you could think to say. This was already embarrassing as it is.

"I'll let it slide since it's your first day.". Thank lord the teacher turned a blind eye to this. "But only for today. Now please introduce yourself to the class."

You nodded your head and turned to face the...chalk board? This school still uses chalk boards? How odd... You grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote your name down then turned to face the class.

"Hello everyone! My name is (Y/N) (L/N). Please take care of me.",you finished off as you have a respectful bow. Suddenly a wind of whispers and muttering filled the classroom. "You can take the seat in front of Mr.Fujioka. Mr.Fujioka, please raise your hand for Ms.(L/N).", you see a boy with wide dark brown eyes that compliment his brunette hair raise his hand. 'He's almost as pretty as a girl' you thought to yourself. You then make your way towards your assigned seat, placing down your bag next to the desk's leg. Before you sat, you looked up one more to see that not only was Fujioka looking at you, but so were two boys who sat at either side of him [Fujioka]. They looked identical. And really handsome. Feeling both of their hazel colored eyes on you caused your cheeks to heat up just a bit. You then finally took your seat.

After class while you were packing up your belongings, three students came up to your desk. "So you're the daughter of the guy who runs UbiGames?", one of them asked. You nodded your head as a quick but effective response.

"Oh my gosh, isn't that the company that made Omen Rising?", another one asked.

"Yeah, my brother plays that game all the time. He heard a sequel was to be made a absolutely freaked.", the third on answered.

"I heard her sister is a famous hairstylist.", another student who wasn't with the three muttered to their friend.

"So since your other siblings have their own companies, who going to get Ubi?", student one asked. "Me actually!", you responded with a proud smile. All the students who were eavesdropping seemed impress. It wasn't everyday you heard of the youngest in the family getting the chance to own the family company.

You then felt a tap on your shoulder, turning around to see that it was Fujioka. He greeted you with a cute a welcoming smile. "Heya (Y/N), I was assigned to show you around the school during second period. C'mon.", he said, tilting his head towards the classroom doorway. "Oh, alright then!", you got up and grabbed you bag, giving a small wave to the other students as you followed Fujioka out the classroom. Little did you know that the same set of hazel eyes watched you both as you left.




You were laughing and making jokes with Fujioka as he showed you around. Apparently he's the infamous honors student who was able to make it into Ouran by smarts alone. Who knew that the honors student could have such a good sense of humor. "You're funny Fujioka.", you managed to get out after having a laughing fit.

"Oh, you don't need to call me by my last name. Just call me Haruhi. We're in the same class anyways.",Fujiok- I mean Haruhi said to you with a very friendly aura surrounding his words. "Really? Okay then Haruhi!",she gave him a friendly smile in return.

'Haruhi is a pretty name for a guy. But I guess it isn't that weird. It might be a unisex name.' you thought as you continued following Haruhi up the stairs. As you got to the top, you stepped on the edge of your dress and began slipped forward.

"AUP-", the startled sound came straight from your mouth as you saw yourself coming closer to the floor. You then felt an arm around your waist and a hand on your shoulder. You fall came to sudden halt. You turned to your right to come face to face with Haruhi. "OH MY BAD!", you accidentally raised your voice and your formal demeanor falling as you caught yourself in a slightly embarrassing situation.

"Are you okay?", the brunette asked with concern lacing his voice.

"YEah totally!",you quickly responded which caused your voice to crack a bit. Your face heated from embarrassment as you looked down at the ground trying to fix back your dress.

"You should request for a new uniform. It looks like this one is too long.",Haruhi said as he looked at the bottom of your dress.

"I can do that?"

"Yeah! Come on, I'll show you the way to the office.", Haruhi then began leading you in the opposite direction of where you were originally going to go.




You finished tying the tie around your neck and fixed your hair, looking into the mirror to make sure it looked good. You then stepped out of the changing room and looked at Haruhi, now suited in the male's uniform. "I wasn't expecting this..", you muttered as you pulled your collar away from your neck. "Don't worry, it looks good on you!", Haruhi said as he put on of his hands on your shoulder and gave you an assuring smile.

When Haruhi backed away, you looked at the uniform bottoms and thought about what you could do to make it suit you a bit better....


That's it!

You went a dug through your bag a bit and found a black skirt. Why'd you have a skirt in your backpack? Well incase your original uniform got messed up. You went into the changing room once again and once you came out you felt much more comfortable. The skirt stopped just right where your knees were, letting your black long socks complimented with some Mary Janes show. "This feels better.", you said to no one in particular as you flattened your skirt a bit. When you looked over towards Haruhi you saw the smallest tint of blush on his face. When he noticed you looking, he went into a blinking frenzy to snap himself out of it.

"That suits you!",he complimented. You gave him a small smile before the bells rang. "That's second period over. It must be lunch time by now."

You both exited the office and walked down the hallway. You saw many students making their way towards the right hallway but you saw Haruhi going left. "Where're you going?",you questioned, hoping you didn't sound intrusive.

"Oh, I'm going to find an empty classroom to eat in. I don't really enjoy eating in the cafeteria. Too much noise."

Ah. Understandable. You shouldn't have expected less from the infamous honors student.

"You can go on ahead though. We can meet up after.",Haruhi said as he turn turned to find his own classroom to eat in. You gave a small shrug and then followed the other first years as they made their way towards the cafeteria.


A/N: HELLOOO ^^!! This is only the first chapter of this book BUT I hope you liked it anyways! I have a lot planned and hopefully I don't get demotivated like I did w/ my other book. I trust I won't w/ this one tho. Anyways please tell me how it is and let me know on his I can improve.

Alrighty, byeeeeee ^^
- Author 🌸
