
The ship you and Gure were on had finally reached Kirkland, a small, rundown town in the southern tip of Solitas. You weren't partially fond of the idea of going to the town as it was far outside of the Atlas law, technically outside of the borders of the kingdom itself. The town had nothing really special, a few bars, taverns, a couple of inns here and there. You two had to hide the ship in a very far off region in order to make sure it wasn't stolen.

As you were approaching the town, you could smell the alcohol even from way beyond the border of the town. The walls outside the town had broken sections and cracked concrete, bordered up with some small bits of plywood. The sign of the town was broken and you just looked on in disgust as you saw all of this as Gure just seemed unfazed by all of this. Your Faunus companion just walked up to the entrance of the town and turned back to you.

He gestured for you to follow behind him. You brushed some of the alcohol away from your nose and followed behind him, walking into the town. As you walked into the town, the sent of alcohol over took you and just plugged up your nose, and just followed Gure around.

(Y/N): How can you stand that stuff?! It smells like wet dog that got run over by a mad man and then shot twelve times.

Gure: Well, victory parties in the White Fang got a little crazy. A lot of booze was in store.

(Y/N): You just turned 19 two months ago.

Gure: In the White Fang, everyone is an adult.

(Y/N): I don't know how I feel about that.

Gure: Don't feel about it at all. Come on. If there's one place people go to in order to get complete information on people would be-

(Y/N): The bar.

Gure: (Smirks) Griggs'.

The two of you walked into a bar. As you did, a patron of the bar was through out of a window and another man jump through it and continued to fight outside of the building. The place was crawling with thugs, mercenaries, a few low life huntsmen here and there. The entire place reminded you of Vacuo and why you vowed to never return.

The two of you walked up to the bar and sat down as another fight broke out. You turned to Gure who just had a smile on his face as he ordered a drink and took a large swig from it. He tapped you on the shoulder and gestured to the bartender. She was a young girl, no older than the two of you.

Bartender: What would it be?

(Y/N): Water.

Bartender: Alright.

She went to go fill it up. As you glanced over at Gure, he was giving off this look at you instantly knew what it was about.

(Y/N): You love her, don't you?

Gure: Her name's Reese. She's just...great. But, that's not what we're here for. If we want to know where Burly is, she's our gal.

Reese came back over with your drinks and set them down. Gure took a massive swig with his drink, nearly chugging the whole thing down in a single gulp while you slowly drank, trying to save your energy in case of a fight. After a couple of minutes, you began to grow impatient. You turned back to Gure only to see him gone.

You began to look around the entire bar until Reese came and tapped your shoulder.

Reese: Looking for the wolf?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah.

Reese: Over there. He's looking more drunk than usual.

(Y/N): (To yourself) Ah, great.

Reese: So...what did you need?

(Y/N): We're just looking for someone. And I was told, you know where to find people.

Reese: Depends. Who are we looking for?

(Y/N): Is name is Burly Wood.

Reese: Sh! (Whispering to you) Don't say that name so loud here! (Projecting) Follow me.

The two of you began to walk off, however, you ran back and grabbed Gure before he could make anymore irrational decisions while he let alcohol take over his body. The three of you walked into the back and Reese began to go over so files in a cabinet nearby. Gure was in a chair, laughing and giggling. Reese finally brought over a file and placed on the table.

Reese: So...Burly...he lives about three miles into town. The more run down part of it. He comes in and out of the town every so often. No one really talks to him. If you think you can do anything to get him out then good luck.

(Y/N): Believe me...I know. (You glance at Gure) Can you...

Reese: Make sure he doesn't leave or die, yeah, sure.

(Y/N): Thanks.

With that you took off for Burly's. You were just amazed by how much darker and damper the town got the deeper you would go down in it. More buildings falling apart faster than the owners could duct tape them back together. It was truly threatening to know that Burly lived here nowadays.

Finally, you had reached the address Reese had given you. The house was a story tall, made up of wood and cement molded together. A few windows were boarded up while others were fine. You walked up to the front door and knocked. After a few seconds you knocked again. You knocked even louder than the first two times.

After no response, you had an idea. You walked over to one of the boarded up windows and broke through the boards.

Burly: What the hell??!!

The door swung open and outstepped Burly, now supported by a beard, no shirt and a black jacket on. He turned and looked at you and gasped. He had grown at least a foot taller since you last saw him. He crossed his arms and leans against the building.

Burly: Did you have to break my window?

(Y/N): Did you have to almost kill me twice? Kidnap my job and kidnap Silver?

Burly: What? 1. When did I almost kill you, let alone twice? 2. What happened to Silver?

(Y/N): Can we...go inside?

Burly: Yeah, sure.

The two of you walked inside and like Gure, exchanged notes. He explained to you that he hadn't left the town in about a month. Last time he did, he went to Mistral for a mission, even showed the record for proof. You had told him about Silver and Weiss. He agreed to help if he got compensation in a couple dozen Lien.

The two of you walked back to the bar. The owner told you were Gure and Reese where.

Burly: I still cant believe you basically resembled the team just to get your girlfriend back.

(Y/N): Yeah, well, desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Burly: I know. I just cant believe you would do something-

The two of you just stopped as you saw Gure and Reese naked, both making out with one another.

Burly: I've been back for five minutes it feels like I never left.

(Y/N): Welcome to my world. 
