Black Friday = Crazy Ass People

First off I’m ready for Santa Now. (I was ready after Halloween)

Black Friday, it still goes on for the rest of the day but I was there for the early midnight hour crazies!

My craZy station for the night was “Khols” (a clothing and stuff store for those who don’t know). I was there from 11pm Thursday to 10am Friday. Before for entering the store at 11pm I saw a line of people that wrapped around the building and in the parking lot there was lots of people in their cars to wait for the doors to open at 12am. (some of the people at the front at the front of the line had tents because they had been there since like 7pm.)

Before the doors open at 12am we (cashier/bagger people) got a “Yes You Can” speech. (rip off of “Yes We Can” except there was nothing stopping us) Pretty much anything the costumer ask for, give it to them.

For example***

You get a jacket for $60 and it rings up as that but if the costumer says “oh no the sign says it was $20.” The costumer got a $60 jacket for $20.  Same thing for coupons and stuff too.

When the doors open there is a steady steam of people entering the store for about 30 to 40 minutes.(the crazies that stood in line & waited in their cars) The crazy ass people came running in there (like the lady in the commercial) like they were really gonna get something that they couldn’t any other time. Then the work began, I was just a bagger so it was a pretty easy job.

But what did get annoying is that people kept saying “Has anyone ever told you that you look like Justin Beiber?”  After about the 20th person I put on a hat. (but it got hot so I kept taking it off) And my “coworkers” were calling me Beiber. Around 3am they were telling me I should sing some of “my” songs.  I only knew “baby” so they played that. (that is a long song. Not really but if you don’t like it, it’s really long)  I sung it. They were hating on my singing skills. (I can’t sing or dance.) But  the store was trying to get the people get ‘store credit cards’ and one girl said if I sung to her she would get one. She laughed at me but she got one of them cards!

(I sung this part ‘for you I would have done whatever and I just can't believe we aint together. And I wanna play it cool but I'm losing you. I buy you anything. I buy you any ring and now please say baby fix me and you shake me til you wake me from this bad dream.)

My mom has been working at that store for 5 or 6 years now and those people didn’t know that she was Cuban. They only found out today because my cashier was trying to get this lady to get a store credit card but the lady just wasn’t understanding.  I heard her say something under her breath and it sounded like spanish. So I asked her if she spoke it and then I explained what the girl was talking about.

The girl was like ‘wow you must be real smart to learn Spanish to talk like that. How long you been doing it’

I said my whole life. Then I explain the deal with my mom and stuff. And so from then on whenever someone was speaking spanish the girl would be like ‘what did they say’. (My mom only speaks spanish when she talking about someone in front of them, when she act like she don’t know something, when she is mad, when we are keeping secrets from my dad  and when she half sleep. I still can’t believe after almost 22 years of being married my dad isn’t a fluent speaker.  when we go to my grandmother’s house we have to speak spanish or she won’t talk to you. And he says thats just fine with him.)

Around 4am We died. JC Penny  and others stores opened at 4 so nobody wanted to come there. But around 530 it pick back up again. Took a half hour break around 7am. They had tacos for us to eat (I was thinking who the fuck wants to eat a taco at 7 in the morning.)  I had a cinnamon muffin thing that taste like cake and soda. Someone told me that I was crazy because I had mixed Pepsi and Coca-Cola together. (I didn’t notice I was refilling but they taste the same to me anyways)

But I left that store at 10 am on the dot!

I did here some crazy stories about other stores. One place I don’t remember what but one lady said they skipped that place because there was 6 police cars and an ambulance out there.

There were fights breaking out everywhere.

Wal-Mart (Wally World) was the worst. People were arrested for fighting. Someone got stabbed with some scissors over some bed sheets that were 70% off. When my aunt was out she said some guy ran off with a tv and some GPSs.

We didn’t have any thefts at Khols (We didn’t have any bad ones that got caught). Our security guards were dressed up as Santa. I wanted them to catch some body so I could say ‘I saw Santa tackle a guy’ When I really old and it be true (mostly)

5 hour energy shots are NASTY!!! People who drink that stuff on the regular must not have any taste buds.

Well I’m home now. I put a sign on my door that says ‘Bother me and you’ll die’ its time for me to do my vampire thing. No sun! I'll be back up when it goes down :D

Black Friday (Friday Madness) is over for me. My parents went back out there.   


for those who don't know what Black Friday is...(I didn't think about that before. that someone wouldn't know. I forgot not everybody is american. But i have been up a long time with crazies)

Black Friday is only in America (I think) Its the day after Thanksgiving and all the stores have these sales that have people going out early in the morning to go get.

Black Friday is called that because that is the day when people spend lots of money bring businesses from the Red into the Black. (Meaning that after BF they are now making a Profit instead of being in the negative i.e. the red)

Black Friday started in 1960s because the economy was getting bad and the huge sales on that day save it. and its just been done every years since. Thats also when people get Christmas stuff!
