
Hey guys this week we have one of wattpad's favorite poet and a real sweetheart Ambassador @OwainGlyn. He has his hands open to embrace our young writers and support them.

Lets see what he has gotta say,


My wattpad name is Owain Glyn. My given name is Glyndwr Owain Hockey.

Age(if you dont mind mentioning):

I am sixty three years of age.

What is your favorite genere?

My favourite genre is poetry.

How many books have you written and what are they?

I have the following collections posted.



Dante's Children

The Humour Collection

Miss Selanious

Whumplethump and The Magic Forest

Looking Back The World According to Owain

I'm not Frightened (Really)

(OMG can't beleive he left out Martha. *Hands in my heart*. By the way that is an really good poem and everyone must read it)

How did you discover wattpad?

My son, Daniel, introduced me to wattpad.

How is it going on wattpad ever since you joined?

I thoroughly enjoy wattpad. I was recently invited to become an Ambassador which gives me a greater opportunity to contribute more.

Why did you start writing in the first place?

I first started writing at university as an 'angry young man' but it lapsed when I was developing my career, and bringing up a family.

Which peice of work/ arthur makes you think ' one day my work must be like this'?

There are many wonderful poets, but I strive to keep my own style and presentation.

What do you expect from your writing career?

I would love, one day, to have some work published.

Since you did not suceed overnight, Could you share us your darkest moment of despair? and how you came over it?

In fairness, I doubt I have ever been in despair, I am a realist, I know how difficult it is to get published.

Since retiring I am far less stressed than I used to be. That does not mean I am not passionate about things. At times, I still have to count to ten!!

If one thing you can change in this world then what would that thing be?

If I could change one thing in this world, it would be the imbalance between those that have, and those that have-not.

What do you think is life's best policy?

I think that life's best policy is honesty.

What do you think is life's most beautiful aspect?

Life's most beautiful aspect is the innocence of children.

where do you think most of the young writers make mistakes or go wrong?

usually down the path of impatience. Rushing to publish is a natural youthful trait, but it can result in poorly edited and poorly proof read work.

What is the advice you would like to give for the young arthours in wattpad?

My advice to younger writers, if it is of any value, (poor man doesn't know it actually values ;) )  is as follows:

Read, read, read.

Write something every day, even if you put it in the bin.

Believe in yourself, and others will believe in you.

never, never, give up.
