
"Girl you are cute." My bestfriend Briana assured me as she passed the blunt back to me. I inhaled slowly feeling the smoke travel within my lungs. I was so used to it I didn't always coughed harshly I could hold it in since I've been smoking for a good two years.

"Thank you. Where are we going again?" I looked up as she was eating some chips.

"My uncle house, we gon have fun I promise."

"They cooking?" I felt my munchies start to kick in.

"Yeah, hurry up for we be late."

We pulled up to Briana's uncle house. Newer music was blasting and I was more than shocked because Briana was making it seem like he was old.

"This his house?" I glanced at Briana.

"Yeah girl." She laughed climbing out the car. I did also following her towards the large house. It was men sitting all around, most looked young and cute but I didn't pay no mind. I wasn't for them, I came here with my best friend like she asked.

"Imani what you doing here?" Briana brother Vonte smirked walking up to me. I didn't even know he spotted me.

"I'm with your sister duh, what are you doing here?" I retorted smartly. We used to have something romantic going on until he got to feeling himself and started being rough on me.

He would tried to be abusive and a bitch like me wasn't with it. His dick wasn't even big enough for him to do the most like that.

"Nigga this is my uncle house." He pulled my by my arm a little rough and I yanked away feeling some of my high blow.

"See and that right there is why. You do way to much." I walked away leaving him looking dumbfounded.

"Why you leave me?" I walked up behind Briana who was eating some cooked BBQ chicken.

"I didn't." She smiled.

"Imani, this is my brother Jordan, Jordan this my bestie." She introduced her brother from her dad side.

"I already know him." I said lowly to Briana and she looked up at me confused.

"What you doing here? Maurice know you here?" Jordan smirked. He was my long time ex boyfriend brother from their momma side.

"That ain't my nigga. I'm just here with my best friend, mind your business ugly." I laughed. He pulled me into a hug.

"I haven't seen you in forever."

"Turn this bitch up!" Her uncle laughed loudly walking into the house.

"Finally you here little girl." Her uncle gave her a side hug.

"Who this?" He asked.

"I'm Imani. I'm her bestfriend." I introduced myself.

"What's hers is mine. I'm Ike."

"Nice to meet you. Can I use your restroom?" I asked cracking a smile. I couldn't help it, I was off the drugs boo.

"Yea, straight upstairs." He said and I nodded walking up the stairs. It felt like I was walking them bitches forever.

I finally reached inside and my dumb ass opened the door seeing a light skin nigga with his dick out peeing. My eyes quickly opened wide and I closed the door embarrassed.

A few moments later the door opened again and I saw the same dude. We made eye contact and I started to say sorry but he interrupted me.

"It's good, I forgot to lock the door. Who are you?" He asked.

I forgot to reply staring into his grayish greenish eyes, "I'm Imani. Who's asking?"

"Oh my name Eric." He smirked and placed his hands on my waist moving past me.

"Nice to meet you." Is all I remembered hearing before I walked into the bathroom closing the door. I locked the door and looked into the mirror staring noticing my eyes was blood shot red.

I used the bathroom and quickly made my way back downstairs.

"Bitch where was you?" Briana looked up after swallowing the food she was eating.

"The bathroom." I said truthfully sitting next to her texting back Maurice who I was stuck on like a dummy.

"Wassup Eric, when you get here?" Briana said and I looked up seeing the same ass nigga I saw upstairs.

"I been here I was using the bathroom, I'm split as fuck cousin. They just went to the liquor store again for the third time." Eric shook his head leaning on Briana chair.

"You know they don't stop. I'm already high I don't think I can take liquor tonight." Briana laughed. She could. That's all this bitch did.

"You know her?" He pointed at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Boy don't point over at me. Of course she know who I am I came with her." I started to get annoyed.

"Girl shut up I can point at you, lil mad ass." He laughed and Briana soon joined the laughter. I didn't find shit funny so I resumed going in on my ex.

Nigga fuck you! You thought I was about to be stuck on you forever while you did me wrong ๐Ÿ˜‚ this ain't that.

Fuck boy๐Ÿ˜’ : Mani u tripping and u forever mine ๐Ÿ˜‚ ion gaf where you at?

You think I'm playin. Bye bitch you about to piss me off.

I blocked his number and sat my phone down.

"Y'all ready to turn up?!" Briana dad Shayne came in holding bags of bottles. This night seemed like it was going to be memorable.

I arched my back more as I watched him stroke from the back. My ass clapped up against his front half and I swear on my life his dick was so good.

"Just like that?" He asked pulling my hair signaling he was waiting on my answer.

"Yes just like that! Go a little faster." I demanded as I started to throw it back syncing his strokes. I closed my eyes allowing the loud moans that was forcing their way to come out my mouth.

"Be quiet, some of them sleep." He whispered in my ear and I nodded putting my head down into the pillow. I don't know what led us to this moment but I promise I didn't wanna stop it.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me down on it as he began to grind inside of me. I never felt this wet in my life it was if I peed on myself.

Yeah I was drunk and even more high than earlier and at this moment it felt like this was the best sex ever.

"Damn girl." He grunted loudly under his voice. I smirked knowing that what I was doing was taking his soul.

"Head for head?" He pulled out and I shrugged not giving a fuck.

He smirked pushing my down gently on my back and propped his body between my opened legs. I felt some of my juices dripping down my thighs.

His lips pressed up against my wet slit and I closed my eyes feeling him suck onto it gently. He started to suck, slurp and lick all in the right places. I was trying so hard not to let my moans come out but I couldn't control it.

He opened my slit up completely and flicked his long tongue up against my pearl so fast. I felt my toes curl and I tried to move but he had me locked. I was enjoying all the pleasure I was getting.

Soon enough I felt myself start to squirt everywhere. He licked everything up and I swear I feel like I fell in love with this man.

"My turn?" I smirked and we basically flipped over on each other. It was dark so we really couldn't see each other faces. I crawled down and started to kiss on the tip.

Soon, after dragging my tongue down his stem I finally began sucking on it like it was no tomorrow. I made sure to twist as I went down and I heard his low grunts.

"Damn girl." This was my second time in my life doing it and I didn't think it was that good.

I pushed it down my throat not allowing for my gag to come up. I departed my mouth and spit on it slowly watching my saliva travel. I started my motion back up.

"Ite chill I'm finna nut in yo mouth." He whimpered and I kept going until he did. I swallowed and lifted up.

I didn't know how to feel but a guilt flushed me once I noticed who I did it to.

"Yo name Imani right?" My best friend cousin questioned. Damn.
