Liu Hengbo can introduce people who can help repair the house. That's even better. Liu Hengbo explained that he will take them there after the house is over.

  Going back, Yu Xiangan counted out a thousand yuan in cash. At this time, the largest denomination is ten yuan. In later generations, one thousand yuan is ten Zhang Mao.

  Now if it is all ten yuan here, it is a hundred sheets of great unity.

  She didn't use all of them with great unity, there were some parts and pieces, most of them used ten denominations, and a small part was pieced together with some odds and ends.

  This looks more real.

  Otherwise, they are all united, and I always feel that they are too tyrants, giving people an illusory feeling.

  Lin Chuanbo: "In this case, our plan to buy bicycles will be pushed back."

  Spending too much money can easily make others wonder if they have any illegitimate income.

  "Then postpone it, it's not far, walking is considered to be an exercise."

  The Lao Xia in Liu Hengbo's mouth is a foreign language teacher. He looks much older than Liu Hengbo. From Liu Hengbo's mouth, I know that they are about the same age.

  It seems that a lot of things have happened to him over the years.

  Teacher Xia already knows the general situation of the two of them from Liu Hengbo's mouth, and has a preliminary affirmation of their financial ability, so there is no nonsense. After confirming that they know what the house looks like, and plan to buy it, then Go to the transfer.

  Pay the money with one hand, deliver the goods with the other hand, and come out after the account is completed. The two of them are already homeowners in the capital.

  Teacher Xia did not seem to have any nostalgia for the house. After finishing the house, he took the money and left. Liu Hengbo shook his head, "Let's go, take you to find someone."

  He took Yu Xiang'an and the others to find the foreman he knew, "I have dealt with him before, and I have a senior brother's house that he asked them to repair. The craftsmanship is good, the repaired house is strong and durable, and it looks beautiful."

  At this time, private individuals can't be picked up. They are all under the collective name, so it looks more formal today.

  There are two options, one is to contract labor and materials, and the other is to not include labor and materials, and the prices are also different.

  After asking questions, Yu Xiangan chose to contract labor and materials. They knew few people here, so it took too much time to buy materials by themselves.

  Maybe you can't buy it yet.

  They said their requirements. The main frame was kept, the doors and windows were knocked down and reinstalled, and the messy buildings built nearby were also torn down. Some sections of the wall collapsed, and the small doors that were made for convenience had to be repaired.

  After they saw the scene, they asked if they wanted them to help clean up, and if they wanted to, they would also charge a sum of money. Neither Yu Xiangan nor Lin Chuanbo meant to clean up by themselves. Although they had to clean up, they gave the money willingly. .

  They paid a deposit of 50 yuan first, and XCMG greeted to start work as soon as they received the money.

  Do it early and receive the money early and pick up the order early.

  When the house was being renovated, they continued to rent the house of Aunt Jiang's house, and when it was completed and ready to move in, the rent there was almost expired, and it was just right.

  "Manager, thank you so much."

  "I didn't help much, so I asked, if you thank me, take the time to come to my dormitory and cook me a delicious meal." Liu Hengbo smiled.

  Having a house is not the same, it is equivalent to having a root here.

  The heart will be more stable.

  "No problem, the manager, when will it be convenient?"


  Now that the house here has been settled, I still have to tell Zhao Li. I asked him to inquire about it before.

  Zhao Li: "Your teacher is helping. So, do you have a lot of money? If you encounter any difficulties, don't be polite to me."

  Lin Chuanbo: "Uncle Zhao, if you hear any news here, can you give us a word? We have it now, but my uncle and the others have not yet. I guess they want to buy it."

  "Your uncle is here too?"

  Lin Chuanbo: "Yes, both my brother-in-law and my brother were admitted to the university here."

  It is impossible to satisfy one house in the capital.

  Just use them as an excuse to continue to inquire.

  Zhao Li gave a thumbs up: "Awesome!"

  Two college students again!

  It seems that college students are very common.

  Does this mean that people are divided into groups?

  Zhao Lin: "Sister Xiao'an, when your house is repaired, we also want to see it."

  Yu Xiangan: "Please go all the time."

  Lin Chuanbo: "When the house is completed, Uncle Zhao, please take some time to go to the greenhouse together."

  Zhao Mi was a little sighed: "Go, go, maybe we can get a little bit of writing on our body when we go."

  The house matter came to an end, and Yu Xiangan's school life was on track.

  When Yu Xiangan wants to integrate into the group and mingle with other people, this goal can be easily achieved.

  She quickly got acquainted with the female classmates in the class. At this time, she paid more attention to the distinction between men and women. For male classmates, most of them can be called by names. Only those who actively express themselves will leave a deeper impression. Others are forced to express themselves, such as monitor Wang Haiwen and Yu Xiangan know the most, because they have the most time to deal with.

  One of them is the monitor and the other is the deputy monitor. Although they are both temporary, there are no other class members at the beginning. The two of them contracted most of the work, such as communication with teachers, classwork, list of tutoring materials, etc. , Both of them are dealing with it.

  Yu Xiangan feels that whoever is assigned a position under normal circumstances will have a great advantage if other students in the back are to compete.

  Because the students are already familiar with it.

  Unless the squad leader is indeed a relatively introverted and dull person, and then among the classmates who has a cheerful and sleek and broad social relationship, then the possibility of change is high.

  Wang Haiwen is not a good talker, but what he says is highly valued. It's okay if he doesn't speak, and when he speaks, others will basically not refute it.

  There is a sense of measure for people and things.

  He must have achieved a certain level as a worker before, otherwise he would not be so easy.

  Wang Haiwen thought so too. He felt that Yu Xiangan, the deputy monitor, could not be just an ordinary clerk in the bookstore, and the clerk in other bookstores did not have this ability.

  This was exercised by Yu Xiangan when he was assistant to the deputy director.

  Among these classmates, Yu Xiangan and Liu Mingyue played best.

  She has a hearty personality and has one thing to say. She is very comfortable to get along with. She generously shared with Yu Xiangan the pine nuts she brought from her hometown.

  Yu Xiangan told her that she also likes to eat her cousin who is stationed there. He will send it back every time she can eat it all.

  Liu Mingyue listened to her and immediately divided her into a half. "There are many pine nuts in my house. Go up to the mountain to fight. If you have time, others will ignore you. We don't have many other things, but there are many pine nuts. I like to eat very much, I like to grab a handful when I'm fine."

  Yu Xiangan accepted it and gave her a can of mushroom sauce. "I made this one that suits your taste better. Try adding some when you eat."

  In this test, Liu Mingyue was shocked, and her tone turned into an aria: "This is even more delicious than what I bought! How did you do it! I have tried it myself, but it tastes like... ...I dare not do it a second time, because I am afraid of wasting materials."

  Yu Xiangan smiled, "Didn't I say that I'm good at making food? Whenever there's nothing to do, I would like to figure out how to make things more delicious. Please try my craft someday."

  Liu Mingyue is looking forward to it: "Okay, I can write this down."

  Yu Xiangan: "I can't forget."

  "What are you talking about? What forgot?" Ke Manyun leaned over and asked quietly.

  Liu Mingyue: "I'm talking about making delicious food. Take the time to taste the craftsmanship of the deputy class."

  Ke Manyun looked left and right, looking very envious, "You guys have made an appointment, I just walked away..." She was a little embarrassed, but she was unwilling to give up. There was a clear desire in her eyes.

  "Do you want to go too?" Liu Mingyue laughed haha.

  Yu Xiangan was willing to invite Liu Mingyue to the rented place. Ke Manyun didn't care. She thought for a while, "We will organize an autumn tour another day. What do you think?"

  Liu Mingyue came with interest: "Autumn Tour, what do you mean, tell me carefully."

  Yu Xiangan: "If everyone is interested, it can become a whole-class activity. Many of us are not locals in the capital. Going to the scenic spots can increase our understanding of the city, and our classmates can also promote exchanges and enhance feelings. "

  Liu Mingyue nodded, thinking it was a good idea.

  "We find a park for a picnic. We go to those places where we can pick up dried leaves and twigs to cook. We only need to bring the pot, ingredients, and seasonings. Everyone draws out the ingredients for a meal, and the cost is not high."

  Liu Mingyue feels more interesting as she listens, "We usually study hard, so we find a rest day to relax. I think it's good. The first one to raise his hand in agreement, Xiaoan, then you can discuss it with the monitor."

  Yu Xiangan: "Okay, I will discuss with him first."

Ke Manyun looked at Yu Xiangan admiringly: "You are really amazing."

  Yu Xiangan smiled, "Well, then do this first, I'm going to look for her."

  Ke Manyun likes to run behind Liu Mingyue very much. When Liu Mingyue talks to her, Ke Manyun will intervene from time to time. The words are fine, but Yu Xiangan is really overwhelmed by her character.

  It's not the best way to speak well. It's not the first time they have met. They have been classmates for so long, and they still speak so quietly. They don't dare to look directly into the eyes of people, and get along very tired.

  Avoid if you can.

  Yu Xiangan and Wang Haiwen shared her thoughts, "Everyone goes out together and cooks a meal together. This way, we can increase mutual understanding, promote feelings, and will not incur extra expenses. Everyone takes out their food coupons and collects one. It can be solved with one meal. The park is free and there is a large enough space."

  Wang Haiwen thought about it carefully. Indeed, the feasibility is very high. Everyone didn't know each other before. Now there are no activities. Some introverts only have the opportunity to understand others when they introduce themselves. If they organize an activity outside , Can indeed produce more intersections.

  "Make the staple food in advance."

  "I can help cook steamed buns, and I will cook the rest on site." Otherwise, I will do it all slowly. It is estimated that a lot of time will be wasted and the tools are not easy to bring.

  "In this way, should we arrange one or two shows, such as everyone telling a joke, telling a short story, etc."

  "This is okay. Everyone takes turns. You can also talk about the feelings of coming here, and talk about the specialties of your hometown."


  They also shared their thoughts with Wu Zhusheng. Wu Zhusheng nodded, "You will leave in the morning on your rest day and be back in the afternoon. It will not delay your study. It is a good thing that you can enhance the feelings of your classmates. I still support it. However, You have to control the cooking well, some of your classmates are in difficult circumstances."

  "Yes, teacher, we understand."

  With his consent, they were in between classes just after class, and when everyone was still in the classroom, they asked everyone's opinion. Don't worry, the principle of voluntariness, if you want to bring others over, you can pay for an extra meal, and the family's attention should be paid."

  This is the first time they have organized this kind of activity, and they are going to the park to play. They only need to pay for their own meals. There is no loss, so everyone passed with one vote.

  Liu Mingyue was very excited, "Xiao'an, what are you going to bring with you? I'll bring some pine nuts for everyone to try."

  Yu Xiangan thought for a while, "I will take the chili sauce and mushroom sauce I made to see which flavor you prefer. I also made olive sauce first. I have to think about this taste again. I will bring a little later. I'll give you a taste and see if it tastes good."

  Both Yu Xiang'an and Wang Haiwen got busy. They split up. Wang Haiwen first went to the park to step on the spot and asked the staff if classmates could come here for a picnic party. Yu Xiang'an took the money and tickets that everyone handed in to buy them. s things.

  Liu Mingyue went shopping with him, and Yu Xiangan couldn't get so many things alone.

  Yu Xiangan asked Lin Chuanbo, Lin Chuanbo: "Go!"

  He wants to declare sovereignty.

  On the rest day, just after dawn, Yu Xiangan got up and took Lin Chuanbo to make preparations.

  They have to make the staple food first, feed the two children and send them to the nursery.

  Halfway through, Liu Mingyue brought two girls over to help.

  "There are so many people in the class, and you can't leave them all to you. There will be a few male classmates who will come over to help bring things later."

  "Then you are here, I'm not welcome, come, help wash the rice and burn the fire."

  Yu Xiangan didn't have enough kitchenware, so he borrowed tools from Aunt Jiang next door.

  Everyone came together, and the action was much faster.

  When the sun rises, the multi-grain rice and multi-grain steamed buns are ready, put them into clean buckets, close the lid, and hand them to the male student to pick them up and send them to the park.

  Yu Xiang'an and the others stepped on the spot.

  The other students have already arrived.

  Wang Haiwen counted the number of people, and matched the number of people on the list, he greeted everyone to go in together, and picked these things in together, and found a suitable place for a picnic before putting them down.

  He already had an idea about this place, and he had already surveyed it when he came to step on it.

  They arrived in a clearing by the stream.

  There are no trees here, mostly flat pebbles washed by running water, don't worry too much about arson, and it's convenient for cooking.

  The stones here can be used to build simple stoves.

  Put things down and leave people around here to collect dry leaves and dry branches, and the others will scatter them in twos and threes, agree on a time, and come back.

  Yu Xiangan did not go far, nor did Wang Haiwen, the two of them commanded the manpower to build the stove here.

  Wang Haiwen greeted Lin Chuanbo: "You are the lover of the deputy class, hello, I am Wang Haiwen."

  "Hello, my name is Lin Chuanbo."

  "I heard you are at the Medical University?"


  "Seeing that you are quite skilled in building stoves, I am in a daze that you are studying architecture."

  Lin Chuanbo smiled.

  He has practiced this skill, but he built the stove in his medicine garden little by little. Now he is setting up a temporary stove, little meaning.

  Liu Mingyue and Ke Manyun were washing vegetables by the stream. Liu Mingyue even caught two small fishes. They contributed to the stew together.

  Mosquito meat is also meat.

  Those who stayed to help were voluntarily. Yu Xiangan discovered that he always didn't like to talk to people and showed some noble permission, but he also stayed to help. He also took out a piece of bacon from his bag, "Let's wait. do it."

  Yu Xiangan was stunned for a moment, and then took it over: "This is to represent our classmates thank you, the food today is really good."

  There are many people who give her the special products they bring, and let everyone share them.

  Liu Mingyue gave a bag of pine nuts and dried mushrooms, Wang Haiwen gave two sausages, and Ke Manyun gave half a catty of dried vegetables...

  She brought some sauces herself, and made a pot of brine, and just prepared the ingredients directly.

  They set up the stove, lit a fire, washed the ingredients, and washed the large earthen jar they brought and placed it on the stove.

  This is making soup.

  Head bean soup.

  One after another, the other people who went out also came back, some empty-handed, some with dry branches, some with wild vegetables, and some with three bird eggs that I didn't know where to touch them.

  It suddenly became lively here.

  "Hey, this soup is ready, everyone comes to serve the soup."

  "Want to eat or want to eat steamed buns?"

  "The baked buns are delicious."

  "I put a few roasted sweet potatoes in the fire, who wants them?"

  "This is steamed pumpkin. It's very sweet. Would you like it?"

  "This stewed dish is really fragrant."

  "Deputy squad, your craftsmanship is amazing, this taste is amazing."


  Everyone ate lunch while talking. After eating for more than two hours, everything was returned to the original owner. The simple stove was also broken up and turned into a stone again. The garbage was cleaned up. Everyone sat in the shade of the tree and told stories. Or tell a joke.

  Wang Haiwen: "I'll come first. There used to be a scholar who went to Beijing to rush for the exam. On the way to rush the exam, he encountered heavy rain that was rare in a century. He went into the ruined temple to hide from the rain..."

  Then it was Yu Xiangan, "Let me tell a joke to everyone. One day, the teacher told the students to use the Great Wall in a sentence, and the students replied that the Great Wall is very long. It's not Qin Shihuang, why?"

  This joke was told by Yu Xiangan's grandfather. She had forgotten why she was upset at the time, but grandfather deliberately found a joke on the Internet to make her happy, and she remembered it till now.


  This was a successful event. After the selection of class cadres, the positions of Wang Haiwen and Yu Xiang'an remained unchanged. In addition, Liu Mingyue became a living committee member, which may become a study committee member.

  Licensing was the third place, and she successfully reversed the impression in everyone's eyes in this event.

  Not only did she generously take out the bacon, she helped from start to finish, and when she cleaned up afterwards, her attitude was very serious, which made many people feel that she had misunderstood her before.

  Although she doesn't like to talk, she looks like a good comrade who loves to learn and has good character.

  This time, Yu Xiangan borrowed the kitchen utensils from Aunt Jiang and returned it after washing it. Yu Xiangan was thinking about going "treasure hunt". She saw the mark of the official kiln under a cracked plate in Jiang's house.

  This is the capital. If you want to talk about picking up leaks, the chance of picking up leaks is greatest here.

  Lin Chuanbo thought for a while, "Take the kids? They can also find out if they like it."

  If you see any gains, it's safer to cross-dress again.

  Go to the nearest recycling bin, and the twins go through the villain books and picture albums. They don't know all the characters, so they like to look at things with images.

  Yu Xiangan and Lin Chuanbo asked them to find them by themselves, and squatted down to see if they were useful in the pile of old books.

  I turned it over and found that there was no high school textbook here, and I couldn't see any junior high school textbooks.


  It should have been picked up by people who needed to take the college entrance examination after the resumption of the college entrance examination.

  This is normal, but when I crossed a pile of books, I saw an old table. The old table is nothing unusual, especially since the old table has a short leg. The problem lies with the short leg. To balance the table, a small tripod was placed under it.

  Yu Xiangan was choked. She saw a similar one when she visited a museum in high school.

  The more she looked, the more she felt alike, could it be that? ? ?


  Lin Chuanbo didn't know, but he could tell something from her expression. He wiped his face when he looked at Xiaoding, who was acting as a stepping stone, and said, "Master, why don't you change this table if it is broken."

  "Oh, this table is old. I'm used to it. I don't want to change it. I still worry about the broken leg. It happens to be the right length. A Taoist temple that breaks down feudal superstitions can be regarded as a waste of heat. ."

  Lin Chuanbo and Yu Xiangan: "..."

  The two glanced at each other. They are still taking the child. They will come and take this thing away after another day. This thing can't be privately owned. It's fine to donate it sometime later. If you bump into it here, That would be a pity!

  The next two were a little absent-minded, took something casually, and asked the twins if they found what they wanted.

  Lin Yining, "Mom, I found three paintings, and I still want this." She held a bronze mirror that she didn't know where to find.

  The mirror has been spent.

  Lin Yihong found five little books, a picture of Wu Song fighting a tiger, and he also fancied a box, the little one, which he wanted to use to hold his "baby".

  This kind of box is old and very small, so it is relatively cheap, and it costs only two cents to buy.

  "Okay, take your things here, you have to pay the bill before you can take it away."

 Given the money, their little book can fit in this little box.

  "Let's go back."

  After returning, he coaxed the two children to sleep, Lin Chuanbai asked, "Just now you saw that Ding's face was wrong, do you know?"

  Yu Xiangan smiled bitterly, "If I remember correctly, I saw the cultural relics of the Han Dynasty when I went to the museum when I was organizing an event in high school. At that time, I had to write an afterthought, so I still have some impressions."

  Lin Chuanbo: "!!!"

  Thinking of that Kanae lying on the dirty ground, dusty and supporting the old table of vicissitudes, he also felt suffocated.
