♠ Chapter 1 ♠


I woke up with a veiw of the ceiling, the dark, rotting ceiling. I tilted my head and saw the bars of my cell. Ugh I felt like a caged animal... Maybe I was a caged animal...

I would of been out of this cage if it wasn't for Dr. Harlene Quinzel. About two years ago I was put in this cell with my roommate, The Joker. I admit at first we both hated each other but after three days we were sharing our escape plans with each other. But our 'friendship' didn't last long because Joker kept going to his therapist meetings with 'Harley' and he eventually fell for her
He apparently fried her brain and made her as crazy as him. He basically forgot all about me. The thing that upset me most was that he said if he manages to escape he will come back and rescue me.
He promised. Well he did escape. He escaped with Harley and he certainly did not come back to save me! Since then the asylum's security has become stronger or so I have been told and the police are still searching for the Joker hoping to put him back behind bars. As for me I am still rotting in my ruined memorys I still wonder what I would do if I ever saw Joker again.

I attempted daily to escape the asylum from fighting the guards to pretending to be dead and even throwing myself against the walls for hours non-stop. I knew deep down it would not accomplished anything but I just wanted to escape so desperately.

"Hey!" I hissed to the guard outside my cell.

"What, Freak?" He Shouted still staying in formation.

"I'm bored... Come and play with me!" I whinned.

"Shut up, Lady." The guard ordered.

"Come on, You know you wanna play." I insisted.

"No." The guard replyed.

"play... Play... Play..." I roared before laughing manicly but stopping myself before the guard got more suspicious.

"Hey look..." I said licking the bars then pulling my shirt down reveling my bra. The guard finnaly looked and gulped. "Now wanna play?" I asked.

"Fine... If I'm working in this freaky shit hole for the rest of my life I want at least one good memory." The guard explained unlocking my door and coming in my cell.

The guard came closer to me licking his lips. He was fat and ugly... That is the only way I can discribe him. I suddeny grabbed his cane from his belt and smacked him round the head with it knocking him out clean. I took the collection of keys from his belt and bolted. It was actually easy to escape. I thought the asylum had high security now. Perhaps the guards just said that to stop the crazys escaping.
