Chapter Four ~ Bill's World ~

"There's nothing here!" I frowned in confusion.

"Whoops!" Bill snapped his fingers, and the world around me went fuzzy and numb. I passed out, and woke up in the mindscape. I saw a mansion made of gold, millions of triangles engraved into the walls and doors. "This is my home!"

This guy's serious.

I couldn't help but gawp.

"Yeah. I'm serious." He shrugged. "Now, before we go any further, let me ask you, what was fez trying to talk to you about?"

"Why ask me? You can read my freaking mind!" I frowned, blushing.

"I'd prefer to hear it from you."

"Nope. No way."

"Oh, that's a shame. Welp, I guess I'll have to send ya back to the Mystery Shack!" Before i could retort, he snapped his fingers, and i popped up in the living room. Mabel and Stan looked at me.

"Oh. Dipper, there you are!" Stan grinned. "So, what were you up to in the bathroom, huh, kid?"

"Dipstick, tell him! Tell him! Tell him!" Mabel giggled, bouncing around.

Tell me what you did, pinetree.

I stood there, blushing crazily.

"Please don't make me." I tugged on the hem of my shirt. I didn't even know who i was talking to anymore, but i didn't want to deal with any of it.

Just tell me and it will all go away.

"Dipper's gay!" Mabel squealed. It was so high pitched even dogs shouldn't be able to hear it. I'm surprised Stan's hearing aid wasn't playing up.

"Well then, the boy's gonna need to know about being safe about his... Business." That last phrase echoed in my head. Not another traumatic talk. Please!

"Alright! I'll talk!" I frowned, looking down. Bill snapped his fingers, and i was taken back into the mindscape. I heaved with relief, but then having another weight pressed down on me. Literally. Bill leant on my shoulder, his hands snaking around my waist.

"Sooooo?" His breath was warm on my neck. My face heated up again, but i didn't pull away. "What's got everyone so worked up?"

"Well... I-i was bored, stuck in bed, nothing to do but read Mabel's boyz mag. Then..." I sighed. "I got an erection."

There was a thick silence for a while.

Say something! Please!

There was a chuckle from behind me. Bill was laughing.

"It's not funny!" I growled sternly. I pulled away from his grasp, folding my arms as i turned to face him. After a few seconds, his laughter simmered down to an occasional giggle. "I don't even know how to deal with this!" I curled up on the floor, my knees to my chest. After a little bit, I felt him running his finger on my back in a circle. It was kinda soothing. Bill bent down, and i lifted my head up.

"Now," His voice had changed. It wasn't distorted like it normally is. It was more like a human's. "I'm not good with this kind of thing, sentiment and that, but I'll tell you what, Dipper. I'll be there if you need anyone."

Wait, in what way? What would i need someone for?! And since when was he calling me Dipper?!

I pushed the thought away, looking at Bill's warm, golden eyes.

"Thank you." I smiled. I saw him smirk, looking at me in a way i couldn't describe.

"You're blushing, kid." My smile faded, my hands attaching themselves to my face. Bill giggled a little, standing up straight and offering me a helping hand. I stood up, taking a deep, shaky breath. "And without further ado, let us begin with the house tour!"


After being shown multiple bedrooms, bathrooms, a gigantic ballroom, which Bill will most likely never use, and finally, a huge flower garden. We sat under a weeping willow tree, as the dream demon snapped his fingers, a blue-pink sunset appeared where the sky would be, changing the void before us into a beautiful scene. Bill picked a yellow flower, putting it in my hair. I blushed profusely, but i didn't move it. He smiled at me before staring at the sky. We said nothing for a while, listening to the trees, the birds (somehow Bill had simulated sounds), and the rippling of a small brook trickling slowly towards a larger pond.

"You'd better be getting back, kid." He nudged me. My head fell numb, as it drifted to his shoulder. I would've moved it, but i was suddenly overcame with a crippling exhaustion. I yawned quietly, my eyelids drooping. "I'm not your personal pillow!" He grinned, frowning. I mumbled in reply, not moving. I felt the rest of my body fall numb too, and I put my full weight on him. I shut my eyes, and i felt Bill tangle his fingers in my hair, stroking and gently tugging it.

" You're surprisingly good at this human stuff." I smiled drowsily.

"You really should be getting back. They'll be looking for you."

"How long have i been here?"

"Maybe two and a half hours?"

"What?! Bill!" I went to get up, but my head clouded as I moved my legs, and gave up.

"Time passes differently in the mindacape. It's been two hours here, and ten minutes in the real world. Shooting star and fez will be lookin' for ya."

"Wh-when can I see you again?"

"Tomorrow?" He shrugged.

"Okay, then." I smiled at him as he cracked his knuckles. He snapped his fingers, and I gained consciousness again. I saw a yellow rose in front of me, and i picked it up. It wasn't there before, was it?

"Dip dip!" I heard.

Oh no. No no no no no.

"Ya can't hide forever, kid!" I heard Grunkle Stan yell in his gravelly tone.

I climbed up a tree quickly, the fatigue from the mindscape making it slower than it should have been. I got up just in time, as Stan and Mabel came from the clearing.

"Diiiiiiiiiiiiiipperrrrr!" My sister yelled. I heard someone behind me in the tree. A hand came to my shoulder, and i freaked out, my balance fell, and i was dangling from a branch within a few seconds. "There you are!" I looked up at the tree once more, wondering who had touched me. I saw a quick flash of yellow, and smirked to myself before dropping to the ground.

"Where've you been, kid?"

"In that tree." I shrugged, my voice cracking.

"Mmmhmmm." He squinted at me with suspicion, then patted me on the back as we walked back to the Mystery Shack. My stomach was twisted in knots by the time i was sat down opposite my great uncle. "So... Let's talk."
