Chapter 5: Death of Two Archosians


I suddenly woke up with a gasp. Bulma placed a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with a kind smile before helping me sit up.

"Take it easy. The Earth's Dragon Balls just brought you back, which normally makes everyone a bit dizzy," Bulma said with a smile.

"What happened after I died?" I asked as I looked at Piccolo and Gohan.

"Frieza killed Krillin. Dad and Vegeta got angry about you dying, and then they turned to gold. It was awesome but scary," Gohan said as I tried to stand.

"I need to go help them," I groaned as I tried to stand up.

"You can't. Their battle is beyond your league. We'll have no way to revive you now if you die again," Piccolo said flatly.

Suddenly, we were all on a planet I had never seen before, and we seemed to be surrounded by the entire population of Planet Namek. My eyes widened as I immediately searched for the Namekian Elder.

"Elder, what has happened here? Where are the Saiyans Kakarot and Vegeta?" I asked, worried for them both but mostly worried for Vegeta.

"Guru!" several Namekians cried out before the elder held a hand up to silence them.

"The two Saiyans won their fight against the Tyrant and have killed him, but at the cost of our planet. I had them sent to a different planet to learn different skills to face greater foes in the future. Moori, come forward please," Guru said, calling another Namekian forward. "I name you as the new Grand Elder so that the Dragon Balls of our people will survive. Help those who saved us, then move our people to a hidden world."

"Of course, Guru. I will do my best to follow your teachings," Moori said before Guru passed over the power of the Dragon Balls to him.

"Nail, I want you to stay here and fuse with the Namekian Piccolo. These are good people, and he would greatly benefit from your power," Guru said calmly, his energy fading.

"Yes, Guru," a young Namekian said as he bowed his head.

"Goodbye, my children," Guru said as his energy faded.

His body faded before our eyes and dissolved into light. The Namekians started wailing their grief, and Bulma chatted on some small device. A while later, several odd-looking transports descended on our location.

"Hey, everyone?!" Bulma called out, grabbing the attention of the Namekian populace. "I've got a place you can all stay until you guys can restore your planet, and these transports will take you there."

"Thank you, Miss," Moori said with a sad smile as he took Bulma's hand.

"You can stay with me too, Tundra," Bulma said as the Namekians loaded onto the transports, along with Piccolo and Gohan. "At least until we get something else figured out for you."

"Thank you, Bulma," I said as I boarded the ship with her, Piccolo, and Gohan.

We landed peacefully at what Bulma explained was her residence and that she would happily house the Namekians until they could make themselves a new planet and move there. She had also said that she would accommodate me, but I insisted that I would work for her as one of her scientists. She seemed ecstatic about having me work for her. When we landed at her compound, a small group awaited us. Gohan was immediately snatched up by a woman I could only assume was his mother as she started screeching about his safety.

"Oh, my precious Gohan! I'm so glad that you're ok!" the woman screeched as Gohan tried to squirm away.

"Mom! Let me go!" Gohan complained as everyone began dispersing from the ships to get comfortable.

"Chichi, maybe you should let him go before you kill him. We don't have any active Dragon Balls at the moment," Bulma said as she arched an eyebrow.

"Where's Goku? Where is my husband?" the woman, Chichi, demanded.

"Kakarot was sent to another planet, along with Vegeta, in the last seconds before Namek's destruction, just as we were all sent here, Miss," I said as I crossed my arms, my cut tail swishing behind me.

"You mean Vegeta was there?!" ChiChi screeched.

"He protected me, Mom! Vegeta and Tundra wouldn't let me do any fighting unless it was needed," Gohan said quickly, trying to calm his mother.

"There was a worse monster on Namek. Frieza was tearing the planet apart and ultimately killed me. Vegeta protected your son from the same fate I suffered by ordering him away before I was resurrected. I would rethink your position on the honor of Saiyan Warriors, seeing as how you are the wife of one and bringing about the next generation," I snarled. "Kakarot and Vegeta are the two last pure-blooded Saiyans left in the Universe. And you are lucky enough to be married to one. Especially now that they have both gone Super Saiyan."

"Bulma...where's Krillin?" a short bald human with eye coverings asked.

"Frieza killed him after he killed her," Bulma said as she pointed to me.

"Her death and Krillin's death were the catalysts for Goku and Vegeta turning Super Saiyan. They killed Frieza in a combined attack before we were teleported here with the last wish from the Namekian Dragon Balls," Piccolo said.

"You won't fight anymore, right, Gohan? Just like you promised before you left?" Chichi said forcibly.

"But I liked training, Mom," Gohan, complained with a pout as he squirmed out of her arms. "I can have a balance."

A couple of days after our return to Earth, I helped Bulma and her father build a medical pod as I wished to restore my tail. After giving Bulma a drive on every aspect of Saiyan culture that I had collected to preserve as a gift for Vegeta, I stepped inside and was hooked up to the wiring within the machine, and a mask was placed over my face. A week later, I stepped out of it with my tail fully restored and longer than before, perhaps slightly slimmer. Four months after our return, we used the Namekian Dragon Balls to try and summon Kakarot and Vegeta to Earth, except they did not want to return. They had passed a message through Porunga that they would rather keep training for a little while longer. Instead, we used the first two wishes to revive Krillin, and after a bit of debate in the Otherworld, the third wish was used to restore Krillin and another human named Yamcha. With my help, Bulma's company made giant technological leaps. We had even vastly improved the concept of the gravity chamber that had been in Kakarot's ship. This chamber could go up to 600 times Earth's gravity instead of the 100 that the gravity machine on Kakarot's ship had been capable of. As the months passed, Gohan frequently snuck out of his home to train with Piccolo, according to Chichi and Bulma. During one of Gohan's excursions, he came to see me for training. Though surprised, I happily complied with the boy. From then on, I occasionally trained with Gohan, Piccolo, and the humans. I trained most with Yamcha as he lived with Bulma and me at Capsule Corps. Four months after Yamcha's resurrection, the Namekian Dragon Balls were used again three-eyed human named Tienshenhan and a doll-like creature named Chiaotzu were resurrected with the first and second wishes. The Namekians created a hidden planet and moved there with the third wish. Once the Namekians were gone, I looked up at the sky longingly as my tail whipped back and forth.

"Don't worry, Tundra. I'm sure Goku and Vegeta will return before you know it. I can tell by your stories that Vegeta is probably throwing himself into whatever training they are doing right now," Bulma said as she touched my shoulder.

"I know. I figured that after my death, Vegeta would be training exceptionally hard to prevent that from happening again," I said with a sigh as we walked inside the main Capsule Corps building.

"Let's get you a drink and go have a shopping day. You seem like you need some spoiling," Bulma said as we walked into the elevator, and she swiped her card to the private residential floors at the top of the building.

"Maybe tomorrow. I just want to relax for the rest of the day, but thank you," I said with a faint smile.

"I'm just trying to help a friend," Bulma said, giving me a quick hug.

Another year passed in much of the same routine, except Yamcha was constantly traveling as he was famous for some Earth sport that I never cared to learn the name of. I was in the middle of a board meeting with Bulma, Dr. Briefs, and several other important people when I felt two terrifying and eerily familiar kis approaching the planet as I spoke. I locked eyes with Bulma as terror filled my body. I sensed the kis of all of the other fighters in the world racing out after the energies, and I had to go after them to stop them from getting killed since I was the strongest on Earth at the moment. I pretended to check the phone that Bulma had given me when I arrived for a message.

"Ms. Briefs, it seems our previous engagement has arrived at the building," I said urgently.

"Well, everyone, we're going to have to reschedule this meeting for a later date. Some old friends of mine and Tundra's have arrived, and we would like to spend time with them. Dad, if you could reschedule the meeting and let me know later," Bulma said before she grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. "What the hell is going on, Tundra?"

"I think Frieza survived Namek. He and Cold are on final approach to the planet," I said urgently as we ran outside.

"And Goku and Vegeta aren't back yet," Bulma whimpered.

"I think I felt traces of their ki this morning. I think they're working on it," I said as I grabbed Bulma and slung her onto my back, causing her to yelp.

"Hey! Be careful!" she yelled as she grabbed onto me.

"It's faster if we fly like this instead of one of your jets," I said before taking off.

Within minutes we met up with the other fighters in a wasteland just as Frieza and Cold's ship broke through the planet's atmosphere and landed a few miles away. I snarled and handed Bulma off to Piccolo and flew towards the ship faster than everyone else, fully intent on blowing it up before they disembarked, only to be stopped by the sight of a single man with purple hair blasting all the fodder as they came off the ship. The young man actually appeared to be a teen instead of a true man of human appearance. The rest of the fighters grouped around me as we watched on in shock as first Cold and then a poorly done cyborg version of Frieza disembarked the ship.

"This is the planet, Father, and there is Tundra," Frieza snarled before he pointed at me, and I merely cackled at his appearance.

"I must say, Big Brother, you looked better when the Saiyans and I beat you bloody! I can do that again and make you look better if you like!" I taunted as I flicked my tail around.

"Tundra dear, it's time to quit the charade and return to the empire. Face your punishment, and then you will be welcome back into the Family," Cold said with a smirk.

"Yeah...I'm gonna have to stop that," the young man said before he charged up to Super Saiyan with a roar.

Within a second, Frieza had been wholly obliterated into ash, and Cold had his heart blasted from his chest. As he bled out, I landed before Father, one of my long-time tormentors.

"Tundra..." he gasped as the unknown Saiyan powered down into his base form.

"Sorry...You'll get no remorse from me. It's about time I punished you for all the years of torment," I snarled before I impaled him on my tail, splattering his blood all over my new clothes.

I turned to face the unknown Saiyan as two familiar kis seemingly pulsed into reality.. I forgot momentarily that I was still splattered in blood and that my tail was still piercing my father's corpse when I locked eyes with Vegeta. A light blush crossed his face as he looked me over before the unknown Saiyan walked over to Vegeta and Kakarot. I removed my tail from Cold's corpse and destroyed it with a ki blast before I flew to where the others had landed.

"Bulma, do you have some water and a change of clothes for me in your magic capsules?" I asked sweetly. "I seem to have gotten a bit of blood on my clothes."

"I didn't have a chance to grab my case of emergency capsules before we left. You'll have to wait until we get home. At least you didn't lose your tail again or break it," Bulma said with a smirk as I pouted. "You'll really get to tease Vegeta with your wardrobe. We'll have a party later to celebrate them coming back."

"Hmm. With the look he just gave me, I like that idea," I said wickedly.

I watched as the younger Saiyan charged into Super Saiyan before Vegeta and Kakarot did the same. They continued their talk for a while before the younger Saiyan left towards some rocks. A minute later, a ship was launched into the air before disappearing in the blink of an eye. Kakarot and Vegeta walked over toward us with perplexed looks on their faces.
