~Chapter Eight~

"Wait, so our parents were in the pyramid all along? But I don't understand, what's the takeover?" Missy asked.

As soon as she asked this, we see Ms. Grenada, the president, and a few bodyguards enter and walked towards us. Unlike earlier, she was much happier and seemed excited about something.

"The takeover of power... from your parents," Ms Grenada explained.


We were all still very confused, so she continued, " The next generation is always an improvement from the last."

"Things are not headed in the right direction on your planet, and you children are inheriting Earth's problems and need to fix them, sooner rather than later." Ojo added.

Then the president speaks up, "It's in the best interest of the entire galaxy that life on Earth survives and thrives, so we infiltrated both your government and Heroics headquarters so we could train you and speed up the transfer of power."

After a few more minutes of explanation, there was still one thing on everyone's minds.

"Wait, but the clock hit zero. We were one second too late." Wheels pointed out.

"Yeah, and why was there a countdown to begin with?" I asked.

"The supreme commander knew down to the second exactly when the takeover would happen."

When Ojo explained that back on her planet, the children were in charge and that she was their leader, everything made a lot more sense. Ojo apparently drew Missy in the middle of the room in her drawing because she was a leader herself.

"So, from one leader to another, as we each head off to face the challenges of the universe, can we count on you to not just help save your planet, but the entire galaxy?" Ojo asked Missy.

Missy then put her hands on her hips and said, "you have our word. When you need us, we'll be there."

"Thank you."

As soon as Ojo stepped back, we turned around and ran towards our parents. I ran straight towards them and into my mother's arms.

"Mom! Dad!"

"Oh honey, your father and I are so proud of you." I teared up at those words.

"Really mom?" She nodded and pulled back so I could hug my dad.

I put my arms around him, and he lifted me up, so we were face-to-face. "We wanted you to control your powers not to fight, but to protect your friends and those you love."

"We watched you and your friends fight all of those aliens, and your dad and I know your fighting style better than anymore. We could tell that you taught them what you learned, and we could not be happier." Mom added.

"I love you both so much!" I cried.

I started tearing up again, and all three of us huddled together in a tight embrace. Once I finally escaped from the hug, I noticed Wild Card standing in front of me, looking quite nervous.

"Hey, Wild Card. Did you need something?" I asked.

"Can we maybe, um, talk later?" I stared at him before giving him a small smile.

"About what exactly?" I asked, in curiosity.

"I-I just wanted to explain the reason I treated you the way I did..." As he was becoming less sure about himself and started walking away from me, I answered his question.

"Sure." He turned around to face me again.

He was shocked that I actually said yes. "Really?"

I nodded, and he had a gigantic smile on his face. He returned to where his father was standing and I walked over to Missy, who was having a conversation with her grandmother and father.

"Hi abuelita, Mr Moreno." I politely said to the two of them.

"Hello Aerial, we wanted to thank you for encouraging Missy here." Marcus Moreno told me, and I turned toward Missy.

"Hey Missy, you did an amazing job as our leader. We wouldn't have rescued our parents if it weren't for you." She blushed and shook her head.

"Aerial, I really should thank you for everything." My eyes widened at what she said.

"Whatever for? All I did was punch a few aliens here and there." I looked away, but she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"You were the one who knew I could amaze from the very start. You didn't care that I didn't have powers like the rest of you, and you even stood up for me." She had tears in her eyes, and I gave her a tight hug.

"You are now one of my best friends Missy, I will always support you." I told her and we both pulled away from the hug several minutes later.

*An hour later*

Everyone had now left the mother ship and was now on Earth once again. To celebrate 'The Takeover', the employees at Heroics headquarters planned a surprise party waiting for all of us.

"Are we nearly there yet?" Noodles asked for the hundredth time and everyone in the vehicle yelled out 'NO!'.

I swear, if he asks that one more time...

When we finally arrived at the headquarters, we walked inside to discover that the entire headquarters was decorated from ceiling to floor. There are streamers and balloons falling down. There was a table full of food, and most shocking of all, there was a giant banner of our faces on the wall.

"Wow..." we all said at the same time, and turned towards Ms. Grenada.

"Is this all for us?" Guppy asked, and Ms. Grenada nodded excitedly.

"This is to celebrate a new generation of young heroes. Now, have fun and enjoy your party!" She squealed.

And with that, all of us head towards the food table. We filled our plates with all of our favourite food and desserts. My plate comprised strawberry cake, cheesecake, cookies, and pizza, because my parents would kill me if I did not have a proper meal before all these desserts.

"Ugh, this food is so good. How can I convince mom to make this every day?" I thought to myself in delight.

I was sitting and eating my food on a beanbag when I noticed Wild Card coming over while holding his plate full of food, too. He sat down right next to me and I saw that his plate was full of pizza.

"Hey Wild Card." I said with shoving a cupcake in my mouth.

"Aerial, um, I was wondering if we could we have that talk now?" I nodded, and I could tell he was extremely nervous.

I placed my plate down on the side table next to me so that I could focus on what he was about to say.

"Aerial..." He swallowed. "I'm sorry I treated you like trash for all these years because you definitely didn't deserve that. I get it if you never want to see me again or slap me, but I wanted to explain to you what happened."

I just nodded my head and stared into his eyes "I just want to know the reason. I mean, we were best friends since before I could remember," I asked, and he looked down at the floor.

After a few minutes of silence, Wild Card finally spoke up.

"When the kids found out that my best friend was a girl, they tormented me about it. They kept saying that 'girls have cooties' and that 'a boy should never be friends with a girl. After a few weeks of it, I couldn't take it anymore and I just did what they said and dumped you." Wild Card explained, and my eyes widened.

"Why didn't you tell me they were bullying you? We could've avoided this total mess if you would've just told me the truth." I asked him.

"To be honest with you, I don't know the reason, and I was such a stupid idiot back then and probably still am one now. I regretted my decision soon after I said it. I only realised just how stupid I've been when we were on this rescue mission. But do you know what was worse?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"Whenever I said something mean to you, I can sense your heartbreaking, and it kills me I was the reason. When we were at Ms Moreno's house, that's when I realised just how much I have destroyed you inside."

"At the mother-ship, when you thought I was betraying you, I almost didn't go along with Missy's plan to comfort you and tell you how sorry I was. I wanted to wipe your tears and say that I meant nothing I said about you. I hate I was the first guy to break your heart." He said, and it was my turn to look down.

"Ever since we were little, I always thought that you and I were together forever. Do you remember when we pretended to marry each other in your backyard?" I nodded and remembered how much fun we used to have when we were younger.

"You would change into one of your white dresses and pick a pick a bunch of flowers for your bouquet. Your teddy bears were our guests, and we even had written 'vows' for each other. Aerial, we had our first kiss when we were four and we promised we would stay together for the rest of our lives. I hate I broke that promise and if you give me another chance I will prove to you I have changed." I looked into his eyes and I saw nothing but pure honestly.

"Wild Card, w-what are you trying to say?" I asked, hoping that it was what I was thinking about.

"What I am trying to say is that I like you, maybe even more than like you, and I hope you will forgive me and let me be your best friend again and maybe something more. I want to make it up to you for how stupid I've been and for listening to what others thought of us," he begged, and grabbed one of my hands.

I was shocked at what he just revealed, so I said nothing for several seconds. He must've taken this silence as a bad sign because he was standing up, but before he could leave, I grabbed his hand that wasn't holding a plate to stop him from walking away.

"I forgive you Wild Card." I stood up, so that I was directly facing him.

"R-really? After all that, you're still forgiving me?" He asked, and I nodded my head.

"All I wanted was to know the reason you so suddenly acted so cruel for all these years, but now that you've explained what really happened, I can sort of understand your decision, as stupid as that decision was. All that I care about is that I have my best friend back and that you have the same feelings as me..." I explained quickly, but he interrupted me.

"Wait, you like me, as in like me like me?" He asked with a shocked expression.

"Of course I do..." Before I could finish my sentence, dropped his plate on the floor and wrapped his arms around me.

"Yes!" He yelled as he spun me around and around.

He twirled me around in circles, and I was giggling and begging him to stop. He eventually set me back down, but continued to keep me in his embrace. We both pulled out and walked towards our friends, hand in hand. When they saw us, they immediately put the pieces together and bombarded us with hugs and shouts of 'finally!'.

My parents and Wild Card's father walked towards us and had the nerve to ask, "So, when's the next backyard wedding? Maybe this time, the teddy bears will not be the only guests!"

Wild Card and I blushed and let go of the other's hand in embarrassment, much to the entertainment of everyone around us.

I mean, we were just kids after all...

My name is Aerial, and I am the daughter of Mr Karate and Gymnastics. I may not know what the future has in store for me, but what I am certain of is that I have my best friends to take it on together. As long as we are together, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.


Hey guys,

We have finally reached the last chapter for this story. I still have not decided whether I should upload an epilogue so I am leaving the decision to you guys!

As I am uploading this, I was surprised to see that this book has over 100 reads! WTF!!!

I thought this book wouldn't even reach 10, let alone the square number of it. (I am a math nerd, deal with it!)

In the previous chapter, I wanted your opinion on the idea of posting one shots. I already have a few ready to go, but the decision is yours.

Also, I want to know if you guys want another fanfic or an original! I would have never thought in a million years that I would actually enjoy writing fiction and post them online for the world to see.

I hope you enjoyed this short story about my original character, Aerial.

