Imagine (2)

the bros being protective/possessive with their s/o around their brothers

Grizz: At first, Grizz would be totally up for some s/o and family-bonding time. I mean, come on, he's getting his three favorite people all at the same time?! And they're all getting along?! How rad is that!! However, as his s/o began to focus more of their attention on his bros, and possibly relate to them more, he'd find himself feeling rather... "small," despite always being on top of the bear stack. He'd get rather quiet and a bit fidgety, attempting to input a joke or opinion here and there, without much positive response. His s/o would have to cheer him up afterward and reassure him that they picked him for a reason, and there's nothing to fear; nest time, it'll be a more mutual interactive experience!

Panda: Overall, he's whiny and his issue with the matter is rather evident. If his bros are receiving more attention from his s/o than him, he pouts and closes himself off, basically establishing a pity corner to himself. He often moans and whines, both to alert the others of his distaste, and steal the attention back. However, if his s/o were to revert their focus back to him at any given time, he'd immediately sit up and stumble, trying to be mature once more. Panda will require a butt-load of kisses and attention afterward to build his confidence back up again.

Ice: While aloof on the outside, Ice does enjoy the fact that his bros are getting along swimmingly with his s/o. Yet, at the same time, he'd grow more and more possessive, making hardened faces of distaste - a sort of warning signal - while placing his arm around his s/o, drawing them near. Though he wouldn't recognize the fact he was jealous himself at first, everyone else would be alerted by his aura sooner or later, causing his bros to eventually back off on a lighthearted, but disappointed note. If his s/o were confronting him about it, he'd apologized and admitted he was ashamed of his actions, but wouldn't exactly regret them or mend his ways - with strangers, at least.

sorry for the song I couldn't think of any other song
