
Just before lunch I had maths. I had been told to sit next to Finn's girlfriend, Sambuca. She didn't say anything to me for the majority of the lesson, just gave me a few dirty looks from time to time.
"Look," I said. "Have I done something to offend you?"
"I just don't want you mucking about around Finn, alright," she said quickly.
"He's his own person you know, I can't control if he likes me, and you definitely can't control if he does," I said, finishing with a shrug.
"You're a hypocrite," she stated.
"What?" I said. My tone of voice was clearly confused.
"I saw you, at break, with your brother."
"What I say to him is none of your business," I hissed.
"You practically told him to be unhappy, because it's for the best. Whose best, though. It's clearly not his," she replied.
"That's not how it is," I snapped back.
"You're selfish, you know that? I've got a wee brother, Denzil, I'd do anything for him. Anything to make him happy, his best intentions at heart. Not mine. Definitely not my desire to muck about, have a laugh."
"You keep your nose out, if you know what's best for you," I answered.
"See, that's where we differ. I'm not interested in just what's best for me, so I'll risk it, just to see your little brother happy." She said no more, but got up and moved seat.

I slammed my fist onto the desk in anger, which grabbed the teacher's attention.
"Sorry," I muttered. Once the teacher was looking down again, I stood up and shuffled over to Finn's desk. I could feel Sam's glare beating down on me. I crouched down next to Finn and whispered to him.
"I don't think your girlfriend is my biggest fan."
"What? Sam?"
"Unless you have another girlfriend, yeah," I laughed.
"What makes you think that?"
"She wants to turn Ethan against me, I reckon."
"I'll have a word," reassured Finn.
"No, don't. Just keep her occupied this lunch. Then I can talk to Ethan, get him to see sense." Finn looked unsure. "Please, Finn, I know what is best for Ethan."
"Won't Mr Mead get a bit edgy if he sees you talking to him again?"
"I'll write him a note or something."
"Okay, you've got a deal." Finn put his hand out so I shook it, before going back to my desk and writing a note for Ethan.


Look, I know you miss mum, and I do too. I know you think life isn't what it used to be without her, but that won't last forever. It will get better, trust me. Dad will come to his senses soon. And this place, if you give it a chance, could be pretty good. Being around people your own age will help you to move on. All I'm asking is you give it a chance before you considering ruining all we have left. 

Love you bro, Jake x

When the bell rang I headed straight to the canteen to find Ethan. I saw him queuing to get food, so I hung back until he had sat down. Then, checking there were no teachers in sight, I headed up behind him.
"Read this, in private," I said patting the letter into his chest. "I'll see you at the end of the day, in the entrance hall." I added. He began to say something to me, but I signed for him to be quiet, then walked off. 

As I left the canteen I saw Josh just ahead of me. "Josh!" I shouted, "wait up." He turned round.
"Alright?" he asked.
"Yeah, yeah, seen Finn?"
"He took Sam out for dinner. Why?" he asked, confused.
"Yes Sharkey," I grinned, patting Josh on the back and running outside to join in Kyle and some other lads playing a game of football. 

We were playing a small, 5 v 5 match, and I recognised most of the players, except the goalkeeper for Kyle and I's team.
"Who's the wee kid in goals?" I asked him.
"What, him. Denzil," replied Kyle.
"Denzil Kelly?" I asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"No reason," I said smiling at Kyle. 

At least I know who my enemies are, and how to get to them, I thought to myself.
