Orange Blob

Chapter 2: Orange Blob

Word count: 1139

Manga chapters: none

The walk to the Hokage building was actually quite pleasant. I let Shimo down and watched as she jumped around, acting a lot like a dog, rushing back and forth between me and something new she'd found. My pace was still slow and I hadn't wanted to use any of my chakra to help, feeling too lazy to jump across roofs anyway.

By the time I got there it was mid-afternoon, and clouds were beginning to form in the distant sky again. The streets had been pretty crowded, but when I got to the Hokage building it was almost barren.

As we neared the door I picked Shimo up again and placed her on my shoulder before pushing open the building door and walking in.

I wasn't in a real rush so I walked about the building a bit, dodging people and, you know, my responsibilities. Well that was until I crashed into someone, falling to the ground with my weakened legs.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you okay?" The person asked, reaching down to give me a hand.

"Uh, yeah, I think I'll be fine." I said, rubbing my hand against my head before accepting the person's offer, placing my hand in theirs. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it. What you're doing here?" The man asked. I used that moment to take him in. He stood a head above me, black hair atop pulled back into a pony tail. He was even wearing a ninja headband, the metal stitched into the fabric on his left arm. 

"I'm here to organise a way out of the village, see I was just in the hospital an-"

"Oh, it's you!" The guy exclaimed.

"Pardon?" I asked, a little irritated that I was interrupted.

"Oh, sorry, but two days ago when there was crazy rain I returned to the village after my mission. We found you slumped against the gate, passed out. We took you to the hospital." I moved back from him a little and offered him a small smile. 

"Makes sense, I forgot to ask how that happened. Thanks, I guess. I owe you one."

"Oh, man, being it debt is such a drag so I'll let you off. Besides you're only thanking me 'cause I was there." He said, brushing off my thanks.

"I mean it, thanks. I don't think I'd like to die from a cold or exhaustion. Oh, and I came here to meet with someone. You know what I have to do to get a meeting?" I asked. He took a moment to answer, gathering his thoughts.

"Yeah, think so. Follow me, I know someone who can probably do something about it, do you have a place to stay for the night?"

"Not yet, I kind of just left the hospital and came here." I finished before suddenly Shimo jumped off my shoulder and onto the ground, hissing at something coming from my left. A bright blur of orange and black appeared before us, screaming someone's name.

"Shikamaru! Where have you bee -" suddenly Shimo was in the poor boys face, her talons out. She swiped once before I wrapped my hands around her stomach and pulled her off him. "What the hell? Shikamaru, who is this and what's with her cat?" The boy before us yelled, directing his question toward Shikamaru - it was nice to know his name - his fingers trying to prevent blood from dripping down his face.

"It's a tiger idiot, not a cat. Learn your animals." I spat at him, weary that Shimo was still on edge.

"Uh, Naruto, this is -" Shikamaru looked to me, not having learnt my name.

"None of his business." I finished for him.

"You know, you're really not being helpful." Shikamaru told me, whispering slightly.

"Wasn't trying to be. I want to know why Shimo attacked him. He's either a spy or an animal and even though he looks it I doubt he's actually an animal." Shikamaru laughed a little at that, surprising me and catching my attention.

"Well, trust me, he's not a spy, plus I've known him since we were children." Shikamaru told me, having moved slightly so that he was now standing between the Naruto kid and I.

"Shikamaru, answer me, what is she doing here with a tiger?" Naruto spat, eyeing Shimo. Shikamaru breathed out a heavy breath of air and stepped back, resting on the back of his feet.

"She's looking for a way out of the village actually, now why do you need me?" He addressed Naruto, gradually growing more tired with the conversation.

"Oh, Granny Tsunade wants you to come to her office, now."

"Grea~t. Any idea what it's about?" He asked, already moving towards her office whilst walking beside Naruto.

"Nope, none."

"What a drag. Hey, you can come if you want, we're going to see the Hokage, she's definitely the best person you could talk to." Shikamaru said over his shoulder, sparing me a backwards glance.

"Sure, why not? Just keep Naruto away from me and Shimo."

"Sure." Shikamaru told me, walking with his hands together behind his head, his arms raised above his shoulders. "By the way, you still haven't told me your name, I'm Shikamaru."

"I know, I heard the orange blob shouting it, remember?" I was going to continue - petting Shimo absentmindedly - before Naruto interrupted.

"Hey, I am not a blob! I'm a ninja, better than you!" He told me. I struggles to see anything other than a joke in his words.

"Sure, you know I am a ninja as well, a chunin actually." I told him, slightly proud.

Naruto slumped over as he walked, looking defeated. "Darn, you're higher than me." He pouted, looking on the verge of tears.

I began laughing at how ridiculous he was being. "Hang on, you're only a genin? You look about my age, what happened?" I teased, kind of liking the guy. Shimo had calmed down which helped as well, her purring the tip of the soothing iceberg. 

"Well, I went away for a few years and didn't get a chance to take the exam, unlike you who probably had all the time in the world!"

"No actually, I don't live anywhere so I'm constantly working for food and such, so calm down." I spat back, talking over Shikamaru who was stuck in the middle of us.

"Okay guys, we're almost there now so let's stop with the arguing, and can you please tell me your name, it's bugging me now." I laughed a little at Shikamaru, nodding my head and smiling at him and Naruto even.

"It's Ayako." Shikamaru nodded, memorising my words. 

"Looks like we're here, get ready to meet the Hokage." Shikamaru placed his hand on the door, about the knock, when Naruto barged in, shoving past.

"Hey, Granny! I brought them!"


Well guys, here's the second chapter, hope it was passable :)

Anyway, enjoy like always and I should release another chapter or two soon, as I said in the last chapter I'm gonna release a few at the start and I've just written this one and the last one tonight. I'm in the mood to write so I'll probably write another chapter before the night is over so something to look forward to!

Love you all!

Gabrielle xx

~Last edit: 05/12/16~
