Chapter 6

Swanfeather flattened her ears. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Their mother, Foxtail," Wildheart choked on the last syllable, "Was my mate."

"Was?" Swanfeather asked.

Wildheart nodded. "She died during kitting."

Swanfeather thought back to the intense pain her sister, Ebonyclaw, went through during giving birth. Screams of agony rippled in her ears and Swanfeather's face disfigured in an unpleasant frown.

Wildheart turned to see Lilykit tackle her brother. Swanfeather watched the father observe his unknowing children with a tang of pity.

"Stop fawning over him."

Swanfeather started at the sharp hiss of her deputy.

"Snowface?" Swanfeather asked.

"Quite. WindClan is supposed to reconvene now.  Reedstar has come to an agreement with Turtlestar."

As if on cue, the thin TreeClan leader stepped into his Clan. All the warriors turned to watch.

"I have come to an agreement with the WindClan leader, Reedstar. He said he would harbor us until we grow strong enough to move on." He called.

There was a murmur among the cats.

"WindClan? Why not the others?" Swanfeather hissed to Snowface. The deputy shook her head.

"They didn't have enough to spare for another Clan."

Swanfeather bristled her fur. What lies.

Wildheart brushed Swanfeather's tail. "I suppose I'll be following you."

"I...suppose you will." She answered warily.

Turtlestar, Ashenface and Soothstone were organizing the Clan into a formation.

Queens and kits in front, then elders, then apprentices and then warriors.

Snowface herded Swanfeather and Elderjump into the group. "We'll be meeting WindClan in the territory." She hissed.

Swanfeather ducked her head. The troop of cats slowly started away, led by Snowface.

The procession made its why through the hills and along the banks of the lake. The moon illuminated Silverpelt.

Swanfeather heard a few kits gasp and bound out of the group. Their frazzled mothers slowly started after them but soon stopped.

Here, here was WindClan. A grassy field rolling with hills. The scent of prey floated across the plains, not quite sharp as the animals retreated into the night.

A sharp meow cut into the air. Swanfeather looked up to see Loudpaw bounding towards her, siblings in tow.

They cut silent, though. The bedraggled, starved cats of TreeClan looked as intimidating as they were quiet.

Swanfeather caught her apprentice's gaze and flicked her tail sharply towards the camp. Loudpaw nodded and pulled his siblings away.

The procession arrived in the center of the camp.

Elders and queens exited their caves, confused.

Reedstar stood on the highrock. "We have been joined by TreeClan until they regain strength to pass on." He called.

Turtlestar joined him. "I am Turtlestar and I thank all of you for welcoming my Clan into your territory when no one else would."

Swanfeather's ears caught a small hiss.

"No one invited you here." Ebonyclaw muttered, scooping her kits back into the nursery.

Swanfeather ducked towards the warrior den. A purr from behind her startled her.

"Wildheart?" Swanfeather hissed.  The grey tom nodded.

"Whatever do you want?" She asked.

"I...I wanted to thank you." He said, "And your Clan. For letting us rest and recover, and help our sick and weakly heal."

Swanfeather faltered. "Well, it wasn't exactly my choice-but you are welcome."

They both padded to the warrior den, now more crowded than ever.

[[A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I don't exactly have a lot of time to be writing right now, but I try to whenever I can.]]
