
The date was January 16th, 2021. After Angelica and Ciel phoned 911 to take Minoru Ikeda [Yukata Len] to the hospital, they continued on their way to the train station.

Agitation: There. Hopefully there will be no more distractions. Come on.

But Ciel didn't move. Angelica walked up to her boyfriend.

Agitation: Hey. What's wrong?

Ciel: Why did Minoru get attacked?

Agitation: Maybe Haou thought he was weak. I don't know.

Ciel: He's going to be okay, right?

Agitation: I hope so.

The 2 of them walked in the train station. They saw Sky Kumar [Train Conductor Sky] talking to his girlfriend Betsy Gallagher [Train Conductor Nightingale].

Agitation: Uh, excuse me?

Train Conductor Sky: Well look who it is.

Train Conductor Nightingale: How can we help you 2?

Ciel: Do you know about Vincent's disappearance?

Train Conductor Sky: Gloria [Train Conductor Golden Sparrow] was the one that told us. And ever since then, we've been looking everywhere for him.

Agitation: Well, we know who kidnapped him.

Train Conductor Nightingale: You mean that 'module killer' guy?

Ciel: Yes.

Train Conductor Nightingale: If he hurts a single hair on Vinnie, I swear...

Agitation: Vinnie?

Train Conductor Nightingale: Yeah. That's the nickname I gave him. I don't know why, but he and Gloria have become like children to me since the first day they started working here. Even though I can't have kids of my own, I don't want anything bad to happen to either of them.

Train Conductor Sky: Aw, Betsy...

Train Conductor Rose: Hey, Betsy? Sky? Gloria has calmed down.

Agitation: Why did you need to calm her down?

Train Conductor Red Grape: She has been crying nonstop ever since Vincent disappeared.

Ciel and Angelica saw Gloria come out from a room. She had been crying.

Train Conductor Golden Sparrow: This was my fault. I should've kept a better eye on him instead of his son.

Agitation: Vincent has a kid?

Ciel: Yeah. His name is Henry.

Train Conductor Golden Sparrow: What is Haou going to do with my brother?

Agitation: I don't know, Gloria. But don't worry. We'll rescue him and all the other Lens that he kidnapped.

Train Conductor Sky: Yeah. Don't beat yourself up, Gloria.

Train Conductor Golden Sparrow: Okay.

Ciel: Do you guys want to help us save him?

Train Conductor Rose: Eh, sure.

Train Conductor Red Grape: Where were you planning on going next?

Agitation: The Cool Stones Club.

Train Conductor Sky: Oh, I haven't been there in years.

Ciel: It'll be faster if we teleport.

And so, Angelica, Ciel, and the train conductor modules teleported out of the train station.

Okay, that's done. I'm sorry I was kinda ignoring this series. But I just had other stories I wanted to write about. I hope you guys understand. Anyways, I'll see you in the next story!

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