Thank You (Next Book!)

It's over! Nooo! I'm actually quite upset about this, because writing this book was a huge difference from my other books. It was so fun writing about kingdoms ahh!

I loved reading everyone's comments to each new chapter, because honestly, some of you are funny as heck!!! All of you are lovely, and I am forever grateful <3

HOWEVER, for those who have been with me since the beginning, you should probably know that I have written all of my books one after another (no joke. I've never taken a hiatus, and it's been two years heh). I want to take a little break after I'm done with the last ongoing book I'm writing, which knowing me, will probably only be 1-2 weeks.


There is definitely, 100%, for sure going to be another Timothée Chalamet book. I'm making it right now as we speak hehe. Stay tuned, it is on it's way :)

[UPDATE] It's called KISS ME! TIMOTHEE CHALAMET ! go check it out!

also check out WHEN IN ROME | Timothee Chalamet hehe

Thank you for your kind words, lovely comments, and for sticking all the way to the end. It means the world to me, in all honesty.

I'd go to war for you all,

