Chapter two: Dreaming Nightmare.

I scan my surroundings, only to see miles of a vast void of blue. I settle on looking upwards, watching as the sun's rays force their way past the surface. It was alarming, and peaceful. I shiver, letting out a whimper of displeasure; taking notice of the temperature of my body. I imagine how warm the rays would feel hugging my skin. Though, imagining only made the cold temperature of my body worse. And, this realization results in another whimper to escape my lips.

Do to the whimper, bubbles form and race to the top of the void. I huff playfully, watching as more form.  I zone in on the largest bubble, becoming memorized by the (almost) transparent colors. Before I knew what I was doing, my hand reaches out to touch it, resulting in the bubble's demise.

I drop my hand down to my side, where I wish it had stayed. I watch as the other bubbles pop, or disappear on their way to the surface. I feel as if I've been stuck in the void for hours. I'm waiting… no, longing for something to happen.

My desire was answered, I concluded. As I watch colors of blues, pinks, and yellows surround me. I'm not sure what this group of colors may be, but I guess a school of fish. At least, it's a logical answer and that eases my mind. I watch in awe as the school of fish fly past me, their vibrant colors blurring together.

A small fish swims up to me. Once again, I reach out my hand. I was expecting the fish to swim away, to my surprise, it's unbother. I could feel the excitement rush throughout my body as the tips of my fingers gently brush against the scales of the void's creature.

I genuinely smile, which is something I haven't done in a long time.

Sadly, my genuine feeling of happiness was short lived, as the fish frantically swam away. I sigh, knowing once again I was alone. I look around, hoping that the void wouldn't leave me to float alone. Just as I was about to give up hope, something brushes against my back, then to my side, around my arms and legs.  Then, the small, unsure, touching begins to get courageous. It wraps around my waist, arms, and legs. My heart starts racing, while my breathing becomes unsteady.

I start to thrash around, hoping my sudden movement would discourage the creature.

My efforts did nothing, My life was at the mercy of the creature.

I look up to the surface of the void one last time, before I was dragged deeper into its dark depths.

I lay there, wide eyed, in utter fear. I blink a couple times. Had that just been a dream? No, that's not the right word, dreams are suppose to make you happy, not jolt you awake. No, that had been a nightmare. I would still be sleeping had it been a dream.

"That felt," I suck in a breath,"that felt real…"

I couldn't sleep the rest of the night
