Chapter 4 - Homecoming Game

Present day

Midway through the game and I start to get a bit nauseous

"Hey, I'll be quick I'm a just go to the bathroom" I tell Hailey

They're so focused on the game they barely notice me leave, but once I get down the bleachers I speed to the school bathrooms

I walk into a stall and sit down

Shit I don't feel well....

I'm in the disgusting outdoor bathrooms for the track that no one ever cleans which doesn't help

After sitting down for a while in silence I feel better and begin to walk back to the field

behind the bleachers are the bathrooms then it's just a dirt road for parking cars and the only lights nearby are the ones inside the bathroom.

It's quite a long walk to get back to the field since the nearest bleachers are empty and blocked off so I have to go all around.

As I'm walking back I feel like someone's watching form the cars but it's so dark and far away I can't see a thing

I take out my phone and turn on flash and the second I point the flash towards the cars I see an animal walk slowly behind a car only seeing the back part of its body.



Not again!? I retreat slowly once I'm far enough I run back into the bathroom slamming the door and hiding in a stall.

I was to far to run back to the field but I know I'm safe in here since the door is heavy and metal but I can't risk going out there to go to the bleachers

I realized my flash was still on and turned it off then I tried to call Hailey..... no answer

Then I tried calling Jonah... no answer

She why aren't they answering?!?!

Off in the distance i here the crowd cheering and yelling touchdown. So that's why there not answering....

Just as I'm about to call Hailey again I hear a knock on the door

What the hell?? Can wolves knock

"Hellooooooo? Can whoever's in here just open the damn door I gotta go" I hear an annoying girly voice say

Just great it's Addison.....

I should just leave her out there for the wolf to get her.... ugh I can't do that

I run to the door, open it quickly, pull her in, then shut it again

I did it all so quick I didn't realize that I threw her on the floor when pulling her inside

"UGHH WHAT THE HELL IS YOJR PROBLEM HALE" Addison says while dusting herself off as she stand up

"Oh shit I'm sorry Addison did I hurt you" I say I'm a sarcastic tone while walking back to a stall

"HALE YOU HAVE SOME NERVE, pulling me in here like a crazy person"

Right... I didn't explain

"Oh well I'm sorry I was trying to save you life, next time I won't even bother!" I yell at her

"What the hell are you talking about, saving my life? Are you delusional or something...? Cause my parents know this really good shrink if you need any help" she says while giggling

This bitch

"Is that who helped you? If so they didn't do a very good job...." I say turning around to face her

"Whatever I'm out of here I'll go somewhere else to use the bathroom" she says about to open the door

"WAIT! No im sorry I didn't mean that but you can't go out there" I say while running to the door leaning against it so she couldn't open

"And why the hell not?!"

"There's a wolf out there I'm trying to get a hold of someone to come and save us. Try your phone call wildlife or the police" I say

"God you really are crazy" she says before pushing me away from the door

"If there was a wolf out there don't you think they would've gotten me when I was coming over her"

"I guess but still you can't take the risk let's just stay till we can get someone to come and help us"

"You can stay and be a loser but Im pgoing to go out and enjoy they game and have fun" "bye Aspen" she says as she opens the door and runs out

I follow after her trying to stop her but as I'm halfway to her I stop and stare around. Was there really no wolf. I could've sworn I saw one but now there's nothing...

I continue to jog back to the field

=======After The Game=======

I say goodbye to Hailey and Tony as I hop into Jonahs car.

I've always loved Jonahs car, it's a blue 1983 Chevy truck 2WD

When we finally got to my house he pulled over and we sat a bit in silence

I see him leaning in for a kiss and I begin to to lean in also

When our lips meet its amazing, he wraps his hands around the back of my neck and while one stays there gripping harder, his other hand fall down my back then landing on my hip to pull me closer to him

I can feel him getting more into it but at that moment I begin to fall out of it when I feel like someone's watching

I push him away and begin to look around even though I know I won't see anything. God maybe I should ask Addison if I could see that shrinks or hers.

"Is everything alright Aspen" Jonah asks concerned

His words bring me back to reality and I don't feel crazy anymore

"Yah I'm fine it's just I can't do this"

"Oh... uhm... ok.... then I'll see you tomorrow?" Jonah asks

"Yah, bye" I get out of the car and before I can close the door Jonah begins to talk

"Wait uhm... A-Aspen... w-why can't you do this exactly?" He says looking at me with his adorable puppy eyes

I hope I didn't hurt his feeling by saying that.

"Look... it's just that..... I know by the end of next week your gonna be dating some new pretty girl and you two are gonna last a month or so then you'll break up and me and you, well... we'll be here again" I blurt out "I don't wanna be your second choice Jonah, I don't"

"Your not my second choice Aspen.... god how could you think that? Your my first choice and always have been.... it's just when you reject me... I get into another relationship to make you jealous...... but you never seem to really care" Jonah says

My eyes start to tear up.... Jonah is that childhood friend who you always think your gonna marry one day.

I pull him into a kiss by his collar

"Trust me I care" I say while pulling away
"I should get inside but I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course, see you tomorrow" Jonah says with the biggest smile on his face

God he's so cute

I jog inside and the second I get to the door it swings open showing my mom who has a bigger smile than Jonah

"Was that Jonah!?" She asks with so much enthusiasm

My mother loves Jonah and has always wanted me and him together since we were kids

"Yes mom it was but don't make a big deal out of it" I say pushing through her to run up the stairs


I get out of the shower and get dressed, I sit on my bed ready to do some homework

You have to end whatever you have with Jonah

Shut up

Im serious, once he gets here he'll be upset that you have a boyfriend

Who's this he you keep mentioning?


If your not even gonna answer me then I'm not gonna do a damn thing you ask

You don't wanna upset him

What the hell are you talking about!?

I'm going to bed.....

Do you really feel happy with Jonah?
Don't you feel like somethings missing?


Look who's ignoring who now....

I said I'm going to bed!

so not a lot happened this chapter but let me just say shit is going down in the next 3 episode....

I have it all planned out but im so nervous to write it😂

As im writing this it's the 21st of December but when this chapter comes out it'll be Christmas so MERRY CHRISTMAS what did you get?

Also sorry if not everyone here celebrates Christmas I don't want to offend anyone
