Why Did I Agree to This?

, turning around a man in a skull mask and pink hair was next to us in an SF90 Stardale. The man had his window down and his hand was hanging out the open window. "You don't have to be an asshole to everyone just because you think you're better than them. Take notes because this will get you further in life."

    He let out a little laugh, "Dream who is this woman and I don't like her, she has too much confidence. She almost reminds me of Tommy." He opened his car door and Dream takes a few steps closer to the pink-haired man.

    "I really don't know she just kinda showed up fought and beat Sapnap, then you showed up and she's talking shit to you," he sounded so cocky while saying that sentence. Why do all of these men have to be such assholes?

    The man continued to walk forward over to me then to Wilbur's unconscious body. "Is he alive?" that was a really funny answer mostly because of his voice. Now was not the time to laugh because this was supposed to be a serious matter. No one answered. "Tommy please tell me if my beloved brother is alive, I really don't want to tell him will is dead," the sarcasm was dripping from his voice.

    His badass vibe kinda changed to a sad college student just wanting to go home, and from what he has said I think I'm pretty spot on. "Sapnap, I believe his name is, punched Will a single time then he fell," someone had to speak up and it just so happened to be me.

    The man scoffed a little then Tommy spoke, "Techno please tell Dream to stop being such a dickhead, since you are my brother." It didn't sound like this Techno man was on our side, from the beginning he repeatedly said that he was on Dream's side. Personally, I don't think he's going to do anything.

    "No," his voice went extra monotone and sounded like he didn't care at all, come on man he is your brother. Tommy just deadpanned at him and Techno, I think, stared right back. Dream just started to giggle again, and both Tommy and Tubbo looked pissed.

Dream pulled down his mask to under his chin and he started to yell, "See Tommy no one is on your side just give up the last stupid music disk, and we all can be friends. Then we can all do our little competitions for fun instead of you and Tubbo almost risking your lives trying to beat me. News flash you aren't going to win." Everyone just looked up at the green hooded man, but no one commented.

Tommy's eyes started to gloss over a little and his energetic aura was gone and was replaced with dread and worry. Techno just stood there next to Dream. Tubbo was silent. Wilbur knocked out on the floor. Niki and George were just standing next to each other, fighting over. No one was going to do anything, they just let him take the brutal insults. "What the hell is wrong with you?!," I yelled while getting all up close to him, "You stole HIS goddamn discs, they weren't yours. Then you have the AUDACITY to put him down like that? You are making one of his goddamn brothers work against him. How old are you, 22? 23? You are bullying an 18-year-old, how does that make you feel?  I don't want to hear your fucking excuse to be such a bitch to everyone. If you have any more shit to say to Tommy, you're going to say it to me prick." The second I was close enough to him I threw my palm straight across his face. The second my hand hit his stinging and tingles I felt all around my hand. A gasp could be heard from all around us. He made a mistake pulling down the mask, on his cheek was a giant red splotch in the form of a hand. I look him straight in the eyes and he looks straight into mine, he looks... unfazed.

"Take that ya green son of a bitch," a certain blonde yelled, a little ya was heard behind him.  "Dream let's settle this, you me race. You don't even have to put the disc on the line, all I want is respect." For the few days I've known Tommy, this is the most mature thing that he has ever done. If this race does commence and he loses, he would have even more respect from me than before. Tommy had pushed me back a little so he could get in front of Dream to emphasize his deal.

A little singsong "hmm" came out of his mouth. "You know what Tommy? I will take your deal, under one condition. We are not racing each other, choose your racer because they are going against your brother, Technoblade."

3rd person POV:

Tommy's mind had started racing a million miles per hour, Wilbur wouldn't dare to race Techno (and he's passed out), Tubbo is not allowed to race, Niki's car is nowhere near racing ready, and Ranboo is currently having a panic attack in his car. Who the hell knows where Karl, Big Q, Eret, etc. is at, and everyone else there was on Dream's side. Why is no one here tonight? He was backed into a corner. Dream kept his mysterious aura and he and his gang left the group.

"You've got 30."

Everyone was staring at Tommy as he weighed out his decisions, then it clicked. His eyes lit up and came over to you and put his hands on your shoulders. "Y/n... I know you don't race anymore-"

"Tommy no"

"But I really need you no one else can-"

"No, I told you I'm not racing"

"Please listen Y/-"

"Tommy I'm out of the racing game I haven't done it for months and you want to win, I'm the wrong person," your voice went from almost annoyed at the beginning to a sad depressing tone. You were his last hope.

Tommy let out a heavy sigh and looks back up at you, "I respect your decision." Looked down at the floor no one saying a single word. Ranboo came out of his car almost looking a little shaky and he just continued the silence everyone was pursuing. Tommy just took a glance at Ranboo and Tubbo with a little bit of guilt resting upon his chest. Not just from pushing you, but from making everyone else fight his battles. Wilbur is passed out on the floor right now because of him. No one has even checked if he was ok yet.

Everyone was just in silence staring at one another until Niki grabbed a backpack next to her car and laid Will's head on top of it. After that simple act, everything was back to silence. Tommy was basically dying at this point wanting to voice his opinions, but he suppressed the urges and continued to stand in dead silence. The only thing keeping us sane is the simple sounds of the city.





The minutes kept ticking down,  everyone's breathes started to hitch.  Tommy's lucky-go energetic expression was replaced with dread in his blue eyes. Tubbo walked in between all of us and spoke, "Tommy... we can't win this one, we've got little less than 3 minutes left and we don't have anything we can do. We should just admit defeat"

"Tubbo, I know you're right, but let's see how this plays out and hope for the best," the blonde put his hand on the shoulder of the brunette, and they just looked at each other. They almost looked as if they could read each others minds. Honestly, you were almost convinced they were.

Tubbo was about to continue the conversation until the dream team (excluding Bad), Techno, and Punz all showed up out of nowhere. "So Tommy, it doesn't look like you're, ready what happened man? You looked so hyped and ready for anything, now you just look sad. Who's gonna be your racer? Wait let me guess you're scared, you're scared every single ounce of respect any has left for you will be gone." This whole goddamn speak had gotten on your nerve. This man doesn't know when to shut the fuck up, maybe a slap wasn't enough. Maybe a kick to the balls will do him better.

It was impossible to tell if he was about to erupt into flames or cripple into a little ball and cry. "Dream I-," Tommy started, he couldn't give up now. He was so passionate, come on Tommy you've got this. He just dipped his down in sorrow.

The hooded man started to giggle just a wee little bit, you couldn't even hear it if you weren't intently listening. "Tommy, give up. You're too late," he said to all of us.

"I'm his racer," your voice rang. Everyone's heads turn to you, Tommy's face was pure joy. His eyes lit up and he flashed the brightest smile. Sapnap and the man with the big white and black glasses had their mouths wide open. The two of them and Techno look back at Dream.

"Oh is that so," the green man stated in an oh-so mysterious tone. He did a small little wave back to the three and they all leave. "You've got five, Niki get ready." He then walked away.

It was you, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Wilbur's unconscious body all of you looking at each other in shock, "THANK YOU SO MUCH Y/N YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO ME THANK YOU SO MUCH." All of them started jumping up and down, their voices were a mixture of YOOOOOOOOO's and POGCHAMP's.

Your breath hitched you realized the real impact that your choice is going to make. Intrusive thoughts flood your mind of what could happen to you, theoretically, you can ruin a brothers relationship (Which was already quite shaky), you already saw that the fights get physical which could mean bad news for you. The possibilities are endless. That's something that worries you, what if everything goes back to how they were? Where someone died for losing a petty little race, that's something that you couldn't live with happening again.

First-person POV

The three boys calmed down and the first one to speak up was Ranboo, " So as you may know you are going up Technoblade, The Technoblade. He plays dangerous. The even scarier part is that he's good at it. If he tries to pull something on you just keep on driving, it's for the greater good." Honestly, Ranboo's voice sounds a little worried. Two questions were racing around my mind, how good is this Techno, and will I be ok?

"Oh god, oh god," my voice was in a hush, was it hot out here, or is it just me? My chest was hurting a little, as if I wasn't getting enough air in my lungs. The three of them were quick to react.

    "Woah Woah calm down Y/n, calm down. You will do just fine," Tubbo's voice spoke out. I started to shake my head in disagreement, it's not going to be ok. The facts are indisputable if I win, there's gonna be a problem. If I lose, there is going to be a problem. If I didn't say anything, there is still going to be a problem.

    "Y/n listen to me, you already did so much for saying you will race for me. No one else could've done that. Hell none of us had the balls to slap that green son of a bitch. You fought Sapnap in the first minute of meeting him. We've known each other for not even three days yet and look at the stuff you've done, I don't even care if you win. You've done enough," Tommy sounded calm and collected. Everything slowed down. Tommy was calm, Ranboo's anxiety gone, and Tubbo's panic for his best friend gone.

    "Let's kick this green bastard's ass," the calm aura lasted only a few seconds until everyone was jumping up and down, everyone hyping each other up. All four of us were hyping each other up even though I'm gonna be racing. My legs were bouncing up down as we all jumped in sync but something was off. Who was behind me?

"What are we celebrating?" Wilbur yelled in an oh-so-excited voice, he almost sounded... drunk? How was that even possible? He was knocked out for over half an hour and wasn't drunk before.

We all looked at each other as confused as ever. He woke up, sounds drunk, and is celebrating like nothing happened. Wilbur started to become a little wobbly so both Tommy and Ranboo run to his sides to keep him steady. "Tommy he might have a concussion," Tubbo whispered loudly. "Or drunk."

"Tom you're a prick. Ranboo I'm jealous that you're taller than me. Tubbo-," before he could finish his sentence he burst into tears, "I accidentally killed a bee please kill me, kill me Tubbo." Was he hit that hard or was he taking shot after shot for the little time he was away earlier? He shakes the other boys off of his shoulders and model walks up to me, all of us are just watching contently. "You see this shirt y/n? Boyfriend material," he sounded as if he deepened his voice when he said this bold statement. I just roll my eyes and grab onto his shoulder, hoping to get him to a chair or back to his car to sit down. Tommy just let out a little nervous laugh before coming to his other side and doing the same.

"Let's go sit down Will, also did you drink at all today? It would be amazing if you told me," sweet-talking would probably get info out of him right? If not then Tom can just yell at him for long enough to get him to say what happened.

"I will only answer you if you answer me, do you like guitar-playing men?" before I could even get out an answer he pulled out from both me and Tommy's grip again then ran to his car, just to grab his guitar sitting next to it. "Welcome to Wilbur Soot's um... concert ya that's the word. Today I, Wilbur Soot, will be playing my hit song I'm In Love With an E-Girl, but a parody."

Tommy was talking to Ranboo telling him to keep an eye on Wilbur so he can help you get ready with the littlest of time left. Tommy ran back over to me and started speed walking and talking to you, "Ok so your car is ready for a race correct?" Tommy continued talking but instead of listening to him, you keep on getting glimpses of Wilbur loudly singing and Ranboo trying to calm him down. Some word I could hear was "In love with a, in love with a, with racer girl." The rest was drowned out with Tommy yelling, "Take the map goddamnit"

You grab the map from Tommy's hand and it was just a lap around the center of town and back. "Tom calm down I've got this no need to worry" Fake it till you make it is what I've always been told.

Tommy opened his mouth to say something until he was interrupted, "Come on we are starting now, or it's an instant forfeit." Ah, the man whose ass I kicked earlier. "Either way you're going to lose, you just got lucky earlier when you won against me. I call bs on the fight," he was too salty even though he threw the first punch and put Wilbur into this insane state.

"We are making our way over now you prick and I don't want to hear shit from you. Go over there and look at Wilbur you did that," Tommy accused him even though we don't even know if he was actually drunk or if he has a concussion or something. Still got his point across to Sapnap though. "And if you have any shit to say to her cause she beat your ass your also going to have to say it to me."

We both walked away from the boy in unison over to my car. "Thanks, Tommy, I'm going to try my hardest for you," after that, he deserves respect from everyone. No matter how childish he might be, that shouldn't cloud your vision of who is respectable.

You are both standing next to your car and he opens the door for you, "I should be thanking you, see you at the finish line." He walked off going to tell everyone else while you hop into the car and closed the door behind me. I reach into my pocket to grab the keys and the second the metal hits my skin there was no going back. This is happening and this is happening now. The metal end of the key is in the ignition and the car roared awake with a single turn. I put the car into drive and follow Tommy's little hand signals he's giving me while telling the others it was time. There was a little side road that Techno's Stardale was going down so the only logical thing to do is follow it, which I did.

We were going maybe 10 MPH down a dark, little wet, road. As soon as Techno's car got out of the way there was an open area with chain walls as if you were at a baseball field. Past the walls were some brick buildings spray-painted with names, somewhere Las Nevada's Casino or Wilbur's Mule Bit shop. I'm not even going to question the second one. On the concrete, it was very messily painted checkered in the wide road. The road could hold four cars side to side, and at the end, it goes to a one-lane road and cuts into a little side road that leads to the main road. Tommy gave me a map to follow, which was simple enough to memorize. Dalio street, Main Street, Hamilton Road, Lincoln Bridge Road, then the final rode was just through the very beginning entrance.

A couple of deep breathes and I was ready to shake the other person's hand and start the race. The second the door opened I could see two different groups split up Dream and his boys, then Tommy and everyone else on our side. Except for Niki since when she is on flag girl duty/reffery she had to remain neutral. Taking slow steps towards your group you notice Niki send a little smile your way. Everyones head perks up when they hear you coming their way.

"Y/n I'm so sorry for anything that I may have said or done I was not in the right mind. I don't even know what happened." Wilbur apologized in a sincere tone. There was a small red mark on his face like there was on Dream's. I bring up my hand and point to my cheek. He realizes what you are referencing and lets out a little sigh, "Tubbo slapped me and it put me back in my senses."

"Ah ok, ok. Wish me luck, even though I won't need it," confidence is key, it's better than living in fear.

"Where did this confidence come from?" Ranboo asked, "Wait that sounded rude um how did I words this, actually I'll just stop talking." Ranboo made everyone let out their last little giggles they had and made them feel a little better. Especially me, I needed that.

"Fake it till you make it."

"Racers meet, Tubbo set up the cars" Niki yelled out so that both parties could hear. Oh yeah, Ranboo was telling me about the recording process, so Tubbp is in charge of that eh? Tubbo started setting up the devices on the cars and I could only see a little before I started walking up to Niki. Everyone went silent and your footsteps were the only thing heard. Techno had gotten out of his car and stood next to Niki. Beating you to her by a measly 5 seconds.

The second you were in front of them you could feel everyone's eyes burning through you. You hesitantly held out a hand and the man in front of you took it without hesitance. "Good luck," my voice cheerfully rang out, this may be a feud for them but it's just a race between me and Techno.

"Good luck, Y/n," he said right before turning his back to you. I turn back to my car and open the door. Giving a last glance back everyone was giving thumbs up and is nodding their heads. Tubbo was back over there so quickly it was hard to even notice he was gone.

You both got into your already running cars and close the doors. I sneak a little glance to my competitor, and he sends one right back. The mask made it hard to see his facial expressions, but he was radiation confident, and he knew this. When competing against someone confidence is key. Niki walked forward, back to us, until she stood on top of a single red circle in the middle of the road.

I felt my right-hand grab the hand gear and my left one on the steering wheel. One of my feet was on top of the gas and one of them was on top of the breaks. Seatbelt buckled. Dash mirror fixed to face directly behind me. Side mirror faced perfectly in the correct direction.

Niki stood with a green flag. She turned to face us, took a look in both of our eyes before yelling,





I will not give up on finding the fanfiction I was looking for

Also I'm gonna shout out my 1% over 45 crowd lol

I really hope that a 45 year old isn't reading this

