Infodump #1: Cutlass-9 Patrol Fighter "Niner"

Niner is currently owned by Dev Loka.

The Cutlass-9's original production by the SoroSuub Corporation took place before the clone wars, however, production continued until the era of the New Republic. During the original production run, the fighters were intended only as defensive ships for the assets of SoroSuub, however, the fighters eventually made their way to defense forces, pirates, and the Rebel Alliance.

 is armed with two medium laser cannons and a concussion missile launcher. Originally capable of carrying 8 concussion missiles, it was modified to hold only four in exchange for added cargo room, but Dev usually only has the budget to buy one to two, when spending money is on hand. Some of Niner's parts were salvaged for other ships, causing it's replacement Navicomputer to calculate and relay data slower than a base model would be capable of. It often is prone to malfunctioning or causing delays in hyperspace jumps, and in the past has routed past Dev's planned destination.

Due to Dev's odd lifestyle, the cargo hold capable of holding approximately 150kg/330lbs is usually used for clothing, tools, spare parts, and several weeks of life support/food/water rations. Around 90kg/200lbs are usually left for mission payloads or special cargo.

Niner is capable of accelerating to ~750kph or 466mph in atmospheric flight, which is below baseline specs for its line due to salvage and replacement done to its engine systems and atmospheric-friction shield systems. This is usually slower than most fighters within the atmosphere, and when forced to fight in the air, Dev usually tries to go for slower targets or to outmaneuver his foes.

The shielding has been enhanced at the cost of some storage space, speed, and a bit of power to other systems such as the hyperdrive or computational systems. This exchange took place because the previous owner used Niner as more of a personal transport, and was not adept at dogfighting.

Dev obtained Niner from a mechanical yard in the mid rim. Taking out a loan, he purchased the ship to follow his aspirations of becoming a well-known pilot, but quickly became swamped by the amount of money he would need to make to pay it off. Searching for quick cash, he came upon Hith Karreli, a Bothan with a rather spotty reputation. Skeptical at first, once he completed several jobs for Hith in his new ship, Dev would choose to continue after seeing a substantial dent in his debt.

Niner's interior is fairly cluttered and lived in, colored a dark brown. The controls are well kept, and many parts are obviously replaced, being several different colors compared to the overall console. Dev has strung up a makeshift "Privacy Shield" consisting of a suspended length of cloth to block light or keep the cockpit interior hidden. This is often used when he needs to sleep and no rooms are available or when valuables are kept within the cockpit. Dev makes sure to maintain as many parts of his fighter as possible, as a malfunction in flight can easily end in disaster, a lesson his uncle taught him at a very young age. 

-Hello again! This is an "Infodump" chapter. These will be placed when needed or useful between or at the bottom of story chapters and provide you with history, statistics, or other data assembled into one text entry. 

A lot of info can be gathered through reading, but especially with technology or finer descriptions, these may be helpful to enhance your reading experience, as well as keep my desire to overexplain smaller details out of the main chapters. 

As always, if you have suggestions, questions, criticisms, or just feel like chatting, let me know!  

Image by Francis Tsai, sourced from Starships of the Galaxy, Saga Edition.
