
Chapter 5:

It has been a couple hours since Harry and Louis have been gone.

In those two hours, I might have developed a small crush on a 17 year old Louis Tomlinson.

He was so cool.

He had lots of mates at school, a girlfriend, popular even with the teachers, a huge loving family and to add to all that he was absolutely beautiful.

So really no one can blame me for liking him.

Of course he wouldn't feel the same, I knew that. His girlfriend was probably gorgeous, what would he want with some normal lad like myself?

As he was telling me about his football team, Louis and Harry walked through the door.

Harry had changed out of his suit, now wearing a huge sweater and some sweatpants.

"Louis, young Harold, sorry for the delay. The older Harold here was interrupted by some fans while we were making our way here, and I had to hide back in the room." The older Louis explained.

Why did he have to hide?

As Louis next to me read my thoughts, he asked:" Why did you hide?"

The couple sighed at the same time, and Harry said:" we'll explain everything later. Now it's almost midnight we need to go to the hotel. You're in luck, we're staying here for a week before we move to the next city. So no tour bus."

We both nodded and Louis continued:"Now I doubt anyone is gonna recognise you as the younger us. But as a precaution you need to wear these hats and glasses so the fans think you're crew members." and he handed us identical sunglasses and green hats.

"Me and Lou have to wear them too. So we don't get followed to the hotel by fans." Harry added and he and Louis wore blue hats and two different sunglasses.

"Now follow us immediately. No one-not even my manager-knows what is going on. So you will be going with us secretly until we can probably talk" Harry said and held Louis' hand.

Then he opened the door and make a signal so we followed behind closely.

We went on the same path as when we were following Louis earlier, but instead of taking a right towards the stage, we made a left towards a back door which led to the parking lot.

"Here these are our tour bus, which are staying here till we leave again. My band has already gone to a different hotel I'll be going to, so fans think I'm with them and don't suspect me anywhere else. C'mon here's my car." Harry told us and then led us to his range rover.

A range rover. I owned a range rover. A huge black range rover.

We got in-me and the younger Louis in the back-and then he drove us off.

The drive was calm, well Louis decided to turn on the radio and then he told harry:"Hey that's Nialler's new song, I'm gonna text him"

Nialler? Was he another friend?

"No Lou you can't text him he has interviews all afternoon. Remember he told us two days ago. Plus it's album release week you know how busy he is." Harry retorted and then made a stop.

"We're here c'mon let me check us in." Harry finished and we all got out of the car.

We stood in front of a huge hotel, but surprisingly a very quiet one.

"Ah Mr Styles, Mr Tomlinson, it's always a pleasure to have you both here. I have already prepared the suite." A 40 ish blond haired man greeted and shook their hands as we entered the hotel.

"Thank you very much for welcoming us, and for the ultimate privacy you've always provided us Mr Sean. We have one request this week, if it's not much. Two friends of mine and Harry's are staying with us but this is highly secretive and no one-not even Jeff-can know." Louis said gently as he gave the man a small smile.

The man-Mr Sean- looked at us curiously then smiled and looked at the older us.

"But of course. Don't worry their stay here will stay a secret. Do you require two additionals rooms?"

"No the suite already has five guest rooms which will be more than enough. I again thank you endlessly for your hospitality and hope we can meet up for a cup of tea later this week." Harry thanked the man, once again offering his hand in a shake.

"yes yes of course Mr Styles, that would be a pleasure. Now I'm sure you are exhausted from your latest concert and require rest. Your luggage has already been sent to your suite. Here are two keys and have a good night." The man said and left.

Then we followed Louis and Harry to the elevator and we were brought to the final floor.

"Here we are. Hazza and I stay here every time we time we're on tour and in London. We can't go to our usual homes because our fans and the paps would be waiting there, and we can't be seen." Louis started walking into the huge suite.

"There are six bedrooms. Mine and Haz' is the master bedroom. Then there are five normal bedrooms, you can choose whichever you like. There is a kitchen, a living room, two bathrooms and a balcony." He continued.

"I'm sorry but can you explain now what you mean by you can't be seen together please." Louis exclaimed from next to me and they both sighed.

"You deserve to know so yes we'll tell you. But this is gonna be a long story. So let's sit down."
