

The sound of the door opening made Earth tear his eyes of too many papers on his desk. Being student council president was never easy but it is more hard and annoying when the school careless students or to say a specific student barges into the room without knocking, that too when he has been doing it for past week.

"Today you are late."

Earth states, as the student always come here before an hour or so but the other was still silent.

"Fluke left so I guess you don't have anything more to do here, kindly you can leave."

Earth didn't wanted to waste anymore time on this not so important student, as he already has too many complaints about him but too good academics to say anything. Since he is usually here from past week he would sit with the Vice President Fluke and God knows what they do as Earth never cared to notice. The other was silent for few moments before saying something which left Earth confused and shocked.

"Umm... I'm here for you."

"Me? What can I help you with Mr. Noppakao?"



"Just call me Kao!"

"Yes. So is there anything you need from me. Mr. Kao?"

Kao was now fighting his urge to roll his eyes. But after taking a deep breath, he managed to answer the Student Council President.

"I wanna walk you home."



Earth was really frustrated now. He just wanted to sort out this papers so he can have some spare time tomorrow, but the person in front of him is making everything so hard and complicated.

"I mean, why would you walk me home Mr. Kao?"

This time Kao didn't even fight back and rolled his eyes. But he was also kinda frustrated at how dense Earth is.

"Hmm because I want to."

"And why do you want to?"

Earth asked blank faced, already going back to his work and classifying the papers.

"Ahh!! The school's smartest! The Student Council President! You really can be dumb!"

Kao said, frustratingly sighing. And Earth was also so frustrated as his papers are more messed up now and Kao calling him dumb.

"Can you just be straightforward! Did you do something? Should I sign on some apology or something? What do you want?"

Kao was beyond shocked at how Earth thought he is approaching him to get away from something, doesn't he know that Kao Noppakao was actually the future heir of 'Celio' one of the biggest companies of the country, and he can literally get away with everything. Taking a moment and trying to calm himself down.

"Ahh! It's so hard!!"

Now Earth was so close to lose his patience when suddenly Kao said or to say shouted something.


To say Earth was shocked, was really an understatement. Earth didn't know what he was feeling but he is sure that his cheeks are now red, with the tip of his ears too. He was looking at Kao who was looking at him in total seriousness. Both of them looking at each other, failed to notice when those shocked eyes became too soft. Taking a deep breath, trying not to blush anymore, breaking the eye contact, pretending to file the papers again, Earth made his mind.

"And why should I go on a date with you Kao?"

Kao was now smiling so wide seeing Earth blushing and pretending to work, when he is just messing up the papers more, and also at last said his name without Mr. So already being focused on all little things Earth was doing he didn't miss Earth question. This time Kao didn't even think.

"Because I Like You."

And the other was totally silent, trying so hard not to blush and also failed to fight the smile spreading on his face. Suddenly getting up, he literally left all the paper mess on his table as it is and taking his bag he was walking out.

Kao was standing there silently, his heart hurting the moment Earth went past him, with his bag on. Kao couldn't move, too many things on his mind. The first time he saw Earth when he came to The Council, him smiling at something his friends said, that angelic smile never fails to make Kao weak. When Earth came to his football game albiet of not cheering for him, but at least his team Kao never missed to see the happiness on his face when ever he goals. When Earth got soaked in rain because he gave his umbrella to the kids who were soaking. When for the first time Earth introduced himself to Kao with the same angelic smile. If you ask him why and what about Earth does he like? Kao would say he don't know, because he really never cared as from who knows when Kao suddenly finding the Student Council President too handsome, too cute, wanting to smile with him, be to the reason for his smile, to protect him, to hug him and keep him safe Kao admited everything which is why suddenly after a long time he felt too nervous to say something in front of someone, but still mustered up the courage and confessed. Only to have an wordless rejection?

"Aren't you gonna come? How long are you gonna stand there?"


"Aren't you gonna walk me home?"

Earth said clearly annoyed but totally blushing.
Now it was Kao turn to be totally stunned and Earth bets he saw the cold, aloof and not-caring-about-anything, who almost everyone fears, always coming to class late but never afraid of professor, Mr. Kao Noppakao was blushing!
But he recovered soon, smiling too hard Kao rushed towards Earth.

After that day, both went on a beautiful date and enjoyed a lot. Kao would daily wait for Earth to walk him home, also go on weekend dates. Getting to know about each other, now the other's smile was enough to make them happy.


"Are you out of you mind?"

"What the hell Earth?"


The shouts erupted from the Student Council, As soon as Earth said just a sentence these were the reaction of his friends.

"I'm dating Kao."

Earth already expected them to be more than suprised, but couldn't help but feel sad as he saw his friends were watching him in disbelief.

"Kao as in Kao Noppakao?"

"Hmm" Earth answered in a small voice, with evident pout on his face.

"Like the guy who rarely attends classes?"

"The one who once fought in front of whole academy?"

"The one who once raised voice on professor?"

"The one who never cared about academics?"

Earth was opening and closing his mouth, wanting to answer but the other two Friends having a total different plan went on speaking about the flaws as in what they think are flaws of Kao. But nothing really affected Earth as he already knows both sides of story and it's also past. But he is totally thankful for his other friend to speak before him.

"He never did. But his academics aren't that bad!"

Prem stated, as it's totally true. And Earth was nodding so hard New was kind of worried, if maybe his head would will fall off.

"Thank you." Earth whispered to Fluke as he was helping Earth.

"Guys stop fighting, I think we should listen to both sides." New said.

So the other four in the room divided two each side, Earth and Fluke on one side, with Prem and Perth on the other.

"Okay, now both sides should listen to each other."

"Fluke didn't you say you don't like him!" Perth said, angry about how Fluke is with Earth.

"I did say that, but not really thought. I like it when he comes to class late and don't give a shit about professor, making a boring class kinda fun."

"See he doesn't even attend classes, I'm sure he cheats during exam! Which is why is academics are good."

"No! He doesn't!" Earth said raising his voice, which made his friends kinda shocked.

"Yes. He doesn't cheat. He is my class, I can give you word he never cheats." Fluke said, a hand on Earth's shoulder telling him to calm down.

"He is a troublemaker! He went beating people!" Prem said.

"Even Boun did in middle school! Aren't you his boyfriend now!" Earth said, totally done with his friends.

Lowering his head, Prem muttered "As long as you are happy."


And all of them hugged, saying they would beat the shit out of Kao if he hurts their baby Earth.

"I know you were on Earth's side, only because Kao bestfriend is you long time crush Ohm." Prem said teasing Fluke, who was trying to hide the blush, glaring at Prem. And all of them busted in to laughter.

"Earth! Kao is waiting for you outside!" Sammy shouted, making all of them turn towards her. Winking at Earth she left.

"Bye!" Earth shouted and left taking his bag, before his friends tease or say something more, trying hard not to smile to much and failing not to blush.

"I'm sorry! Did you wait too long?" Earth said as soon he met Kao waiting outside.

"Hmm." Koa reply, taking Earth's bag to carry.

"Ahh! Sorry na!" But no reply from the later, so Earth clinged onto Kao's arm repeating sorry.

And suddenly he was turned around and pinned against the balcony wall, trapping Earth between his arms. Looking up at Kao eyes, Earth was really confused.

"You want me to forgive you be late, right?"

Listening to Kao's question Earth was half sure he wasn't angry, but still he didn't like the silent treatment he got till now so he nodded. Which made Kao smirk in victory.

"Be my boyfriend."


Once again Kao made Earth too shocked to say something. Earth was sure Kao could clearly here his so fast beating heart. The dates they went, the time they spent together, Earth liked Kao more and more as time passed by, so he was already ready with his answer but he didn't expect the question like this. Out of nowhere.

Kao was smiling seeing, Earth hiding his blush by only looking at his shoes. So he slowly lifted Earth's chin so he can look how cute and adorable he was. There were too close now, Kao's arms now supporting Earth's back as that was not a full wall. Earth looking into Kao eyes was once again getting lost in them, just like he would everytime he looks into them. And suddenly he started beating Kao's chest and hugged him pulling him close.

"At least propose properly!" Earth said muffled as he was hiding his blushing face in Kao's chest.

Kao hugged him back, holding him tight.

"So..?" Kao asked, when Earth broke the hug.

"Of course Yes! You idiot!" Earth said again blushing, and beating Kao's arms.

"Ohhh!!!" "Woah!!" All Earth friends shouted teasing them, which made Earth hide himself in Kao's chest again. They have to leave from the same way, so of course everyone saw everything which made Earth feel so stupid, so he was just beating Kao's arms calling him stupid while, Kao was smiling too much to care about anyone.

"Let's have a dinner in celebration of the Student Council President is taken!" New shouted.

"Yes! Kao you can bring your friends too! The more the merrier!" Fluke said too excited.

"Just say you want to meet Ohm!" Prem said teasing Fluke again.

And all of them were again laughing, while Fluke was chasing, trying to beat Prem who was running away.

-The End-
(Unedited πŸ˜…)


Important!! I wouldn't say this is my own idea!! As I read a prompt about it somewhere!! Hope you all enjoyed this!!

Thank youuu SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for reading πŸ’•πŸ’•β€β€πŸ’“πŸ’“

Also KaoEarth fluff!! Not as good as I expected but I tried!!

Hope it didn't disappoint anyone!!


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