It took Thomas another week to think about what Frypan said. Then another couple of days to realize that he was right. Thomas should be helping out. At this point, it had been almost six weeks into Newt's coma. Everything in his body was constantly screaming at him. He knew he should sleep in a proper bed, but he couldn't leave Newt. Not when the medics weren't around. Not when he could wake up at any moment.

He brainstormed some things he could do while still being around Newt. The only real way to do that was to become a medic. He'd already tried asking them, though. They said that he needed to be healthier to do it. Thomas argued that he was healthy, but they said they were talking about mental health. That was when he'd stopped trying.

Minho and a few former runners would go on scouting missions to look for things that could be useful. The trips had been proving worthy, but sometimes they would go out for days at a time. He wouldn't go on those trips. Thomas wanted to go on their runs but the group had been gone for two days now, and no one ever knew exactly when they would return.

Thomas decided to start working on his mental health. He had to get over this. Newt would wake up eventually. Newt. He groaned at himself. He'll wake up, you shank. For some odd reason, insulting himself helped to distract him. He bit his tongue and forced himself to pay attention to the world around him. Newt still rang in the back of his mind, his image ever-present.

The first thing he noticed was that people weren't purposely avoiding him. At least, not anymore. Everyone simply had a place to be and a job to do. Thomas didn't realize that there was so much to be done around the Safe Haven. There were so many people working on building actual cabins. Gally was in charge of that area, but that wasn't what surprised him about the boy. What did was how he got more irritable when the runners went on their trips. When Frypan approached him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, Thomas realized that Gally was worried. About the runners? He hadn't seemed worried back in the Maze. But he was always irritable then. Thomas found himself wanting to figure this out. The ringing seemed a bit quieter.

His mind felt clearer as he went to the 'dining hall.' His plate was there waiting for him as always - a simple, breakfast sandwich. Thomas noticed that he was there last; another thing he hadn't been aware of before. Frypan was behind the counter and Thomas sat down quickly.

Fry gave him a weird look, "Are you feeling okay today, Thomas?"

The boy in question swallowed a large bite, "Mhm. When is Minho coming back?"

Fry pursed his lips, "I think he said the trip was going to be about four days." Two more days then. He furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you sure you're good? You barely ever talk anymore." Fry bit his bottom lip as if he hadn't meant to say that. Hm.

"I thought about what you said a while ago - that I should be helping out," Thomas began. "I think it'll help me get my mind off him." Newt. Just saying that got his mind back in a whirl. He did his fours to calm down. He's gonna be okay. He'll be okay. He's okay.

"You want to join the runners again?" Thomas knew that Frypan would figure it out. But that wasn't why he was here.

Thomas nodded, "Yeah, it'll be something to focus on." He took another bite, "How's construction going?"

Fry smiled, "Pretty good, I think. Some of them are pretty stressed out, though."

Thomas hummed, "Like who?"

He received another look, "Mostly Gally and a few others who are in charge."

Swallowing, Thomas responded, "'Cause of building troubles? Or something else?"

"They have their different worries. Why do you ask?"

"You know me, Fry. Always curious." He cracked a smile, that certainly wasn't a lie. Thomas knew he pressured many of them with questions back in the Maze.

Fry chuckled, "It's good to see you doing better, Thomas. If you don't mind me asking, how's Newt?"

Thomas clenched his jaw. Newt. "He's... still alive. Still sleeping." He fought the bile rising in his throat. Thomas set his sandwich down and studied the table, please just wake up.

He felt a gentle hand rest on his shoulder, "I'm sorry for asking. He'll be okay, Thomas. Don't worry." 4 in, hold, 4 out, hold. Thomas began to understand why people almost always went to Frypan for comfort. He gave Thomas a soft squeeze of the shoulder and released his grip. "You know, Thomas, I tore myself up after what happened to Winston," Thomas furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at Frypan. Why didn't he tell us? "We were pretty close before we left the Maze. I never told anyone because I didn't want to create any more problems. But I've taken it to myself to actually talk about it." The sad smile on his face made Thomas feel like his insides were being ripped to shreds.

"I'm sorry," was all his pathetic voice could manage. "You can talk to me if you need to."
Frypan shook his head, "That's alright. Now's not the best time. I usually talk to Gally anyway."
He gave Fry a small nod, "You said he was stressed, right? How come?"

Frypan seemed relieved that the conversation took another turn, "Similar reasons to when we lived in the Glade. Now it's excessive - I mean, he is in charge of a whole lot more. I know he really loved the Glade, but this place isn't much different. At least we don't have to worry about Grievers, right? That's what I keep telling him. But there's other stuff too-" he tapped the counter, "- not stuff that I think I'm allowed to share." Thomas washed down his last bite and gave Frypan an expectant look. The boy in question threw him a playful eye roll, "If you're so curious, ask him yourself."

Thomas made a face, "We both know he wouldn't tell me anything."

Fry laughed, "Maybe there's a reason for that." He grabbed Thomas' plate and went over to set it in a makeshift sink.

"I should probably help them out in construction..." He groaned. Thomas knew it would be good for him, but hauling logs around was one of the last things he wanted to do.

"Yeah," Fry came out from behind the counter, "I'm headed there now, let's go."

Thomas tried his best not to think about Newt on their way over. Frypan droned on about something he was making for dinner that night, and Thomas really didn't care. He felt guilty about that, but he couldn't bring himself to pay attention. Especially not when the blonde boy's coma condition made every muscle in Thomas' body itch to check on him. They passed the medical area and it took every last crumb of willpower in Thomas' body not to run over to Newt's room. They would tell you, He reassured himself. They would tell you if he woke up.

How was it? —>

Errors? Let me know where you find them!

Suggestions? —>

Stay perfect everyone <3
